11/09/10 02:33:19.48 8XCKy11O
>>87 これは飴のシンクタンクではなく中国系のアナリストの書いているものなのだけれど、同様の論点で中国は
Updated Tuesday, September 6, 2011 11:11 am By Frank Ching, Special to The China Post
China fires another shot into its foot with words to Japan
By Frank Ching チャイナ・ポスト
However, in the last two years, China had shot itself in the foot through its policies towards the Korean Peninsula
and Japan. This has resulted in Japan's new ruling party putting as much emphasis on the alliance as the Liberal
Democrats ever did.
However, economic forces are such that Japan, and particularly the business community there, is eager to have
closer relations with China. And yet, it seems, China will not take yes for an answer. No sooner had Yoshihiko
Noda been chosen as the new prime minister than China issued a demand that he “needs to respect China's core
If China will only allow the situation to develop on its own, the countries of Asia may well come to accept its
status as the leading power in the region. But arrogance and threats are unlikely to win China any friends ?
certainly not in Japan.