07/12/28 03:50:18 iC8bqHAT
Pakistan: Al-Qaeda claims Bhutto's death
Karachi, 27 Dec. (AKI) - (by Syed Saleem Shahzad) - A spokesperson for the al-Qaeda
terrorist network has claimed responsibility for the death on Thursday of former
Pakistani prime minister Benazir Bhutto.
“We terminated the most precious American asset which vowed to defeat [the]
mujahadeen,” Al-Qaeda’s commander and main spokesperson Mustafa Abu Al-Yazid
told Adnkronos International (AKI) in a phone call from an unknown location,
speaking in faltering English. Al-Yazid is the main al-Qaeda commander in
アルカイダの広報官Mustafa Abu Al-YazidはAKIに電話して「我々はムジャヒディーン