10/02/28 13:06:34 PXnItwda
>>428 is just your bloody opinion, isn't it?
well, i agree a little bit with you that they SHOULD do something about it.
But, hey, guess what? it's not even a complaining from all the people, any organization or nothing.
here, i'll give you an opinion that most of people agree in here, it's not worth it.
so piss off.
10/02/28 13:09:35 PXnItwda
sorry, >>502 is forward >>500
10/02/28 14:32:37 480a0311
first batch of waves hitting Hokkaido and Ogasawara. Trains delayed and cancelled in Tokyo.
And I'm getting off train at Akihabara. NHK is showing floodgates closed, hope it's gonna be ok.
10/02/28 16:40:32 6/Clkbxq
Don't worry Jim-san, it's a nation with all kinds of disasters. They know what to do.
10/02/28 21:00:21 F0H5jbOw
So far we've got up to 1.2m tsunamis. No injuries, missings, deaths have been reported.
alerts on coasts are still on but turned down to "less that 2m".
507:RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★
10/02/28 22:04:45
I have heard there were evacuations here, but nothing on the news other than that.
It has been almost impossible to get on the internet today.
508:RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★
10/03/01 18:29:56
[loki@thor ~]$ traceroute bbspink.com
traceroute to bbspink.com (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
1 ( 29.834 ms 33.760 ms 51.720 ms
2 ( 183.676 ms 384.630 ms 386.583 ms
3 ( 399.547 ms 401.490 ms 403.454 ms
4 ( 406.413 ms 408.374 ms 409.324 ms
5 ( 412.287 ms 414.247 ms 417.207 ms
6 ( 419.168 ms 134.905 ms 144.923 ms
7 ( 134.874 ms 168.917 ms 158.777 ms
8 ( 167.732 ms 178.695 ms 179.647 ms
9 ( 205.610 ms 207.572 ms 227.530 ms
10 ( 230.494 ms 228.457 ms 248.415 ms
11 ( 245.377 ms 244.346 ms 264.270 ms
12 pos14-0.cr02.hkg04.pccwbtn.net ( 170.936 ms 188.898 ms 185.932 ms
13 if-3-0.mcore3.LAA-LosAngeles.as6453.net ( 327.880 ms 329.822 ms 347.790 ms
14 ( 405.745 ms 407.700 ms 429.662 ms
15 Vlan504.icore1.LAA-LosAngeles.as6453.net ( 395.628 ms 417.583 ms 419.543 ms
16 ( 479.469 ms 482.422 ms 467.386 ms
From my iphone internet tethering. I know one of the tier 1 providers for pie is being attacked
right now. I can see pie from my iphone. I am tethered to it for the internet connection.
10/03/02 18:47:20 H7daDRq3
Hi Jim-san. it must've been a long day. Keep up on good work and thanks for all the efforts for getting things back.
510:RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★
10/03/02 18:56:05
I am disgusted by the events of the last few days.
My sincere apologies to those that were affected.
10/03/02 19:09:01 K1LqLSLT
【反テロ】 女神の力でネットに平和を 【裸で親愛】
512:RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★
10/03/02 19:18:48
The zealots do not want peace.
513:RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★
10/03/02 20:34:41
10/03/02 20:38:19 0W4BN1JE
515:RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★
10/03/02 20:41:26
516:RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★
10/03/02 20:47:59
I have blocked all the korean IPs I know. I don't know if that will stop an attack,
but it should help a little bit.
10/03/02 20:48:05 0W4BN1JE
post test
518:RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★
10/03/02 21:27:19
I have to get some sleep. Good night.
10/03/02 21:34:40 plgxricS
? ?∧?∧ Onigiris here. Feel free to pick one up and take a break.?
? (´・ω・) ?
? ( ∪?∪? ,.-、? ,.-、? ,.-、 ,.-、 ? ,.-、 ,.-、 ,.-、 ? ,.-、?
? と__)__)?(,,■) (,,■) (,,■) (,,■) (,,■)? (,,■) (,,■) (;;■)?
? 南高梅干?高菜 おかか こんぶ ごはんですよ わさび漬け?焼たらこ 焼きおにぎり?
? ,.-、? ,.-、 ,.-、 ? ,.-、 ?,.-、 ,.-、 ?,.-、 ?,.-、?
? ?(,,■) (,,■) (,,■) (,,■) (,,■) (,,■) (,,■) (,,■)?
? ?鶏飯 ?いくら ちりめん 豚生姜焼き ?柴漬 塩辛 牛しぐれ かにめし?
? ?,.-、 ,.-、? ,.-、 ?,.-、 ,.-、 ?,.-、 ?,.-、 ,.-、?
? (,,■) (,,■) (,,■) (,,■) (,,■) (,,■) (,,■) (,,■) ?
? 鮭 鶏ごぼう ?野沢菜 天むす ツナマヨ 焼肉? 鮭マヨ 松茸御飯?
? ?,.-、 ,.-、? ,.-、 ?,.-、 ,.-、 ?,.-、 ,.-、 ?,.-、 ?
? (,,■) (,,■) (,,■) (,,■) (,,■) (,,■) (,,■) (,,■) ?
? エビマヨ ネギトロ 田螺 うなぎ 辛子明太子?スモチ?ゆかり お茶漬けのもと?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?__ ? ? ジャー? ? ____?
? ?/⌒ヽ ? ? |;;lヽ::/ コポコポ ? ? ? ∧_∧ ? /__ o、?|、?
? ( ^ω^)∫. ?|;;|:::|~ ? ? ? ?(?´・ω・)ノ?.ii?|?・ \ノ?
? ( つc□ i===i=i?c□c□c□~~ 旦旦旦旦( o .旦|?・ |?
?| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|?
?| American Coffee Here . ?| | ? Japanese Tea Here? ? ?..|
btw, I heard that N.T.Tech has intentionally shut down 2ch servers to prevent further attacks.
absolutely no offence, but why didn't "ifconfig eth0 down"? indeed it will take more electricity but
it's quicker to restore.
520:RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★
10/03/03 05:07:32
I am drinking tea now, it is time to wake up...:)
10/03/03 15:01:54 hUAjwMT9
Them stupid bastards... just stole whole my empty days!
10/03/03 15:54:43 DCEsU6Os
what can be stolen if there's nothing inside,
523:RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★
10/03/03 18:31:22
They need to be educated. It is a population that lives on hysterical xenophobia.
Japan is not their enemy. Japan is their former protecter, and educator.
They have an enemy. The enemy is directly to the North.
With a lack of guidance, they have gone out of control.
10/03/03 18:56:50 t31NzK9Q
The Korean meninsula must be......united. End the war or return to the war they have to choose one.
I think they're in right time to do so... now they've got power, know-how, supportive factions, some of
which Japan couldn't have in past half a century.
enough politics, now where's the cameltoe?
525:RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★
10/03/03 19:26:25
aka cameltoe hq