11/01/13 21:54:53 bPfbX12b
In the midst of a grove was a fruit tree that bore a small egg, most precious, in which, as in a jewel, nature concealed her highest powers.
In that egg, pendant on the Tree of Life, vivified by the Supreme Mind, all things had been prepared in orderly stages for the production of the Firstborn.
In the course of time the foetus broke through the bars of its enclosure and drew the air into his nostrils, saluting it with a kiss.
Around the natal couch stood the inhabitants of heaven, gladdened by the sight of an infant, the hope of the whole human race.
Lying with his breast and face upturned and his tender hands folded and lifted,
he moved his little lips as if to venerate his Supreme Parent, not only in mind but also by a posture of the body, expressing thanksgiving that the workmanship of the world was now completed in himself.
The Firstborn is instructed by "Wisdoms and Intelligences," personified beings in whose veins runs love, not blood, and by whose presence man is made superior to brutes.
They inform him that his mind is the soil and ground into which the rays from the Sun of Intelligence flow, with heavenly light and love.
"Thou lovest that which thou perceivest to be good," they tell him.
"All life is spiritual, and spirit is substance, and God Himself is the only substance real and true.
Creation is an emanation from God, no substance being without a form whence it derives its faculties and qualities."[303]