08/04/30 18:31:53 T8uuYEdI
Hi there - We received your iReport video from the Nagano torch relay. (長野聖火リレーの場合)
Thanks for submitting to ireport.com. We appreciate you taking the time to do this.
I wanted to get in touch with you because we may be interested in using your story on CNN.
Would you mind giving me a call at ***-***-**** (U.S. number) or e-mailing me?
Here are some questions that I would like to ask, if you prefer to correspond in this manner.
1. Can you confirm that the iReport was shot by you? Is there anyone else to courtesy?
2. What is your name? Are you over 18?
3. On what day and at what time (approximate if you have to) was this shot?
4. What led up to capturing this imagery? What was the scene like?
5. Why did you decide to send an iReport to ireport.com? How did you know to do it?
6. Do you give us permission to show your iReport online and even on television?
7. Do you have anything else to add?
8. If you have additional photos and/or videos, please upload at ireport.com!
9. How and when can you best be reached?
10. Would you be willing to be contacted again by CNN if there was interest in speaking to you about what you've captured?
Thank you so much for sending your iReport, and I look forward to hearing back from you.
1. iReportがあなた自身のものであると承諾頂けますか? 他人の著作権を侵害しませんよね?
2. あなたの名前を教えてください。それと、あなたは18歳以上ですか?
3. 撮影した日時を教えてください。
4. 何を意図して撮影しましたか。どういう場面を表しているのでしょうか。
5. iReportに投稿すると決めた理由は何ですか。どこでiReportの存在を知りましたか。
6. テレビやインターネットでiReportを公開する事の許可を、お願いします。
7. 何か付け加えるべき、あなた自身の意趣はありますか。
8. 他に写真やビデオをお持ちでしたら、ireport.comまで送信お願いしますね。
9. あなたへの連絡は、どのような方法で何時行うのが良いでしょうか。