07/11/06 22:20:48 fIdRxiN0
Eugenics in Showa Japan were supported by politically motivated movements that sought to increase the number of healthy Japanese,
while simultaneously decreasing the number of people suffering mental retardation , disability, genetic disease and other conditions
that led to them being viewed as "inferior" contributions to the Japanese gene pool.[1][2].
Originally brought to Japan through German influence, eugenics during the Japanese Sh?wa period had similarities to Nazi Eugenics,
as well as those in the United States (see Buck v. Bell), both of which were developing around the same time.
Predominately this included legislation for forced sterilization of "inferior" persons.
それに、forced sterilization of "inferior" personsが実施されるのは戦後になってからで、戦前の断種手術は任意制度。