Let's talk with Jim-san. Part15at EROBBSLet's talk with Jim-san. Part15 - 暇つぶし2ch■コピペモード□スレを通常表示□オプションモード□このスレッドのURL■項目テキスト353:RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★ 10/01/15 11:35:09 >>352 Most of those are good honest reasons to work in soapland. The debt to the host club sounds like a scam. Is that what the Africans in Shinjuku are doing? 354:花の案内人 ◆FLOWERqR32 10/01/17 19:49:43 OryoqVdt 最近ここに直訴や作業の催促に来られる皆様にお願がございます Ladies and gentlemen, your attention please. 削除に関しての話は下記のスレでお願いします If you want a talk about the deletion, use following thread: Let's talk with Jim-san.on HK. http://babiru.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/housekeeping/1240182945/ 規制に関しての話は下記にお願いします If you want a talk about the regulation, use following thread: Let's talk with Jim-san.on RD. http://venus.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/ccc/1263684223/ ここはJimさんともっと楽しい話をするスレにしましょう? Here, let's chat to be more delightful with Jim-san. Let's talk with Jim-san. Part15 http://set.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1258078028/ 宜しくお願い致します Thank you. 次ページ最新レス表示レスジャンプ類似スレ一覧スレッドの検索話題のニュースおまかせリストオプションしおりを挟むスレッドに書込スレッドの一覧暇つぶし2ch