09/08/24 12:50:25
It is called p2焼き
in >>953
That is why I called it that
960:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/24 12:51:48
I thought Nokia was from Finland..:)
961:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/24 12:53:13
I am just waiting for someone to make a nice complaint for me in Japanese.
Then I will post it there.
I don't want to post English there if possible, and they probably won't
understand if I post it in my Japanese.
09/08/24 13:12:37 ycmQNxaZ
okay, then
<example addresses here>
のようなp2-user: <uidhere> による多数のガイドライン
Hello, I'm Jim, BBSPINK admin.
We're having multiple posts violating guidelines like
<example addresses here>
from p2-user: <uidhere>. Would you please revokethis user's posting permission?
09/08/24 17:36:32 xisvR1Pg
Jimさん、Are you still studying Japanese?
09/08/25 06:29:24 cjphAA/3
I've got familiar with whiskey due to Oishimbo (famous food manga) so very interesting to hear that.
I think US people like to choose bourbon, why do you choose scotch ? Is there any diffrences between the two ? (flavor? taste? price? etc...)
竹鶴 is very famous brand also in Japan like Ballantine's.
Excuse me for my English.
965:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/25 07:22:01
I do not like the flavor of bourbon. Last year I was able to visit the whiskey
distillery in Hokkaido, that is where I got the taste for it.
I also like grappa.
966:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/25 07:22:34
Yes, I am studying everyday now, I just have not updated my blog
967:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/25 07:29:03
I think Yuichi Takaso will be arrested for drugs next.