11/09/09 17:06:26.82 yKOaQBcs
JPMorgan’s “alternate” eurozone-free universe Posted by John McDermott on Sep 08 17:55.
JPモーガンの想定する、まさかの場合のユーロ圏の分裂シナリオ FTアルファビレ
JPMorgan believes a break-up of the eurozone is “very unlikely”. But it wants you to be prepared.
The bank launched its “Alternate States” series of research notes on Thursday, which attempt to describe the
probable course of improbable events.
木曜日にJPモーガンのリサーチノートが“Alternate States”の記事を掲載
There are two ways a breakup could happen, writes JPMorgan. First, a Germany-led northern exodus which leaves the
periphery with a rump currency led by France. Second, a periphery-led southern exodus which leaves the north with
a rump currency led by Germany.