07/09/13 23:08:19 bPLNOgzO
And now Japan may be about to blow its chance of glory for ever, as China races to
eclipse it economically, enabling it to seize the seat at the top table that Japan
has been too slow to embrace.
But the policy that has hastened Mr Abe’s end ― his vow to extend emergency
measures, due to expire in November, which allow Japan to assist Nato’s
operations in Afghanistan by refuelling ships in the Indian Ocean ― is the very
sort of policy that burnishes Japan’s reputation abroad. That Ichiro Ozawa,
leader of the opposition Democratic Party of Japan, has pledged to block any
extension only confirms his unsuitability as a voice of Japanese statesmanship.
Mr Abe’s tumble from office should not be a signal for Japanese politics to
retreat into drowsy business as usual. It should be a wake-up call for the LDP to
redouble its efforts find a leader who is creative, capable and contemporary.