09/04/22 20:42:18 BE:1423737476-BRZ(10012)
Korean Court to decide ‘Hebei Spirit’ Two verdict on Thursday
(韓国の裁判所は木曜日に"Hebei Spirit"号の2人の乗組員への裁断を判決を下す)
Tuesday, 21 April 2009 04:50
(2009年4月21日火曜日 4時50分)
The Korean Supreme Court will decide the fate of Captain Chawla and Chief Officer Chetan this Thursday, April 23, at 2.
According to the Justice for ‘Hebei Spirit’ blog, which has been following the case, the global shipping industry is
primed for “serious industrial action” should the court fail to find the men innocent of all charges.
(The Justice for "Hebei Spirit"というブログによれば、世界中の海運業者は、裁判所が全ての告発に対して無罪であると認めなけ
According to the blog, three possible outcomes of the decisions are:
1. The Supreme Court rejects the Appeal Court’s decision and jail sentence and the “Hebei Two” are found innocent
of all charges and are free to go home.
(1. 最高裁が控訴審を決定し実刑判決を拒否して、"Hebei号の2人"を全ての告発に対して無罪と認め、家に帰す)
2. The Supreme Court decides that the Appeal Court’s prison sentence was illegal and overrules the sentence.
(2. 最高裁は控訴審の懲役刑が不法であると認め、判決を却下とする)
3. The Supreme Court finds the “Hebei Two” guilty. This decision would mean the end of the criminal case and the
return of the men to jail.
(3. 最高裁は"Hebei号の2人"を有罪とします。この決定は刑事事件の終わりと刑務所への彼らが送り返されることを意味します。)
★1が立った時刻:2009/04/21(火) 21:46:35
【国際問題・Hebei Spirit号事件】4月23日木曜日 午後2時30分、Chawla船長ならびにChetan一等航海士の運命が決定される[04/21]