10/10/26 11:14:09.02 N64ZFq2e0
295 名前:オレオレ!オレだよ、名無しだよ!![] 投稿日:2010/10/26(火) 11:09:40 0
The TRUTH in Japanese waters
(The ship of the Japan Coast Guard stopped a suspicious ship of China that had invaded the Japanese territorial waters. )
The Japan Coast Guard ship brought alongside to a Chinese ship. The staff of the Japan Coast Guard boarded it. Afterwards,
the Chinese ship suddenly left the sea route.
One left staff of the Japan Coast Guard was kicked by Chinese crew. He fell into the water from a Chinese ship.To crush the
staff who had fallen into the sea, the Chinese ship changed the course.The staff swam desperately to run away. Chinese crew
tried to stab him to death with the harpoon. The Japan Coast Guard ship stopped to rescue the staff and the rescue was started.
Chinese ship approached from the rear side. The staff was almost crushed. The staff managed to be carried up from the back
to the Japan Coast Guard ship. The Chinese ship collided with the back of theJapanese ship after a few seconds. The hull of a
Japanese ship damaged seriously.
All parties concerned who had seen the video said that this was an attempted murder