11/08/11 19:19:56.38 G54raTrE
The trip site of booking.com is negligent.
There is a problem of credit card in the authentication system.
Booking is possible if the Expiry date and CVC-code of the credit card is wrong.
You can book even if you input card holder name which is random and false.
The systems only confirm the principle of credit card.
For example, you can see “VISA, 4716204638950696, 07/13”on the above site.
You input “4716204638950696” and ignore “07/13” and input random number which you like in “Expiry date”. You can easily book hotels on booking.com site.
Booking.com has ID. You can confirm the number below of website.
It is written, for example, “Your Reference ID is: BA115”
If you use safari, you can reset ID, and you can book many times.
I don’t use booking.com which has system problem like this.
How terrible booking.com (URLリンク(www.booking.com)) is!