14/04/30 20:28:53.12 Q4B6csfX/
606 :C ◆Odemonkey. @Code Monkey ★:2014/04/17(木) 01:00:59.68 ID:???0If
you get a chance, everyone should report 2ch,SC for being a phishing site.
If you use your tripcode on 2ch,SC then their administrator might be able to see your tripcode password.
It is very dangerous.
This is the website to report phishing sites to the American government:
You just need to send an email to this address: phishing-report@us-cert.gov
The email should contain the URL of the site that is phishing.
【朗報】西村ついに逮捕へ レンタルサーバーIISがブチ切れ「客のドメイン乗っ取られたことにするわ」4