07/10/17 16:36:19 eqtjcrpd
>>277 このニュースの、別のイスラエルのメディアの報道
Syrian officials admit site attacked by Israel nuclear
Israeli reps at UN Disarmament Commission meeting overhear Syrian official say
facility targeted by Air Force last month nuclear
Ynet:Published: 10.17.07, 08:39 / Israel News
The Israeli delegation to the talks, headed by Miriam Ziv, the Foreign Ministry's
deputy director general for strategic affairs, accused Syria of smuggling mass
amounts of weapons into Lebanon in violation of the UN Security Council's
resolution. In response a Syrian representative said Israel was the aggressor
and mentioned its attack on a "nuclear facility." Syrian Ambassador to the UN
Bashar Ja'afari also took part in the meeting.
(イスラエル国内の新聞に拠れば)外務省の戦略担当副長官、Miriam Zivが国連の軍縮
言した。シリアの国連大使、Bashar Ja'afariが同席していたと言う。