08/01/16 21:03:48 ogpRXMYC
Against the trend, U.S. births way up
By MIKE STOBBE, AP Medical Writer Wed Jan 16, 12:37 AM ET
(AP)世界の先進国の傾向とは逆にアメリカの出生率が高まっている (抜粋)
Bucking the trend in many other wealthy industrialized nations, the United States
seems to be experiencing a baby boomlet, reporting the largest number of children
born in 45 years. 豊かな先進国の傾向とは逆に昨年のアメリカの出生は45年来の最大に
To be sure, the fertility rate among Hispanics ― 3 children per woman ― has been
a major contributor. ヒスパニック系の出生率が高く、母親あたり3人の子供のいること
Fertility rates were also relatively high for other racial and ethnic groups. The
rate rose to 2.1 for blacks and nearly 1.9 for non-Hispanic whites in 2006,
according to the CDC.