07/12/29 05:38:12 0iIIh6W7
Pakistan accuses al Qaeda of killing Bhutto Fri Dec 28, 2007 3:15pm EST
"We have intelligence intercepts indicating that al Qaeda leader Baitullah Mehsud
is behind her assassination," Interior Ministry spokesman Javed Iqbal Cheema said
on Friday.
内務省の広報官Javed Iqbal Cheemaは「アルカイダの指導者であるBaitullah Mehsudが
Mehsud is one of Pakistan's most wanted militant leaders and is based in the South
Waziristan region on the Afghan border. Cheema said authorities recorded an
intercept on Friday in which Mehsud had congratulated his people for the attack.
Baitullah Mehsudはパキスタン国内で最悪のお尋ね者とされているテロ指導者で南ワジリ
Baitullah Mehsudが暗殺テロの成功を仲間と祝する会話を盗聴し、記録している。