10/08/24 20:19:26 +/00TXuh
Obama should be a lot more worried that more than half the country thinks he's a socialist than that a small fraction of the
country believes he's a Muslim.
After just 19 months in office, Obama has so alienated the American people that some of his fellow Democrats are now
distancing themselves from him as Election Day approaches. Rep. Joe Donnelly (D-Ind.) is airing a television ad in his
reelection campaign in which he declares, as an image of Obama appears on the screen, that he does not work for the
置く立場をとり始めている。Joe Donnelly議員はキャンペーン広告で、自分は「ワシントンのお歴々」の為には働いていないと
"Washington crowd." Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Roy Barnes decided to campaign 100 miles away rather
than welcome the president to his state, declaring, "I'd rather be with these folks, if you want to know the truth. I'm not
running for governor of Washington, D.C. I'm running for governor of Georgia." Even Obama recognizes that he's become
radioactive. At a recent White House lunch with Democratic House members in tough reelection fights, he promised to
help their campaigns -- by staying away.
ジョージア州の知事候補、Roy Barnes はキャンペーンにオバマ大統領の訪問を歓迎しないとして「私はジョージア州の統治に
The problem for Obama is not that Americans do not know about his faith in God -- it's that they do not share his faith in