09/10/03 11:38:13
Well, I have thrown a lot of bicycles away in my life. I just evacuated my family
last night. We will start looking for a place to live.
Thank you all for your kind interest. This is not my pc I am writing
from, so I have not checked my email. Sorry about that.
At this time, the servers are not crashed, I am happy.
There is always discontent, that is the normal nature of things.
Sometimes the loudest voice is not the correct voice to follow,
I will be thinking about these things you have written. I hope to
find an apartment by Monday or Tuesday. These servers are well
taken care of. If they get busy, Please use Maru, you will be able
to post well with that. I am thinking until the troll problem is fixed
to make Maru a requirement on bbspink servers for posting.
Does anyone have any comment on that? I will check this board
and try to have my laptop by later today.