11/11/07 20:40:06.50
>>5 の続き (2/3)
Gs Glenscoma
JIS ジャパンインポートシステム
JM James Macarthur & Co.Ltd.
JWWW Jack Wieber's Whisky World
JY John Milroy
KB Kingsbury
KW krugers whiskygalerie
LG Liquid Gold Enterprises
LS Liquid Sun
MC Michel Couvreur
McC Mackillop's Choice
McG Douglas Mcgibbon & Co.Ltd.
MI Moon Import
MM Murray Mcdavid Ltd.
Mg Montgomerie Co.Ltd.
MoM The Master of Malt
MoS Malts of Scotland
OB Official Bottling (オフィシャル)
PB PrivateBottle (ex.Prestonfield Hotel, Edoardo Giaccone, ...)
(3/3 へ続く)