10/10/18 17:49:04 fWxuqYHL
中国企業がイラン制裁無視 米政府が改善要求と報道 (共同通信) [2010年10月18日16時23分]
U.S. says Chinese businesses and banks are bypassing U.N. sanctions against Iran
By John Pomfret Washington Post Staff Writer Monday, October 18, 2010; 1:58 AM
During a visit to Beijing last month, a delegation led by Robert J. Einhorn, the State Department's special adviser for
nonproliferation and arms control, handed a "significant list" of companies and banks to their Chinese counterparts,
according to the senior U.S. official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive issue in U.S.-Chinese
relations. The official said the Obama administration thinks that the companies are violating U.N. sanctions, but that
China did not authorize their activities.
国務省特別アドバイザー(軍縮および非拡散担当)のRobert J. Einhornの率いる訪中団は中国側に、イランに対する
"China now is the only country with a major oil and gas industry that's prepared to deal with Iran," the U.S. official said.
"Everyone else has pulled out. They stand alone."
Each nation, particularly permanent members of the Security Council such as China, is responsible for abiding by the
U.N. sanctions. 全ての国、とくに安保理の常任理事国である中国の責任が、国連安保理の制裁に関連して問われる。