08/02/10 12:14:14 cxVvFk05
Nanjing Massacre is anti-Japan propaganda by the Chinese Communist Party.
1. 1937年の南京攻略戦において、日本軍による虐殺行為は無かった。
In a battle of Nanjing of 1937, the massacre by the Japanese armed forces was not taking place.
2. 南京攻略戦当時、南京の人口は約20万人だった。
When a battle happened in Nanjing, the population of Nanjing was about 200,000 people.
3. 中国軍はナチスドイツの軍事顧問団により指導され、近代化されており強力だった。
The Chinese armed forces were taught to the military adviser of Nazi Germany and it was modernized and was strong.
4. 中国軍は約5万人だった。
The Chinese army was about 50,000 soldiers.
5. 日本軍は開戦当初、約10万人だったが、南京攻略戦時には多数の戦死者を出し、7万人に減少していた。
About 30,000 Japnanese soldier were killed in battles, and the Japanese armed forces became about 70,000 soldiers.
6. 南京攻略戦終結後、南京の人口は約27万人だった。
When a battle of Nanjing was over, the population of Nanjing was about 270,000 people.
7. 結論: 南京で虐殺は無かった。
Conclusion: There was not the massacre by the Japanese armed forces in Nanjing of 1937.