Let's talk with Jim-san. Part13at EROBBS
Let's talk with Jim-san. Part13 - 暇つぶし2ch694: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/09 07:45:04 Y/28V0Jw
I heard Victoria was one of the places where people want to live when they're off work and have the rest of their life free.
And it's more like the old, beuatiful Britain.
Where else have you been in Canada?

695:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/09 07:53:23
I have been all over British Columbia, and just across the border from Whitefish
Montana as well.

696:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/09 07:54:33

697:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/09 07:56:45
I understand it.

698: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/09 08:02:38 Y/28V0Jw
BC is where I am. It's a small town where I am that is almost completely opposite from Vancouver, though.
Here it's very cold for summer now like 10 degrees. On the top of a mountain was snowing when I went to bush today.
I hope I had a lot of money, then I could go visit Vancouver Island and somewhere in west.

699: ◆witch2enoc @削魔除 ★
09/07/09 08:03:53
I advance by myself and work as a volunteer.
Of a little "bomb!!" Is nothing.

700:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/09 08:07:58
Take the bus? You do not have to spend much money in Victoria to
enjoy it. I thought you were in Ontario, I grew up south of BC in
the state of Washington.

701:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/09 08:08:51
I think you will be ok. Please be careful, and please think about what you do
before you do it.

702:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/09 08:51:40 clW3yLEX
Good morning High-fat pizza and a topping!!



703:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/09 09:01:56 clW3yLEX

BIGTARAKO and TARAKO are Hiroyuki's nicknames.
Your saying (>>667) does not accord with his saying. Why?

704:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/09 09:18:30 clW3yLEX
Read this thread.
There was the cause of dividing a deletion system in BBSPINK as far as I read it.
Is this correct?

705:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/09 12:18:03 clW3yLEX



Please translate ↑

09/07/09 14:32:48 YMmP8or8
We can imagine why Hiroyuki-san is called BIGTARAKO.


707:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/09 15:29:24
We are lucky it was not our fox.
I hope the injured people will recover.

708:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/09 15:31:32
I have a deletion thread.
Bring it up there. This is not the correct place.

709:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/09 15:38:37
I prefer tuna. This bigtarako is not tasty.

710:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/09 15:53:06 clW3yLEX

In the thread, do you intend to answer it really? hehehe...
If you don't intend to answer it, "bringing it up there" seems wasting time to me.

09/07/09 16:37:01 YMmP8or8
>>713 Ferm-san said.
It is not a problem of the deletion.
Do not avoid a topic.

09/07/09 16:47:34 Kepw/FnD
> この掲示板設置サイトの管理者に警告したうえで、すべての掲示板を削除させた。

713:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/10 00:13:03 n1xUPic+
Good night Jim. Have a good dream.

09/07/10 00:34:21 d4/HZHxx

Jim-san once said something like "I do not respond to the voluntary cooperation for investigation request
from the police, such as request for the IP address log of the certain post unless the Japanese police
takes proper procedure (such as through ICPO) for disclosing the log." so he may not take the caution seriously.

715:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/10 08:09:19
This is my translation.

Jim's regular procedure (ICPO through) any request for cooperation from the police
other than the (IP and disclosure) is a means to decline
If there was an alert because they say I pay no attention.

I do pay attention.

09/07/10 10:25:00 /LBrARSB

Although I have attached close English sentences to the Japanese,
I have no idea why Jim-san answers to the machine translated poor English.

717:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/10 10:47:44
Maybe it is because I am busy training for the Big Bite Challenge.

718: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/10 11:10:34 dPeu4Xtx
I remember a skinny guy went through most number of hotdogs on a TV show.
A big macho ate a hand full of hotdogs as quickly as he finishes one, while the skinny ate as though he was having supper.
Don't go crazy though when you are trying. I guess this is an important thing when we challenge something.

719:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/10 11:13:44
Stage 1 is a timed event with one coke and five hotdogs.
It gets more difficult after that.
My whole office will participate in this event next Friday.
It is going to be fun.

720: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/10 11:19:28 dPeu4Xtx
I even wonder if I can finish five hotdogs.
The key must be how you use coke. It can let you swallow, but can also make you full.
How do you train for this event? Eat a lot of them quickly?

721:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/10 11:39:57
I am not sure. I am trying several different ways.

722: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/10 11:45:27 dPeu4Xtx
I found some sites showing how to train. Does it help?

723:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/10 12:08:38
Vomiting during the competition will guarantee a loss.
Just like the sword swallower, train your mind to ignore the urge to upchuck.

724: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/10 12:59:16 dPeu4Xtx
It seems more like a mental battle.
Btw, this competition reminds me of lunch time in elementary school.
I finished first in any time there was curry 'n rice somehow although I was never a fast or big eater.

725:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/10 13:01:03
I think it is going to be fun. We will have 27 people from the office go to the little 7/11
in the basement of our building. Probably they will run out of hotdogs.

726: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/10 13:21:39 dPeu4Xtx
Are those hotdogs gonna stay hot in basement? Are you gonna use a barbeque?
To keep 27 good eaters busy eating would require a big one.

727:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/10 13:59:44
I guess that 7-11 is about 30 square meters.
It is more a concern how to keep things cold here.
Most of the time it is body temperature.

09/07/10 17:51:43 4s5cSijl
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729:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/11 00:17:38 IMzlVgND
Good night Jim. Have a good dream.

09/07/11 00:26:07 Q7JBuqou

731:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/11 09:28:26

732: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/11 09:46:13 wL2uT8f5
What did you eat today?

733:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/11 10:03:41
Only coffee and a Lipovitan so far today.
Last night I drank beer with the guys from the office,
and now my head hurts.

09/07/11 15:19:32 cFRAwWOY
                ,. 、       /   /
              ,.〃´ヾ.、  /  /  
            / |l     ',  / /
       ,、     ,r'´  ||--‐r、 ',    HELLO, HELLO, I'M TESTING SPEAKER INSIDE BUILDING.
      l.l. ,..ィ'´    l',  '.j '.    
      'r '´          ',.r '´ !|    SCREAMING TEST: AAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHH
      l!     ....:.:.:.:.:.:ヽ、   ,l    
       ゝ、.,_ ---‐‐‐----ゝ、ノ \  NEXT WILL BE ROCK MUSIC TEST ON MAX VOLUME
       | |               \
      ..| |                 \

735:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/11 23:53:03 IMzlVgND
Good night Jim. Have a good dream.
Don't worry. I am here until BBSPINK ends.

736:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/13 10:42:00
Wow, I am listening to Audioslave this morning. Full volume with headset.

737:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/13 10:56:51
I have heard that before.
Anyway lets do our best to make it a good fun place.

738:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/13 18:45:50 bRXFhMF3
Que sera sera.
The most users of BBSPINK and 2ch are epicurean. And me too.

For the moment, I only want to continue talking with you.

739:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/14 00:26:33 Nj4xJFCO
Good night Jim. Have a good dream.
Don't worry. Next moments will come to us until we die, even if BBSPINK ends.

09/07/14 21:47:17 Iw7XL0s0


09/07/15 09:54:56 seNLrWYG
Trans. ->>>743

Hey, Jim-sam.
I'm as bullshit as my socks taken off right after work about English, so excuse me writing Japanese.

Ok, let me be a leader on deleting.

742:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/16 08:27:07
I am sorry I wasn not online for a couple days. I have been in bed.
My stomach seems to have taken control of my body. Maybe it is getting
a little better now.

743: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/16 13:38:09 75GFvMsf
Did the sickness come from overeating? I guess you eat a lot more than you used to for the contest.
In my case, yesterday, I had quite a bit of pizza for supper and homemade peach pie for dessert. Well, those were really good.
But, obviously I got sick from that big supper and I felt olmost like puking.
Three hour sleep helped me out, but it was actually one of the worst feeling in this year.

744:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/16 13:59:04
Yes it is from eating. I have ulcers and they are acting up now. It must have
been from the eating practice.
Friday is the contest. I think I will just be an observer.

745: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/16 14:19:27 75GFvMsf
You'd better think about stress too.
Unusual amount of eating makes stress, but normal life can cause it, obviously.
Treat yourself as good as you can, that would help.
I know nothing about those things though.

746:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/16 14:37:12
BC has excellent herbs for stress. However that is not available here.

747: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/16 15:11:38 75GFvMsf
Does it? I never heard about herbs here.
I know a person having a small store about healthy stuff where I was living before, but not here.
This difference is big on my health, actually. She could help me out a lot and I could talk frankly, but not here.
Finding someone who is on health and talking with him would be a big help.

748:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/16 16:02:40
Please take care of your health. It is probably very difficult to get healthy food
there. Rural towns in North America generally eat unhealthy food.

09/07/16 16:05:54 OHB94leQ
Q. is potato a veg?
A. Fried potatoes are, yes, a kinda veg, of course.

750:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/16 16:40:44
Yes of course. It is a tuberous vegetable.

09/07/16 16:55:59 OHB94leQ
though peeled and fried potatoes rather not share much positive effect for health other vegetables have.

752:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/16 16:58:17
They are a good replacement for rice. You needs some starch in your Diet.

753:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/16 18:41:25 VQ/ltixy
And a little fat has no problem on our health.
Though of course policed rice has little fat.

754:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/16 18:51:57 VQ/ltixy
あれ?白米ってpolished riceじゃなかったっけ?そんな表現あるのか。

755:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/16 22:12:48 VQ/ltixy
Oh It's terrible!!
Hush my sweet baby Jim. Don't say a word.
Because the sandman will come soon.

756:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/16 23:56:26 VQ/ltixy
Good night Jim. Have a good dream.

757:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/17 11:31:51
Oh No! Watch out for the rice police.

758:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/17 12:02:43
This pillow is so cool!

759:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/17 12:32:24 4mfUt56g
pepper policeの間違いじゃねーのか?w


760:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/17 13:42:28
I will go to the hot dog eating contest now.
Please pass the pepper...;)

761: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/17 13:58:18 FiircvzR
Good luck and gooni.
Hope you feel happy somehow after all.

762:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/17 14:03:38 4mfUt56g


09/07/17 14:06:39 N+FBteNA

09/07/17 14:09:43 Vy6ocD82

09/07/17 14:14:24 N+FBteNA
逃げるなよ 無視されないだけマシだと思え >>764 

766:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/17 14:15:43 4mfUt56g


767:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/17 16:01:24

768:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/17 18:08:15 4mfUt56g


769:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/17 18:16:15 4mfUt56g




09/07/17 18:33:38 Vy6ocD82

771:翔 ◆KEEa96Ecz.
09/07/17 22:20:28 8D8b+WQn
jimさん こんばんは!



09/07/17 23:36:02 N+FBteNA

773:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/17 23:47:10 4mfUt56g


09/07/17 23:50:28 N+FBteNA
「できる人」= できる権限がある人、やり方を知ってる人


775:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/17 23:57:13 4mfUt56g


776:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/18 00:07:49 UhqAZjfe
Good night Jim. Have a good dream.

09/07/18 00:39:12 jky20dIj

09/07/18 08:58:12 9/DToa6P
フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.みたいな



779:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/18 09:42:43 UhqAZjfe



09/07/18 10:42:56 pqSH7N/X

09/07/18 19:29:11 qA0H1lEG
う~ん( ̄~ ̄;)


782:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/20 09:44:12
Good morning. I am working in the jungle now...:)
I finally got fedora10 to work on my MacBook, and can use it.

783:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/20 09:48:16
Here are some videos of the hotdog eating contest we had.


784: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/20 10:01:02 e7AHx7zu
I can tell it's obviously not healthy.
Great fun is often behind some danger, but this is not really for me.
How is the jungle? I saw a small centipede walking in my room along the wall and it scared me a lot.
I believe it's way worse in the jungle than my room. Watch out forest-livers.

785:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/20 10:02:08
Thank you..:) I came in second place. I got my name on
the board in 7-11 hehehe.

786: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/20 11:07:07 e7AHx7zu
I've been content in the real world for the weekend.
A lot of things that needed to be done are still beyond and not planned to be.
My indecisive brain will tell all the truth in my mind.
Flapping wings is a way to go away.
Remaining still is a way to be myself.
Eligible choices that are made go by itself.

787:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/20 11:07:06
The air is clean here. It is a little humid and hot.
It is nice to be out of the city for a while.

788:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/20 11:09:33
It sounds like you might be getting bored in BC.
Sorry for that. It was my advice to stay there and
explore for the summer.
Why not go to Prince Rupert and try fishing?
It might be a lot of fun.

789:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/20 11:13:52
I can just imagine the taste of this fresh halibut.
You are in a really cool province of Canada now. Please enjoy
the rest of the summer. It is going to get cold soon.

790: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/20 11:15:40 e7AHx7zu
I have no idea why I became so famous in here.
Anyways I don't wanna talk in Japanese here, but also not in English with other Japanese to be honest.
But some interesting Japanese speakers want to talk to me obviously in Japanese.
What should I do now?
It can be a mess to communicate with them here. I can, though if Jimmy says go.
What should I do?

791:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/20 11:20:28 STPS1zo4


792: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/20 11:23:15 e7AHx7zu
Oh no, I'm enjoying it here best at this point this year.
I started writing >>789 for trying to talk to those Japanese guys above.
But from the third line, I felt like playing with writing, so I made a kinda poem.
There is a message in >>789 that is exactly what I feel now.
Btw, in the town next to where I am, there is a lake and my friend said he would take me out for fishing there.
It's gonna be a lotta fun.

793: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/20 11:23:45 e7AHx7zu

794:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/20 11:28:58 STPS1zo4


795:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/20 11:30:40
Well Mist.ca-chan,
It is not necessary to defend me from this sort.
This is a place I am used to pulling into port.
The ones that annoy you now are probably
also annoying others.
Don't be troubled or bother.
If you enjoy the bantor
Please feel free to carry on.
These hosers are not my type.
However I won't gripe.

796:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/20 11:33:43
I know why you are famous. You are cool...:)

797:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/20 11:34:52
What kind of studio do you have?
Is it a photographic studio?

798:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/20 11:35:01 STPS1zo4

799:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/20 11:39:30 STPS1zo4

800:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/20 11:39:40
翔 ◆KEEa96Ecz. ーさん

多分 です。



801:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/20 11:41:51

802:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/20 11:44:35
Wow, you are blind. Tell me, do you use vocaloids to read the
characters for you? I am very interested in vocaloids.
What software is good for blind Japanese to surf the internet?

803: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/20 11:47:52 e7AHx7zu
Neee.... It seems things are going in the opposite direction as I wanted.
Honestly I don't remember that I covered somebody in here.
>>793 was implying for they build a new thread if people want to talk to me in Japanese.
Why? that's what I said in >>796

Cool or hot are not kinda words people describe me.
I'm said to be different, crazy, weird and such and such.
But I think most people say I'm too cold.

804:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/20 11:52:09 STPS1zo4


805:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/20 11:53:28
I am sorry, I am thick!
That is a very good idea!
I made you a thread.

806: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/20 11:54:40 e7AHx7zu
I think it is exactly the time for me to have green tea.
I got stomachache and feels sorta cold.

807:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/20 11:55:45
How about Soy milk? The last week. I have stopped drinking
coffee and tea, and my stomach problem has improved dramatically.

808:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/20 11:57:44 STPS1zo4

perfect communication

809:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/20 12:00:51

元気 ですか?

810:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/20 12:07:40 STPS1zo4
Yah, I am more finel than you. I'm not a metabolic syndrome.

You are tender today, It does not seem to be you.

811:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/20 12:08:48 STPS1zo4

812:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/20 12:09:44
Less caffeine lately. Maybe it has mellowed my heart and soul.
Or perhaps, you are just getting to know me.

813:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/20 12:16:41 STPS1zo4
And you are not getting to know me.
Because I am the tenderest man in BBSPINK. hehehe

God bless me.

814:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/20 12:30:23

815: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/21 00:01:45 urV7sLjO
I tried soy milk awhile ago.
Some say people might like it even if they don't like milk.
My case was minus and minus. I didn't like milk and either do I like soy milk.
It tasted little bit sweeter and basically soy.
Sweet soy, it seems to have been made for both taste and health, but that taste didn't go along with me.

816:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/21 08:36:47
Soy milk tastes more like thick tea than milk to me.
It seems to calm down my stomach though.

817: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/21 09:36:33 urV7sLjO
Its taste could be changed or my mind is not so accurate that it made up something else.
Anyway, going to washroom was the best solution for last night.

818: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/21 10:33:16 urV7sLjO
Jimmy, Ferrum goes, "soy has such great amount of trypsin inhibitor, saponin and such n such that it is not a good idea to take excess of it".

819:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/21 17:34:47
Ok, got it. I will consider my doses of soy, and try not to become addicted to it.
Taste wise that won't be hard. I don't really care for the taste.

Monkeys don't seem to be bothered by the trypsin inihibitor accoring to Soy Online.

After five years of chronic ingestion to low levels of trypsin inhibitors, there was no discernible pancreatic damage effect in monkeys

820: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/22 03:31:10 bp6Xm642
Here Ferrum says.

"Ya, but now people have got technology to remove some factors that prevent assimilating nutrition.
So it is actually said to be not a problem to eat soy every day as long as you don't take them too much.
But the problem is you need to take iodine to go along with soy-saponin, so you should take enough seaweed kind as well.
One of Japanese food, sweet and spicy mix of Soy and Hijiki (*I don't know how to explain this.) is not only good-taste but also well-considered healthy food.
One thing, though, never eat raw soy. Make sure you cook it."

* URLリンク(farm1.static.flickr.com)
* URLリンク(japanesefooddictionary.blogspot.com)
  ↑search "hijiki" in that site. Btw, it reminds me of Japanese food that is little bit sad.

821:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/22 07:21:36
That looks tasty. Maybe Koreans eat the same type of dish?

822: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/22 08:01:14 bp6Xm642
I think they would make it more spicy if they made it.
Actually it's a typical Japanese food and not spicy.

823:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/22 08:06:54
I have probably tasted it, because it looks tasty.

824:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/22 08:48:56
The eclipse will come this morning.
They have already seen it in India.

825:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/22 10:14:37
The clouds broke, there was the sun. Brilliant in the morning Makati sky.
Two minutes later, the next set of clouds obscured the sun and the eclipse began.
When those wet blanket cumulonimbus clouds moved on. I could see a small part
of the moon in front of the sun. It was like a fairy had taken a bite off of a cookie.
Maybe next year in Chile!

826: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/22 10:59:34 bp6Xm642
It was already about time. I almost even forgot about the eclipse for I cannot see it anyways.
I guess I should surf around in 2ch now.

827:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/22 11:54:57
Maybe next year I will get to see it.
Easter Island, or Chile would be good locations.

828: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/22 11:59:03 bp6Xm642
I wouldn't mind visiting Easter Island no matter when it is.
It has mysterious things and would let me feel some sense of what human is or something deep.

829:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/22 15:13:45
"Dumbdumb, got gum gum?"

830: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/24 05:58:58 83/vRkUb
What's that?
It's almost like a mystery for me.

831:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/24 07:43:50
There is a very nice movie called "Night at the museum". It stars Ben Stiller.
This is what the Easter Island head in that movie says to Ben Stiller.

Easter Island is a historical tragedy. They had a catastrophic loss of the educated
population in the 1860s and 1870s. Slave traders and desease dispatched them.
It is like their history was erased, except for the famous statues.

832:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t
09/07/27 09:29:13 4k3Jyuqm
It is my jungle day today. I am in the province of Batangas.

09/07/29 03:38:31 ujpGU69n
what's up Jim-san?

834:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/29 07:22:16
I am up...:)
Good morning

835:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/30 00:42:26 XwRyuAuI
Hi dear pizaa-Jim.

This is a little my proposal.
You know Packet-Monstar which manages 2ch. And 2ch-users are keeping peaceful by it.
Then, let's take advantage of Packet-Monstar.



836:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/30 01:02:32 XwRyuAuI
Though it is informal information, Hiroyuki exists behind the black curtain of Packet-Monstar.
Of course the manager of BBSPINK is you, Jim.
Packet-Monstar is only underworker.


837:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/30 07:54:29
I don't have any information on that. It is none of my business.
You should mind yours too. When you talk like this, you sound like
you have ulterior evil motives.

838:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/30 09:02:27 XwRyuAuI
>ulterior evil motives
Do you feel that I am going to anger you? hehehe

839:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/30 09:30:39
No, you don't make me angry. I do respect Hiroyuki and am inspired by his devotion
to his country and the people of Japan.
>>Hiroyuki exists behind the black curtain
Hiroyuki is not Oz, he is a truly great man.
>>let's take advantage of Packet-Monstar.

840:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/30 09:56:46 XwRyuAuI
It sounds very nice.
Now, why cannot you cross a hand with Hiroyuki once again?
The most BBSPINK-users hope this.

ならば、ひろゆき ともう一度、協力関係を築けないものかね?

841:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/30 11:03:30
Cross hands? Do you mean shake hands?
Next time I see him, of course I will shake his hand.

842:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/30 11:39:01 XwRyuAuI
It's a nice joke. It's a joke avenue here. HAHA

Jim, do you talk with Hiroyuki frequently?

843:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/30 11:45:49
Yes, I have frequent contact with him. He is a family friend, and obviously we have some
interests that are mutual.

844:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/30 11:55:34 XwRyuAuI
some interests?
Are they to be connected with BBSPINK?

845:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/30 13:15:54
Mostly with video games. I like to play video games too.

846:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/30 13:29:28 XwRyuAuI
Ah... I see. I see.
It's a good communication.

I do not play video-game recently, please tell me your favorite video-games.

847:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/30 17:07:14
I am enjoying Bad Company, Blazing Angels and Guitar Hero.
I have to go out now. Have a nice day.

848:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/30 21:24:17 XwRyuAuI
Oh I don't know those game titles. But I am interested in Bad Company.
It sounds cool!
In the game, can we explode and brake down the bad company?

Please tell me Hiroyuki's favorite video-games.
He played ERO-GAMEs before, but his taste in games have been changed.

849:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/31 10:13:40
Bad Company is an Army style game. With mercenaries trying to capture or defend
gold. It is fun. There seems to be a lot of Japanese playing it.

I don't know what game he is playing right now, this is the last one I know he was playing.

850:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/31 12:48:24 ovX2TBKL
Thanks your information.
It seems to be exciting to fire a machine gun. I decide to play the game if there is an opportunity.

Ah. This is "Shanghai".
I often play this game when I am free.

09/07/31 14:24:48 0YH1Emdt
Battlefield is no doubt a great game series. in no other online fps we can fly on wings of aircrafts.

852:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/31 15:43:32
You can fly a helecopter and drive various armored vehicles in Bad Company.
I have not played Battlefield.

09/07/31 17:40:47 0YH1Emdt
Bad Company is an Xbox/PS3 variant of Battlefield series from DiCE/EA based on new
game engine called frostbite. It's sometimes called BFBC. The original game BF1942 was
a crazy game compared to BFBC, like you can get on B-17's wing, pull out wrench to
recover damage, return to the vehicle's seat and start bombing all whilist it's flying.

09/08/01 09:35:00 z6P7gaji
Hi Jim! How are you?
I am reading the Horace's poem Odes. And I found nice passage in Book1.

Tu ne quaesieris, scire nefas, quem mihi, quem tibi finem di dederint, Leuconoe, nec Babylonios

temptaris numeros. ut melius quicquid erit pati, seu pluris hiemes seu tribuit Iuppiter ultimam,
quae nunc oppositis debilitat pumicibus mare Tyrrhenum: sapias, vina liques et spatio brevi

spem longam reseces. dum loquimur, fugerit invida aetas: carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero.

855:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/01 09:49:24
Hi Chinpogedu-san. Long time, no see.
That is a great poem.
I wonder if Leuconoe ended up losing her virginity to Horace.
If she didn't I bet thousands of girls over the centuries have
to guys using his lines...;)

I like the phrase "carpe diem"
It is also used in an American movie called the Dead Poets Society
by a teacher played by Robin Williams. He uses that line to motivate
his students.

856:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/01 09:54:34
Battlefield sounds like a fun game.
I used to have an excellent B-17 bomber
game for Intelevision.

857:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/01 15:51:35
My son is playing one called Warhawk. It is similar as well.
I just saw him standing on the wing of a flying airplane..:)

09/08/02 21:13:18 u38w4dJ9
Yea, I knew the phrase, and think want to read Odes.
"carpe diem" is nice proverb for me. Thanks to this word, I am able to enjoy my hard work.

859:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/03 09:27:03
Let's work hard, and play harder.

09/08/03 09:47:19 g8+6iaop
Googled and found this youtube.
I didn't know this.

Enjoying is important in everything.
What one likes, one will do well.
In Japanese, 好きこそ物の上手なれ

Yea, so I'd like to work hard and play harder today.
From carpe diem, I will carpo the flower.

861:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/03 10:13:06
That looks like my tribe. Here is another one.
Unfortunately I don't have sound on my MacBook.
I have not got the driver figured out yet.

09/08/03 10:24:31 g8+6iaop
I felt art. lol
Nice exercise can smash the stress.

863:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/03 10:40:32
Ars gratia artis

09/08/03 11:12:48 g8+6iaop
Yea, there are also aesthetic destruction.

865:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/03 11:22:06
I am amazed by the durability of the Mercury.
The van is much larger than that car.

09/08/03 11:25:53 KBS+fGlQ

867:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/05 20:29:23
Good night

868:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/06 08:13:57
Good morning

869: ◆DQN/9/VVV.
09/08/06 08:22:30 JKPgvMG4

870: ◆EROyVmNwwM
09/08/06 08:28:25 mq1KW8Lr

871:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/06 09:54:59
Please pay your respects to the best of your ability.

872: ◆EROyVmNwwM
09/08/06 10:58:38 MjHQrZDg
I respect ancestors.

873:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/06 18:34:03
Me too. That is the purpose of this holiday?
I attended the grave of family friends in the month of August
one time I was in Japan.
We have a similar holiday here on November 1.

874: ◆EROyVmNwwM
09/08/06 19:12:09 raVi9273
The ancestor visits the house at Bon Festival.
A lot of Japanese people return to the parents' home.
Bon Festival is August 15.

875:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/06 19:48:34
This sounds like a fun holiday. Do you put food by the window and door for them?

876: ◆EROyVmNwwM
09/08/06 20:12:25 raVi9273
It makes a fire to invite the ancestor outside the house on the 12th.
Animal's model is made from the cucumber and the eggplant.
It makes a fire to send it off on the 16th.

In addition, there are various events.
盆踊り:It is a festival that people dance.
The lantern is discharged to the river.

877:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/06 20:48:18
What a nice holiday. I hope it helps ease the pain, and makes it more
fun to remember those that have gone before us.

878: ◆EROyVmNwwM
09/08/07 08:25:48 d/j2ntFd
It is an important event of the tradition at Bon Festival and the New Year for the Japanese.

And, most companies become holidays.
A lot of people travel in the holidays.
The road gets congested, and the railway is crowded greatly, too.

The Japanese will enjoy the holiday of summer.

879:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/07 09:35:10
I hope they take care. I know it is probably my favorite time to be in Japan.
Japanese people are at their best on Holiday.

880: ◆EROyVmNwwM
09/08/07 13:51:19 SeokpDHJ

881:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/07 14:11:52
いま みます

882:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/07 14:18:08
That is a very old festival.

09/08/07 16:51:46 nWW1O/TV


09/08/08 03:57:20 HqyD4aRg

09/08/08 05:33:01 Oc628dQu

886:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/11 07:14:49
I just heard about the earthquake. I hope everyone is ok.

887: ◆EROyVmNwwM
09/08/11 07:57:46 Yze+NTJ9
I was surprised.
However, I do not have the problem.

888:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/11 10:26:28
Please take care, that was a big one. 7.6 is enough to knock you off your feet for sure.

889: ◆EROyVmNwwM
09/08/11 15:08:32 CpCKY3Pd
I misunderstood it.
Jim-san might have written the earthquake of India.
The severe earthquake happened also in Japan in the same time.
The earthquake of Japan was magnitude 6.6.

890:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/08/11 23:20:16 MVyTHaIt


Yo! Pizza-fat Jim. A long time no see.
How about your MASTURBATION? HAHA!

How are you assuming the case that you must close BBSPINK?
Is the case "many and many illegal contents exist in BBSPINK"?
Is the case "FOX's help is not provided to BBSPINK"?
Or, Is the case another one?

I want to know what you are thinking about.

891:案内人ω ◆gvWKD.info
09/08/11 23:32:47 MVyTHaIt

892:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/12 07:41:28
The initial report here was 7.6 in Tokyo. That is a huge quake, and I was worried.
6.6 is still very large, but I understand that the newer construction is built to withstand that.

893:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/12 07:41:45
Get a life, you disgust me.

894:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/12 07:43:41
Please explain more. Are you taking drugs?

895: ◆EROyVmNwwM
09/08/12 07:50:29 OIZO7Nke

896:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/12 07:52:24
The police watch us, they can go buy drugs if they want to catch drug dealers.
We don't need to report. I am sure they search for that daily.

897: ◆EROyVmNwwM
09/08/12 07:54:34 OIZO7Nke
A lot of people were surprised at a large earthquake.
However, there was no large damage.


898: ◆EROyVmNwwM
09/08/12 08:02:01 OIZO7Nke
I also think that an official report is unnecessary it now.
The individual report is free.

Recently, a famous entertainer was arrested with the drug in Japan.
It became a big topic 2-channels.
Does Jim-san know this thing?

899:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/12 08:15:44
The last famous entertainer I heard about being arrested in Japan for drugs
is Paul Mccartney

900:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/08/12 09:12:54 Y3NCFdnU

>>886 is looking for informations of "RUSH" and where he is available.
RUSH is one of illegal drugs in Japan, as you know.

901:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/12 13:36:33
I am behind the times. I have never heard of that.
What is the chemical? Perhaps it is a slang term.

902:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/12 13:41:41
My new paraphernalia.

903:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/08/12 15:57:29 Y3NCFdnU
URLリンク(www.pref.aichi.jp) (Japanese site)
URLリンク(www.rushliquidincense.com) (maker site)

Prohibited ingredients:

2-methylpropyl nitrite
polymethyl methacrylate
Salvinorin A
and etc.

904:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/08/12 16:08:39 Y3NCFdnU

Rush is 2-methylpropyl nitrite.
Since 2006, it's prohibited the sale to many and unspecified persons in Japan.

905:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/12 16:49:10
Never heard of it, can't be that good.
Try Scotch!

906: ◆EROyVmNwwM
09/08/12 17:41:20 8PxKHv/w
Paul Mccartney is a very famous worldwide entertainer.
The person arrested this time is a famous entertainer in Japan and China.
It is a name of Noriko Sakai.

Will Jim-san stop the cigarette?
An electronic cigarette becomes popular also in Japan.

09/08/12 18:06:24 n/za96Rp
I recently read that conmonaughts doesn't feel like smoking in space. Assume so for astronaughts,
maybe you'd book a Soyuz flight to the ISS.

908:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/08/12 21:26:28 Y3NCFdnU

909:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/08/12 22:59:13 Y3NCFdnU


09/08/12 23:16:46 6VoFGk+N
Oh,JIM-san like scoches. What brand do you like?

911:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/08/13 01:22:42 uhdIA/Ne

In BBSPINK, there is a rumor that you are a drug-junkie.
Is it true?

912:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/13 07:28:32
I hope they don't overdue the punishment. The crime
is not so great. The biggest crime is her husbands

913:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/13 07:41:27
I like the King of scotch.
This is my favorite.
Did you know Japan is the second largest producer of scotch?

914:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/13 07:50:53
フェルム わ 何時も いそがしがって いる。

915:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/08/13 08:22:46 uhdIA/Ne

916:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/19 08:13:46
headline is having some problems. Pie is working on it now.

09/08/21 11:55:42 9mvEpPfk
I can't agree with you more. Who would betray his/her own partner!

09/08/21 12:02:06 GfhVqx/u

09/08/21 12:08:36 9mvEpPfk
I still think betrayal is a bigger sin than drugs...
I don't think I'll open my mouth this easy for my lady and parents.
Then again, they wouldn't do such a stupid thing :p

09/08/21 12:28:14 GfhVqx/u

09/08/21 12:38:58 GfhVqx/u

922:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/08/21 13:27:29 ycWFMCqo

923:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/21 13:30:55
Yes, the betrayal is the worst thing. When you can't count on those
close to you. Even if they are no longer so close, but have been.
Then you are really in a super bad position. It can make someone
paranoid with no place to turn. Of course no normal person wants
their family or close friends to be in trouble. Drug trouble is a
kind of sickness like alcoholism. Helping your friend or family get
treatment confidentially is the best choice. Allowing law enforcement
just creates a scandal, and usually a punishiment that is not deserved
when medical treatment would have solved the problem.

924:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/21 13:34:14
I am not sure I understand you, but I think that being mad at
the husband in this case is the correct thing. He should be
the one that is being harrassed by the press.

925:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/08/21 13:58:24 ycWFMCqo


926:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/21 14:17:46
I always hope for the happy ending.

927:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/08/21 21:37:07 ycWFMCqo
Hey! What happened?
It seems that the dangerous atmosphere filled around here.

09/08/21 23:31:32 vv9fJFMN
Hi ! Jim-san.
I am a resident of the megami board(女神板).
The megami board is taken over by a specific user
who has malice and is a catastrophic situation now.
His daily work is to beat all megami
by a malicious, obstinate method of exceeding the limit.
The megami board has turned into the hell because
he beats whenever megami visit.
The megami and the resident cannot enjoy at all in the fear of his raging,
and the number of megami keeps decreasing as a result.

He is a convinced criminal.
He is seeing through circumstances of management.
He declared,"The restriction is not executed though
I repeat the guideline violations".

Cannot this situation be improved?
Because I had thought that it was a serious situation
that could do nothing but rely on your power, I wrote it here.

09/08/22 02:16:25 YWXOHp4e
× Drug trouble is a kind of sickness
○ Drug trouble is a CRIMINAL act.

09/08/22 03:41:00 9xVRl7hR
I would send my family to a rehab any time, any day even
if I had to finance it. Law enforcement is needed, but who really
should be punished are whom that distributes drugs.
まー シャブはいかんが、なんでもかんでも警察任せにしたら
治るものも治らん可能性もあるしな… リハビリセンターに家族が入れるのも

09/08/22 06:50:16 nVdccKEY
まー 覚せい剤は警察に捕まっても再犯率が8割とも言われてるからねー

932:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/22 08:40:09
The megami board is officially not moderated.
Who is causing trouble there? It is my favorite board
too. Why would someone cause trouble there?

933:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/22 08:41:06
Yes, I think the criminal act was of her husband not helping her get

934:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/22 08:41:30
You are correct sir.

935:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/22 08:44:30
Please take care of your health.
What happened to you after the police caught you?

936:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/08/22 09:10:56 PXaX7Imq

937:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/08/22 09:22:02 PXaX7Imq

09/08/22 12:54:49 M7NNOyBS
He can not control feelings.
His purpose is to rule the board by his frenzy,
and to bully the megami and the resident.
It seems not to have been a purpose
to rule the board from the beginning.
It is a start that he went insane because
his favorite megami had not done the action for which he hoped.
It is January this year.
The action of frenzy is pleasure for him,
and he acts entirely aiming at it now.

His influence is very large.
He is rampantly enjoying megami hunting and megami killing.
A lot of people who mimic him appear.

09/08/22 13:20:22 44JwJ1/r
The American who protests McDonald's in Japan. What do you think?

940:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/22 16:50:43
It is terrible situation then. I think that the 女神 are the most important
thing on bbspink, and should be the most protected. This started in January?
Why is someone just telling me now?
What is his trip?

941:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/22 16:56:59
Heheheheh, foreigners fight back.
It does look like an embarrassing advertisement though,
and the guy is using my name. Hehehehe
I am not a nerd. hehehehehehe

09/08/23 00:36:28 i0bHkBqx
He doesn't use the trip at all.
If he was using the trip, the situation was avoided.
Because if megami and residents register trip NG,
it is settled with it.
He understands it well, and is using two or more ID at the same time.
In addition, camouflaging as if a lot of residents
were enjoying the killing megami
and making and playing by oneself(strawman sockpuppet) are purpose.
He is using p2 and proxy with ●.

It is easy to imagine that it is a same person
from the feature tone and behavior pattern though he is not using the trip.

These two months are too cruel though he has been acting since January especially.

943:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/23 06:45:04
Will you show me the example?

09/08/23 18:21:04 GLaDB189
James seems to love Japan. Thank you!

09/08/23 18:35:03 i0bHkBqx
He is a cyberstalker.
He misunderstood the megami who did not reveal the name
with other megami to which he was doing the stalking.
He abused the megami as the dependence syndrome.

Afterwards, he snapped to hide his embarrassment
because the megami reveal the name, and his mistake was clarified.
He wrote it continuously," You scum shit bitch must die!"

He threatened to unleash all things that she has up-loaded up to then.

Afterwards, he executed the re-distribution with another ID.
The re-distribution that doesn't obtain the permission of megami cannot be deleted besides him.

He got angry at the deletion request of the resident of the file that he up-loaded.
And, he up-loaded it again.

He boasted that he had killed other megami
and declared that he did so because the megami had made him angry.

This abuse and the re-distribution are repeated
until megami doesn't come through all eternity.
ID that he used for this period is the same as the one of the person
who did the megami killing by a lot of other threads.

09/08/23 18:35:45 i0bHkBqx
I show you some cruellest abuses as an example.

Slut,moron ぽっくる ◆mTaL8/jJJY lived in Kanto, and was hooker in high school days.
As a result,it became impossible for her to give birth to a child through life.
She is infected with AIDS and the remainder of her life is five years.
Her mind and the body are ugly .
She is a wicked, scum woman dyed to the mammonism.

Slut,moron ぽっくる was recruiting her companion
who committed suicide together frequently on the Internet.
(cybersuicide pact)
She was self-injurer because bullied in the elementary school.
Why did not you die at that time?
If you die, 100 million people will become glad.
AIDS patient,bitch ぽっくる ◆mTaL8/jJJY must die quickly!

I reported the police of the bitch.
ぽっくる ◆mTaL8/jJJY must die quickly!
Cut wrist and die quickly!
Bitch must be arrested due to the crime that infects AIDS by intention!

The re-distribution that doesn't obtain the permission
of megami is one of the megami killing methods.
I think that this re-kind of distribution is a beating
of the violation of the guideline though the re-distribution
is prohibited by a local rule in the megami board.

947:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/23 21:20:28
What a horrible person. Let me see what can be done.
I am not very familiar with the P2, since it is not my project.
You said he is using that to post. Maybe P2 has a blocking system
and we can request that he be blocked.

948:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/23 21:21:16
Japan has a special place in my heart.

949:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/23 21:48:41
"People, I just want to say, you know, can we all get along?
Can we get along? Can we stop making it, making it horrible for the older people and the kids?...
It’s just not right. It’s not right. It’s not, it’s not going to change anything. We’ll, we’ll get our justice....
Please, we can get along here.
We all can get along. I mean, we’re all stuck here for a while.
Let’s try to work it out. Let’s try to beat it. Let’s try to beat it. Let’s try to work it out" - Rodney King

09/08/23 22:52:26 oAnq1mr3
I believe it has a permanent UID and 2ch usually "roast" it to kickout deprecated users. It's called p2焼き 。

09/08/23 23:38:51 i0bHkBqx
I am very happy only in this fact to which you understood the situation of the board.
I think that his attachment to the guideline violations is very strong.
He knows what I am reporting to you.
Still, he doesn't try to stop the act.
If the restriction is executed once, he will retaliate.
At that time, I will rely on your power.
There might be a lot of residents who offer the log though his activity continues now.

I learnt the story of Rodney King with an English teaching material of the high school.
I think that he whom I reported this time is too special.

09/08/24 02:16:25 800rCWQ2
Hello jim-san !!

「過去ログ削除専用」About 9 months after it becomes untouched.

I was allowed to bring it together in >>82>>84.

It would be greatly appreciated when correspondence can be reconsidered.

Or, it survives when passage and the schedule can be taught if corresponding.

953:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/24 10:35:36
It sounds like lunch...;)
I don't know how to do this -- p2焼き
If someone will teach me, I would be happy
to roast this individual. I am a firm believer in ritual canibalism.

954:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/24 10:37:14
What do you want me to do?

09/08/24 11:47:29 ErnmGZkz
The easiest way for P2 roasting is:
go to


and post a request with reasons for it. (of course, with
★ or trip code - some kind of proof of who you are ;)

956:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/24 11:57:21
I think my ★ still works there. Unless they have removed it.
Will someone write the official complaint for me in nice Japanese?
Then I will post it there.
Our 女神 are something of a national treasure, and we should do
our very best to defend them.

09/08/24 12:28:43 UTeOk6Mc

do you know 焼き?
it isn't ゛p2焼き゛, only ゛焼き゛.

09/08/24 12:41:04 ycmQNxaZ
<snobtalk>Dr. Lector, from what may be observed from gogle search, it is naturally suggested that
with "p2-user" ID found in user-agent you can ask p2 admins to do that in here:</snobtalk>

p2.2ch.net総合スレ Part52【不具合/要望】

btw, recently i picked up a cheap nokia prepaid in the US. a charger, manuals, a headset, and a USIM came along.
I realised 1 of those had familiar kanjis on it; the charger. he says he's from Nokia Japan. wtf is this....

959:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/24 12:50:25
It is called p2焼き
in >>953
That is why I called it that

960:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/24 12:51:48
I thought Nokia was from Finland..:)

961:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/24 12:53:13
I am just waiting for someone to make a nice complaint for me in Japanese.
Then I will post it there.
I don't want to post English there if possible, and they probably won't
understand if I post it in my Japanese.

09/08/24 13:12:37 ycmQNxaZ
okay, then

<example addresses here>
のようなp2-user: <uidhere> による多数のガイドライン

Hello, I'm Jim, BBSPINK admin.
We're having multiple posts violating guidelines like
<example addresses here>
from p2-user: <uidhere>. Would you please revokethis user's posting permission?

09/08/24 17:36:32 xisvR1Pg
Jimさん、Are you still studying Japanese?

09/08/25 06:29:24 cjphAA/3
I've got familiar with whiskey due to Oishimbo (famous food manga) so very interesting to hear that.
I think US people like to choose bourbon, why do you choose scotch ? Is there any diffrences between the two ? (flavor? taste? price? etc...)
竹鶴 is very famous brand also in Japan like Ballantine's.

Excuse me for my English.

965:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/25 07:22:01
I do not like the flavor of bourbon. Last year I was able to visit the whiskey
distillery in Hokkaido, that is where I got the taste for it.
I also like grappa.

966:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/25 07:22:34
Yes, I am studying everyday now, I just have not updated my blog

967:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/08/25 07:29:03

I think Yuichi Takaso will be arrested for drugs next.
