Let's talk with Jim-san. Part13at EROBBS
Let's talk with Jim-san. Part13 - 暇つぶし2ch412: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/06/03 09:31:50 7VUyYjO7
>>406? It says "where are you going?"

413:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/03 10:28:45
ども ありがとう ございます。
どこに すすきの。

414: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/06/03 10:58:11 7VUyYjO7
You're very welcome.
But, what's that? どこに すすきの?

415:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/03 12:08:10
I am going to Susukino....;)
Maybe not now, but I will go there again.
It is one of my favorite places.

416: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/06/03 12:13:57 7VUyYjO7
That's cool. I had imagined a kinda grassland where it's breezing softly before I saw the pic.
And you wanted to say, "すすきのへ行きます(*いきます)".
It's nice to go visiting places.

417:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/03 13:08:27
はい 行きましょう

418: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/06/03 13:12:12 7VUyYjO7
Yes, let's go? Absolutely let's.
Now, we gotta hold the turkey party at Susukino.

419:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/03 13:15:10
That is a good idea! Please bring the turkey from North America. I will find
a place we can cook it.

09/06/03 14:16:04 lGCJZwqV
Never forget that NORIAKI IS DA REAL.


421:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/03 14:25:09
It must be so popular. I can not see it.
Youtube - "We are currently performing site maintenance. Be cool - we'll be back 100% in a bit. "

422:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g
09/06/03 18:35:27 GSZCzsWQ
いって きます

09/06/03 20:31:02 qvFjptZ0

424:EROyVmNwwM ★
09/06/03 21:52:01


425:This has a deep meaning? PINK Hanko is the press? The hand of cards? PINKのハンコを押すのは誰?カードは誰の手の内に? I have read that thread, and translated that thread. Maybe a better translation instead of a machine translation. The signature of Pink Channel is the Press. We play it like cards.

426:EROyVmNwwM ★
09/06/04 08:38:03
There is no problem in the thread title.
I hope Jim-san reads the res of URL.


427:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/04 09:38:30
Yes no problem in the thread title. I just really like that thread title...:)

428:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/04 17:08:44
あれ や これ や と する こと が おこって つかれる。
いって きます。 

09/06/05 03:24:57 PMoflimj
おいしい たべもの たべて、うんこ する と なおる!

430:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g
09/06/05 09:12:50 5jcpzjB8
I am getting well. You too, enjoy eating the same...:)

431:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/05 13:04:50
Lunch time. I could eat a whale today.

432:Sea Shepherd
09/06/05 14:35:31 U/cfIX4V

433:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/05 15:22:39
Don't worry, I went to Pizza hut, and unfortunately they did not serve whale.
I did have a whale of a lunch though. Their 10 ince Roma pizza is delcious.

09/06/06 02:03:25 dMoECa/T

435:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/06 09:22:23
そう そう ずばっと です。

09/06/06 10:17:05 C8aBIeLi
ずばっと means "flat out"," point-blank" or "sock[adverb]".

I don't know what "ずばっと" means in your statement.

By the way, I googled "ずばっと" and found the following.


"Swift Hero Zubat"

437:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g
09/06/06 13:49:10 yUqV3E+Z
I am on my way to becoming fat. That is what I meant.

09/06/06 14:20:42 C8aBIeLi
fat な Jim-san も charming です。:)

09/06/06 14:33:10 C8aBIeLi
でも getting slim が better for Jim-san's health です。 :)

09/06/06 17:14:27 dMoECa/T
Jimさん は 女 に もてる?

09/06/06 17:30:59 xRIbFHU8
ずばり maybe?

09/06/06 18:03:40 C8aBIeLi
I bet Jim-san is popular with women.

09/06/06 22:15:52 uFG1Z+nB
okay,i got it.
what jim-san wanted to say in japanese is : ずばり、そうです。(that's it exactly.),right?

444:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g
09/06/07 06:56:57 Jb65hb0p
かんぺき です。

445:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g
09/06/07 07:01:08 Jb65hb0p

446:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g
09/06/07 07:04:09 Jb65hb0p
ずばり = たぶんあ

447:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g
09/06/07 07:06:26 Jb65hb0p

448:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g
09/06/07 07:07:33 Jb65hb0p
When I get fat the economy improves. I need to get fat to improve business.
When I am slim, then the economy will not improve.

09/06/07 12:49:26 45fBThiO

09/06/07 23:35:14 V1D00M1f
うらやましい です

09/06/08 00:14:21 QVIBmQ1M
I'm sure we are mesmerized by Jim-san now.

452:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/08 08:35:19
おはよう ございます

453:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/08 08:38:08
大丈夫 です。

454:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/08 08:39:47
皮肉? wwwwwww

09/06/08 08:54:01 LTOAS/Ug

456:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/08 12:50:27

09/06/08 12:53:16 QVIBmQ1M
"草生やす" = putting some "w" at the end of sentence. this "w" means "laugh."

But in Japan,
the more you use "w", the more you look unsmart.

09/06/08 12:55:53 QVIBmQ1M


459: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/06/08 13:23:04 IWwPO9ZJ
We shouldn't classify those as pos. or neg. because every single person might have different oppinion on how much they put ws.
This is my oppinion, but ワロスwwwwwwww seems more frank and used by the youngers, while ワロタw seems just more arkward in this community. The more ws they use, the more they seem to be trying to enjoy to me.
But this is just my thought.

09/06/08 14:06:14 QVIBmQ1M
> while ワロタw seems just more arkward in this community.
why do you think so?

I know what you mean, but "ワロスwwwwwwwwwwwwww",
seeing this makes me feel the same as when I see "it's so funny. lololololol. "
and I know many people who don't like those posts.
In my humble opinion, I think we shouldn't use too much "w" except in the "VIP Board".

09/06/08 15:37:20 FZvmQ79Z
have u ever seen posts like "草民氏ね","草い" or "VIPでやれ"?
i often see em everywhere in 2ch and bbspink.

as one ex-"vipper", i feel sad about it.
now i dont use w at all.

462:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/08 18:35:02
I was trying to look cool...:)
Lately I have been using a new tool to help me learn kanji. It is Kiten.
Very nice powerful dictionary I can type the english word I want to use, and
get several Japanese suggestions. It shows the romanji to spell the kanji.
www = hehehe
I will try to use less doubleus from now on.

09/06/08 18:54:27 QVIBmQ1M
Don't worry.
Jim-san always looks cool, really.

anyway, Kiten sounds very interesting...

464:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/09 11:57:34
Here is how Kiten looks. I just highlight the word, and if it is in the dictionary. It gives
me the definition.
Or I can type a word in english, and it will search for that word in the dictionary, and give
me the Japanese kanji and the hiragana spelling.

09/06/09 17:41:14 0USYQceq
ジムさん の ねこ は 元気?
ねこ の なまえ は なんですか?

466:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/10 10:55:31
happy birthday

467:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/10 10:58:22
ねこ の なまえ Kitty.

468: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/06/10 11:38:16 NW2o6x2N
Whose birthday is it?

469:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/10 12:01:44
Just a dear friend of mine.

09/06/10 12:19:18 OrMynkgS
     /  /   bear you said?
    /.| .| ノ     ヽ
    / | |  ●   ● |
   /  | 彡  ( _●_) ミ
   /  | ヽ  |∪|  /_
  // │   ヽノ  \/
  " ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄(..ノ

471: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/06/10 12:20:26 NW2o6x2N
That's nice. Are you gonna have a party for him or her?
Please tell happy birthday and have a great day from me.

472:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/10 12:27:11
Hi Bear-san, you are not scared here? We eat bear...;)

09/06/10 12:41:35 esZvvlmC
      //  l..looks i've been to wrong place 
     //⌒)∩__∩.   hhhhave ani ceday!
    /.| .| ノ|||||||   ヽ::
    / | |  ●   ● |:
   /  | 彡 u( _●_)uミ:
   /  | ヽ  |∪|  /:_  
  " ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄(..ノ

474:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/10 13:10:32
It is ok, I have already ate. What is your favorite food?

09/06/10 16:39:54 z+llwof7
     /  /  
     /  /
    /  /
    /  /  I LOVE pure honey! do you have them there?
   /  /   ̄V ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
   / /________
  //           /
  " ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

476:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/10 16:53:57
Honey from clover is the best!

477:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/11 07:35:39
I will go to the dentist this morning.

09/06/11 08:04:59 5fuSbXXG
You have a cavity?

09/06/11 08:42:13 KabRdcq6
I heard many people are being infected by swine flu in Manila, please take care!!

480:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/11 16:06:00
I had it fixed. It is better now.

481:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/11 16:11:17
I think there is more chance of getting some other desease here.
Thank you for the consideration. There are more dangerous sicknesses to
worry about than swine flu. It is sad for the families that have members that
die from it, but more people are dying from dengue fever.


09/06/12 03:28:59 CSwB6ZFj
Are all of you all right?

483:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/12 11:58:04

09/06/12 23:55:55 CSwB6ZFj
I'm glad to hear that you are OK.
What are your plans for summer vacation?

485:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/13 18:07:30
If I am lucky, I will be able to see the eclipse in Shanghai.

486: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/06/14 08:46:03 CgCDNCtX
Are you going to China? I heard it was such a funny country. They pass bread to customer at night, elevators open their door to close them with no wait.
It doesn't sound nice and actually is not, though.

487:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/14 12:06:28
I have been to China many times. It is a nice place, and the people are as nice as any other place.
Where you are, is the where you are. Some of the most modern things in the world are in China.
Some of the least modern as well. So much of our sum total comes from China. It is difficult
to imagine a life without the middle kingdom.

488: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/06/14 12:21:35 CgCDNCtX
Individuality seems to be a key in both cases places and people. We often see tons of bad things about China on internet, especially in 2ch.
The rivers extremely polluted, dead grass coloured green for people's visits, people eat babies or those things even not supposed to be human things.
Nobody can't tell what are true on the internet. Those nasty things can be just well-made stories, but also true.
I'm just happy a trustable person says it's nice in there now.

489:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/14 12:42:58
There is suffering in China, but it is not at the level of suffering that I have witnessed in "free"
countries. I have met both poor and rich Chinese, and both levels of society carry themselves
with self respect, that I have healthy respect for. It feels like a poor man has a chance to
seek wealth and that a wealthy man has a chance to create more wealth. Actual individual
freedom exists there. Avoid obvious political troubles, and you are free to do what you want with your life. They have

490:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/14 12:44:14
conveniently removed insects except for cockroaches from a lot of places. Perhaps it is bad
that a lot of things are dead, but it nice not to be bit by mosquitoes.

491: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/06/14 13:26:31 CgCDNCtX
Not to be afear of insects was my big happiness I found here.
Japan is an insectarium now I think. Every time I took a bath, I was really nervous to find cockroaches and always ready to scream for that.
I sure should be happy to be here.

I have to be prepared for tomorrow to have nothing but work, so Gooni,

492:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/14 14:26:40
Good night my Canadian friend. Enjoy your work tomorrow. It is good to have work.

493:EROyVmNwwM ★
09/06/14 21:22:50

おねがい します。

09/06/15 00:39:34 RD8NW9l8
It's nice. Would you like give me your comments on that.

09/06/15 08:45:10 Ux0z+UFD

496: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/06/15 09:11:33 nTKzipE2
Do you know how difficult it is to shoot the eclipse? Well, I've never seen it with my eyes, but since the moon is very far, we need to go by telephotography.
And since the eclipse emits very little light, we need a long exposure that unable us to shoot the moon without a tripod.
I doubt if Jimmy has it and even he's gonna try to take a photo of it. And actually there must be a lot of photographers for the eclipse there.


09/06/15 13:27:06 rC8OQtFa
I think there'll be some alike lights on streets. While eclipse itself may be that unlikely easy
to shoot, I guess it's not so difficult to take a picture of sudden night appeared.


498:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/15 16:22:24
I did not make changes yet. Please make a copy of the head.txt that is the new one.
That is much simpler solution.
If I do it this way. I will just break it.

499:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/15 16:23:18
If I have time and am not broke at that time. I will go to Shanghai and see
the eclipse, and visit my son who lives in China.

500:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/15 16:24:47
I have a tripod, but I stopped using it because of the popup.
hehehe. w
No seriously, I have a Rebel camera and a tripod. I think the Rebel
is called an EOS in Japan. Hopefully it will take nice photos.

501:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/15 16:26:41
ども わざわざすみーません。 大丈夫 です。

502:EROyVmNwwM ★
09/06/15 17:25:44
I understood.
I make a copy of the head.txt that is the new one.

503:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/15 20:42:17
Thank you EroyVmNwwM-san,
I will update it in the morning. I am dialup wireless now, and to difficult.
Mata ashita friends.

09/06/16 01:54:45 lTeo+pHr
Good lack! Show me the pics of the eclipse sometime.

505:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/16 08:02:50
I have updated them all. Except for nuki/head.txt
There is a UTF8 Shift jis problem. I am not sure
if my computer is causing that, so I have not updated
that file yet.

506:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/16 08:03:23
if it turns out. It might just end up being a picture of dark.

507: ◆EROyVmNwwM
09/06/16 08:16:00 hTK5pJDp


508: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/06/16 10:55:13 bFNB2rxa
I wondered what you were talking about for awhile. I finally got it, though.
Without your clue, "hehehe. w", I would not be able to notice that.
Anyway, you got a SLR and a tripod, then it's ready, I guess.

509:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/16 11:47:46
Yes, lets see what there is to see.

510: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/06/16 12:18:30 bFNB2rxa
The best that could be was watching it from my house with my family, but not occurring this time.
I left Japan last year, and now eclipse is there coming over 46 years.
I can just say how nice.

511:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/17 10:07:38
Canada is beautiful. Cool air crisp salad scenery. It is a lovely place that you have
moved to. Don't worry about the eclipse. You can read about it on 2ch.

512: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/06/17 13:29:54 u72/w1ja
Yeah, it's gonna be what I'm gonna do. But, it can be tourture as well because they're having time together throughout the whole Japan islande, while I'm?
Well, I guess I'll enjoy everything about here or big North America Region.

09/06/18 00:19:46 +7VjLs/w
がんばって 下さい

09/06/18 12:35:36 //ZASNc2

515: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/06/18 13:10:28 Qlf30AcW
I thought that kinda talk was supposed to be made in the other thread, wasn't it?

516:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/18 16:16:57
There are a lot of great things to do and see in North America.
You could drive to the Corn Palace. Or you could go see Wall Drug.

517:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/19 11:33:35
Oh, don't forget to see the roller coaster capital of the world.
That one is close to Canada.

518:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/20 09:48:08

519:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/20 09:49:26
This is very interesting. When I am signed on fedora 10 in Japanese
my handle changes from ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g
It is the first time I noticed that.

520: ◆EROyVmNwwM
09/06/20 10:04:23 lO4RJAbL
最近 変わりました。

521:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/20 10:44:15
Well, when they are done playing with that. I will need to be updated on it.

522:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/20 11:00:55
Has anyone heard about this yet?
It is old news, but i am wondering it there is an update that I have missed.

523: ◆EROyVmNwwM
09/06/20 11:02:50 lO4RJAbL
It becomes past trip by #+Japanese five characters. Maybe,

09/06/20 11:03:42 8Q6Z2Kio
trip generator was modified.
from ahiru-chan's guide;

■Guide to new trip system

1) to keep old 10-letter trip
   if your key was shorter than 11 letters: no adaptation required.
   if your key was longer than 11 letters: shorten the key to 11 letters. same trip will be generated.
                            (Multi-byte characters are counted as 2 letters)
2) to use new 12-letter trip
   simply use a longer key. at least 12 is required.

3) to use "Raw Key" mode(new!)
 type ##xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxnn where
   x: ASCII Code in hexadecimal (8 letters)
   n: hash salt(optional)

NOTE: new trip system now bypasses word replacement command such as s/◆/◇/ or s/山崎渉/fusianasan/ .
     and some of keys contain those letters or phrases may need to be modified.

525: ◆MUMUMUhnYI
09/06/20 11:14:55 J53bPeYW

We began new trip system from yesterday. It is pretty secure the traditional one.

But don't panic. It has packward compatibility. You can use the traditional version
of trip when you specify the first 8 characters as your trip seed.

So, for example, if you use #(over 12 characters) as trip string, the system will
generate the new trip automatically.

The new trip is SHA-1 based and it generates 12 characters of hash string.
And the traditional trip is DES based and it generates 10 characters of hash string.

As of course you already know, DES is no longer secure, so we need introduce
the pretty good authentication system.

But it must has compatibility because the traditional version is widely deployed
already, and the "Moritapo" system (operated by Brazil inc.) uses it.

In short, you can use your original trip string by specifying the first 8 characters.
(after the ninth, ignored by nature, it derived from DES specification)

But I recommend users use the new version. It is pretty secure against reverse analyzing.

-- Mumumu

526: ◆MUMUMUhnYI
09/06/20 11:16:43 J53bPeYW
> But don't panic. It has packward compatibility.

packward => backward

。・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。 Hazukashii...

527: ◆MUMUMUhnYI
09/06/20 11:20:03 J53bPeYW
> But it must has compatibility because the traditional version is widely deployed already,

must have ...

Ah, my English level is still poor. :-(

528:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/20 11:20:04
Ok, I won't panic.

529: ◆MUMUMUhnYI
09/06/20 11:25:13 J53bPeYW
Thank you for your understanding.

I wrote >>528 "on-the-fly" and I didn't sanity check by the translating engine...
So, it includes several syntax errors, sorry.

530:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/20 11:39:08
大丈夫 です。
メール おくった。

531: ◆MUMUMUhnYI
09/06/20 11:48:37 J53bPeYW
I received and replied.

532:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/20 12:04:26
ども ありがとう ございます。

533: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/06/20 12:29:02 5Pyyioyv
I feel I'm empty. The whole plan of my travel is gone now.

534:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/20 12:31:44
ごめんあさい、 Don't worry, they are just suggestions. They are places I have
been before in North America. They are not necessarily the best places. They
are just places. I did like the Corn Palace though.

535: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/06/20 12:42:11 5Pyyioyv
You don't need to be sorry. I just found out I might as well stay still for summer not to make possibility of a mess.
Now my thought is just to keep myself comfortable and be happy enough here.
It's not a bad thing to be lazy; getting up in the afternoon and start something I feel like.

536:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/20 12:52:44
Canada is a wonderful place, and i am sure there are many local things to see that
you have not had a chance to yet. Please enjoy your locality. Drink it up and take
in the complete culture. You probably won't spend your whole life in that area, and
there must be more to see than you have talked about in the past.

537: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/06/20 13:03:46 5Pyyioyv
That's true. I'm not gonna be here after one more year, so it's a great idea to spend time to be a specialist in here for sure.
Your positive way of thinking obviously helped me now, and I feel to be set.
Thanks a lot about my summer plan. I'm now good to have a snack and hot chocolate.

09/06/22 02:38:14 +vNo2j1j

539:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/22 13:24:29
Enjoy it, you won't regret it.

09/06/22 18:17:31 CvhVu8oZ
Which tits do you like best?

09/06/22 22:26:10 TSXXRJfF
These "Priority Deletion Request" threads had been left untouched by
volunteer deleters since noted date.

5/13 Child Pornography Deletion Request Thread

5/31 "One night Sex Partner wanted" post Deletion Request Thread

These are used to be positioned by 79-san as the top priority deltetion.
Would you going to do something about it? If you do not feel like answering
with long sentences, you could choose one of the following for giving us your vision.

1) Leave it as is. who cares bbspink is viewed as dating service or child porn exchange BBS
2) That's a problem. Let's appoint a deletion leader and process at least "priority deletion request" ASAP
3) hmmmm. Let's solve that problem by recruit more willing volunteer deleters
4) Heck. I will do them by myself. Just say where they are.
5) None of the above. (please specify, if you can)

542:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/23 05:39:12
visible ones. That page does not display any tits.

543:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/23 06:35:16
Let me drink some coffee before I read this deeply.

544: ◆EROyVmNwwM
09/06/23 08:33:20 D1Si6cJs
I think that this is a big problem.

545: ◆EROyVmNwwM
09/06/23 08:36:24 D1Si6cJs
おはよう ございます。

546:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/23 09:16:17
Venti Breve Lotte Starbucks
おいし すづ。

547:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/23 09:33:38
I have a thread on the housekeeping board.
Please post deletion questions there. I monitor it daily.

>>If you do not feel like answering
with long sentences, you could choose one of the following for giving us your vision.

hmm, this sounds more like you putting words in my mouth. I keep it simple in English
and in Japanese not because of lack of words, but to make certain I am understood.

548:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/23 09:36:47
Maintenance at PIE is scheduled.

Start Time: 6/25/2009 4:30pm PST

End Time : 6/25/2009 5:00pm PST

549: ◆EROyVmNwwM
09/06/23 12:32:08 Lt0gUR8D
The fast food is the American.
I take the office the coffee made at home.


Start Time: 6/26/2009 8:30am JST
End Time : 6/26/2009 9:00am JST

550:EROyVmNwwM ★
09/06/23 19:52:09
I have asking for Jim-san.
It is employment of the translator.

There is a language barrier in Japanese and American's Jim-san.
Simple communications are possible.
However, I think that the translator is necessary for complex communications.

There are volunteer's several translators in PINK.
However, it doesn't function though it is regrettable.
I aspire after the translator who regularly visits the translation thread.
I think that employment is preferable to volunteers.
I hope Jim-san examines this matter.


よろしく おねがい します。


09/06/23 20:26:57 JNCReyWf
Ummm...How's that?

552:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/24 10:01:17
When I get a chance to get good coffee. Then I make it at home.
There is a taste for instant coffee with plenty of non dairy creamer and
sugar. This seems to be the most popular coffee here.
They even have one with five ingredients. One includes mushrooms.
I guess tates differ.
This instant and chemical type flavoring even extends into juice. It is
difficult here to get 100% juice, the most popular juices are produced
by Coke, and they are completely synthetic. Fake orange juice with fake
pulp, and Tang type products are more popular than fresh squeezed or
or juice made from concentrate.

553:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/24 10:02:37
I have several bilingual workers in my employment. Unfortunately, I seem
to understand bbspink better then them, even though Japanese is their first
language. Maybe I should hire a sukebe Japanese employee...;)

554:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/24 10:04:02

09/06/24 10:06:18 LKwpikuX

556: ◆EROyVmNwwM
09/06/24 12:20:21 gcbimZym
When I am a child, I think that the taste of Japan was also similar.

557: ◆EROyVmNwwM
09/06/24 12:26:21 gcbimZym
I wait for sukebe translator.


558:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/24 15:18:46
How to advertise for that?
Wanted sukebe Japanese translator. Must be knowledgable in all sorts of
obscure and popular terms in Japanese. From ancient pillow talk to zoophilia.
Those interested can send their resume to me in English and Japanese.
Please include a photo...;)

559:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/24 15:21:23
How long ago was that?

560:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/24 15:25:55
Google translation.
※ hawt guy but only
This is better though. From Kiten.
There is nothing better than gracious elegant energetic men.

09/06/24 15:35:39 dYP81+rE
求ム: 助平なる翻訳者一名

09/06/24 16:04:15 z7PGjsgP
If there is a sukebe Japanese employee, anyone will be able to understand your favorite position in bed.

563:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/24 16:06:23
ども ありがとう ございます。

564:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/24 16:13:09
判るーわか ないーよ

565: ◆EROyVmNwwM
09/06/24 18:36:36 syoIO/sh
It is a top secret. wwww

There was a juice that I made from the powder when I was a child.
It was a popular juice drunk at home.

Moreover, the juice with the pulp was sold.
However, the mushroom is not included in Japan.
I was surprised at the drink where the mushroom was included.
What taste is it?

566: ◆EROyVmNwwM
09/06/24 18:44:37 syoIO/sh
That sounds great!
I am very glad.

09/06/25 00:37:31 dduQSI5V

568:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/25 09:40:04
Here is a page about it. This person likes it. I think it tastes like dirt.
"The taste is good for instant coffee and I would prefer Jimm's 5 in 1 coffee"

We had McDonalds Orange drink at parties, and also The powder that the astronauts
brought to space. I didn't care for either of them.

09/06/25 09:54:58 1CAeR7zu
japan has really great in combination of variation and taste in drinks sold around.
of course it doesn'tmean its ingredints chemically safe or healthy for ordinary
human, but at least I believe are the best in the world though I often prefer
damn simple pure water.

570: ◆EROyVmNwwM
09/06/25 11:22:45 zQ334fs+
"it tastes like dirt."??
It seems to be very unpalatable.

A powdery juice is a nostalgic taste.
However, it is not delicious.
I do not like instant coffee.

571:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/25 12:23:04
My favorite Japanese drink is Lipovitan. It is good for your liver, and seems to have
plenty of caffeine in it.

572:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/25 12:24:13
I think so too. When I was a child I enjoyed them, but not now.
Powdered drinks must be for children and those that are childlike.

573:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/25 12:34:40
I found the source of the problem. 残念
Maybe this is one of the first instant coffee commercials?

574:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/25 12:38:06
However Folgers fresh perk is excellent. It is one of my favorites.
Who can argue with Mrs. Olson?
By the way, does anyone else think Mrs. Olson is hot?

575:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/25 12:46:59
Where does can coffee stand in Japan?
Is there a place inbetween powder and brewed?
Or is there a special place for it.
It is definately a unique taste. Starbucks can't even copy.
Maybe it is the glass they use instead of the can.

576: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/06/25 13:39:14 uUzAHZyt
I have talked to a guy about Japanese drink and he said he never drank Pokari Sweat.
Ya, as I am now, I understand it. Who wants to drink something named "sweat"?
It's a horrible or could be good-try name but people don't care what it literally means.

577:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/25 13:52:09
I have never drank Pokari Sweat. The name did not sound nice to me.
Maybe it is something like Gatorade.
Have you seen the new Gatorade advertisements? They are fantastically funny.
They have urinal stickers, that show you the color your urine should be. You piss
on them while reading the Gatorade advertisement.

09/06/25 20:31:30 dduQSI5V
The Japanese coffee stand is either a shop like Starbucks or a stick-in-the-mud tearoom.
A lot of Japanese women like tea (or, herbal tea) better than coffee. Therefore, the shop of tea is more various than that of the coffee stand. Especially, in the city.
Many Japanese men drink can coffee in their workplace. There is a vending machine in every place of the Japanese town. They buy coffee there. Because the reason is because they are very always busy.

579:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/26 09:21:54
I like the Japanese can coffee. It is a unique taste.

09/06/26 09:49:03 AqCEY8A+
One of the Japanese can coffee, MAX COFFFE are very delicious!!

09/06/26 09:54:53 AqCEY8A+
ジムさん!Have you ever been to Hooter's?

09/06/26 10:13:50 0b/ptdCt
I love it!

583:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/26 13:29:17
I have drank this one before.
I will try Max next time.

584:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/26 13:32:03
勿論! The best hooters in the USA is in Columbia South Carolina.
I had so much fun there. I attended the Advanced Non Commisioned Officer Course
there, and at least once a week. I was there drinking all night.

09/06/26 15:23:37 PKnHnjCx
Michael, why is it!

586:yukki ◆nakamarco.
09/06/26 23:13:51 pRBxITjt
Hello!!I want to meet very cute girl in gym!!
Please teach is it good when doing very?

587: ◆SOp.......
09/06/26 23:21:20 QdwYzfiU BE:2642321478-2BP(4072)

09/06/27 02:54:05 un5unD8c
Oh, I'm envious of you. Hooter's girls are very sexy & charming.
But I have not gone there yet. I hope I will be able to go to Hooter's someday.

Great entertainer. RIP...

589:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/27 09:23:35
He will be missed.
Let us dream of tomorrow where we can truly love from the
soul, and know love as the ultimate truth at the heart of all
creation. - Michael Jackson

590:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/27 09:24:12
Yes, it is very good..:)

591:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/27 09:26:36
お早う 御座います

09/06/27 23:13:52 sUzwl3oD



I have a question to you, Jim-san.

Are you able to set (grant or take away) Cap(★) to anyone?
If you can, does setting Cap become possible by the existence of "the person who advises Jim-san"? (similarly to >>429)

I can recommend EROyVmNwwM-san as "the good person who advises Jim-san".

09/06/29 01:35:09 zvWBFxBq
My name is Alan.
Someone recommended this bbs with his cock erect.
So I would like to ask a question.
Where can I find out many girls around here?

09/06/29 03:03:15 t8hI4Ajw

09/06/29 05:57:36 pg1g8WmM
your trip code is really cool

596:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/29 09:30:44
I am able to make and take away CAP.

597:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/29 09:38:52
Dear Alan,

I think this is a good place to start lurking.
There is no dating allowed on bbspink, but it
is a nice cheerful place to see pretty girls.

09/06/29 13:19:04 1oSqlkB3


Then, let me ask you a question one more.

What kind of case do you assume it is that you needs to make and take away CAP?
Please tell me your view at present.

09/06/29 13:23:21 1oSqlkB3

600:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/29 13:35:02
はい そう です。
それわ いいです。

09/06/29 14:30:15 l9ZEaaoP
Does the top of the head of David still have a problem? But I think that he is handsome.

602:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/29 15:25:06
We removed the head, and now there is no problem...;)
Just kidding. David is feeling much better now.

603:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/29 15:27:22
Case by case of course.

09/06/29 16:03:02 l9ZEaaoP
Great job!! Awesome! Please give my best regards to David.

09/06/29 16:16:16 1oSqlkB3

I cannot understand what you think, but I know your opinion must be the best for BBSPINK.

Thank you for chatting.

09/06/29 18:28:37 t8hI4Ajw

管理人が いいです。 と言うので、決まりで。


それは(wa) いいです。 => He/She can recommend EROyVmNwwM-san as "the good person who advises Jim-san".
Is everything OK about the above?
This matter is only about the setting of CAP.

607:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/30 09:29:22
I will, David is a good guy.

608:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/30 09:35:17
I am not a riddle wrapped in a mystery. I am just an ordinary average guy.

609:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/30 09:36:51
Cogito ergo sum. - Rene Descartes

610: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/06/30 11:20:12 isE3O/+8
Water in a lake was so cold that I couldn't swim for even a moment. I don't know how people can manage that coldness and still wanna go to a beach.
Some say it gets enjoyable when we dump ourselves into water and once we get used to it.
But isn't it almost torture or suicide that we go in ice-cold water to have fun? I can't understand people's mind.

09/06/30 12:24:37 Lmk1zJzg
Eppur si muove. - Galileo Galilei

We have no infomation of the temperature of a lake.
How we know the temperature of a lake without touching water?

612: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/06/30 12:42:37 isE3O/+8
You can refer to a thermometer, I suppose. And btw, it was ,sadly, a soliloquy.
I went to a lake near where I'm living now and people like to go for swimming, but the water there was too cold for me to even stay in for a second.
Maybe, it was about less than ten. I felt it colder than the air in a morning in winter.

09/06/30 12:53:17 Lmk1zJzg
Do you have a thermometer? It's good.
You should teach people water temperature as possible aloud.

614:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/30 12:54:27
What was the outside temperature? That sounds like glacier water. It must have
been so crystal clear.

615:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/06/30 12:59:37
ほんと? しんじられません。。w

09/06/30 19:49:36 Lmk1zJzg
Yah, Mist.ca/QE-san would take penguins for people.


09/07/01 01:04:38 HQT1Dc5Y
Thank you, sir.
I would like to check there.

My Japanese friend gave it to me.
Nishimatsu is a great samurai's name, isn't it?

618:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/01 09:23:02

09/07/01 09:37:37 7pQZGRy1
Your Viewer says "this thread is broken"?
That is because of a deletion here.

09/07/02 19:15:17 ts5kwca6
How do you do? Jim-san.

Are you interested in the little girl and girl student?
Are you interested in woman student's undergarment?

I am not.

621:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/03 09:27:47
No, I am not.

622:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/03 09:28:20
Thank you

09/07/03 10:33:15 183937oB
Jim-san, your anchor is offset by one because of the deletion.
You can solve the situation by choosing "Reload (the thread)" from your viewer.

624:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/03 10:41:05
Hmm. I use linux viewers, and some of them are not up to standard with the Windows
versions. Although they have some cool functions. Reload the thread does not seem to
work on this one. JD
It is working on Ochucha though. I use both, depending on the situation.

09/07/03 11:31:26 183937oB
hmm..in that case,
1- delete the thread first
2- reload the board (which renew the thread lists index database)
3- get the thread again
It may work with that.

09/07/03 11:35:33 183937oB
ah. let's make it clear you not to misunderstand.

1- (In the viewer that you are using,) delete the thread first
2- (In the viewer that you are using,) reload the board (which renew the thread lists index database)
3- (In the viewer that you are using,) get the thread again

627:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/04 09:40:17
Thank you. How is this?

09/07/04 09:57:09 2ImvzU0G
ah....since your anchor was offset by 1, I don't know if you meant to the >>628 or >>629 with that anchor.
If you see above my 630 anchor point to you right, it means it's OK. ;)

09/07/04 16:26:01 pdxQk9JB
Please delete everything.


630:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/04 17:04:25
Got it. Thank you very much for the pointers.

09/07/05 00:05:46 CIprf59l

632:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/05 20:48:48
ども ありがとう ございます

633: ◆witch2enoc @削魔除 ★
09/07/05 22:20:17
Hello, Jim-san.

I am witch of deleter.

Jim-san and me have the E-mail which a secret is included in.

I have been misunderstood for reasons of it by some people.
But But But, such a thing does not matter.

I went to the police.
Some deleter worries about the security thereby.
May I continue deleter?
If Jim-san says that "You should resign deleter", I leave deleter.

09/07/05 22:31:46 sNqxpL9k


635:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/05 22:42:47 sNqxpL9k
Nice to meet you, again! Jim.

You said "your breath smells like the shit!" to me.
You said "you are arrogant and condescend!" to me.
I shall never forget what you said. Hehehe...

09/07/05 23:13:07 kXpAlU2H


637:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/05 23:23:13 sNqxpL9k



09/07/05 23:26:15 kXpAlU2H

639:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/05 23:27:56 sNqxpL9k


09/07/06 00:13:45 kTt4TBF8



09/07/06 00:18:31 kTt4TBF8

09/07/06 04:26:31 vCYefATo


09/07/06 04:27:30 vCYefATo
↑ イミフ   すまそ

09/07/06 09:11:25 30PEb2ja


09/07/07 02:56:19 uhG407hN
> Please ask Jim a question in place of me.

> I have such a memory.
> It is reasons of TARAKO to have divided a system of the deletion of PINK and 2channel.
> Circumstances of TARAKO disappear now.
> TARAKO does not have the right of the system of the deletion now.
> I want to know why I must continue dividing a deletion system.
> What is the reason that must continue dividing a deletion system?

09/07/07 09:10:40 GH1c2urJ

09/07/07 13:01:48 uhG407hN
> Please ask Jim a question in place of me.

> I have such a memory.
> It is reasons of BIGTARAKO to have divided a system of the deletion of PINK and 2channel.
> Circumstances of BIGTARAKO disappear now.
> TARAKO does not have the right of the system of the deletion now.
> I want to know why I must continue dividing a deletion system.
> What is the reason that must continue dividing a deletion system?

09/07/07 13:32:58 RIsa/qCt

649:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/07 19:08:43
Wow, there is a lot of messages here. I have been working in another office, that does
not have the internet connected yet. I just got back into town.
Now I am to sleepy to think straight.
Tomorrow I will be more clear. By the way. I like Witch-san. She seems like a nice person.
If there is any comment for her, please let me know.
I am already aware of all the negative comments about her.
Somebody has something nice to say?

650:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/07 19:14:30
This could be caused by
Don't worry in most cases it is treatable.

09/07/07 20:42:05 RIsa/qCt
Hmm. Do you smell bad breath from a screen of PC?
You must be mentally ill.
Why don't you go to a mental doctor early?

Don't worry in most cases your country take care of you.

652:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/07 21:15:49 RIsa/qCt


09/07/08 03:12:17 cD+UjO1l
I think that the thing for PINK to lose the kiddie porn is an important thing.

She started losing the kiddie porn from PINK, and failed.
The succeeding thing cannot be done if not challenging. Moreover, it succeeds by taking a lesson form failure.

Therefore, I think that she should continue deleter.




09/07/08 03:34:42 F363jUnH
>>655 is
> I think that you understand it, but I say daringly, >>654 is me. It's me!
> I whom Jim cannot help loving!

> You should get thinner more!. This pizza fatty!.

655:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/08 09:00:04
If I get fat eating tasty food. I am happy. It is best to be fat dumb and happy.

656:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/08 09:01:24
Yes, she did try to do that. I think it is a losing battle, but the effort was

657:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/08 09:12:57
I am a noble fat pizza?
あなたわ を ぱくつく わたし 大丈夫ですか?
My meaning: Take a bite of me, I am a pizza.

658:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/08 09:18:10 Q+uCwpiL
( ゚д゚)、ペッ

659:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/08 09:32:16
I like cheese pizza like マルガリータ ピザ。

660:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/08 09:48:21
You made that decision on your own. I don't think you have access
to give the IP of a poster to the police, so what you did at the police
is on you. I know what you told me.
That you went there to see the sample of what is considered Child porn
with the police opinion.
I think you did that because of so many people harrassing you online about
what you were deleting.
Is this correct?

661:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/08 09:49:29
I don't think there should be a human sacrifice.

662:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/08 09:52:49
Please see >>663

663:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/08 09:57:09
詩 シ?

664:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/08 09:59:52
This was not decided by me. It was decided by 2ch.
It is to keep the purity of 2ch, so that it is not made
unclean by bbspink.w

09/07/08 10:04:52 Q+uCwpiL

09/07/08 10:38:55 6dScEDRw
News 【社会】海外の児童ポルノサイトのURLをネット掲示板に貼ったパチンコ店店員ら逮捕、掲示板開設の少年を送検へ★2

News Summary
Kanagawa prefecture police dept. announced that they have
arrested 2 men for posting oversea's child porn site URL (text)
link to a BBS on violation of Japanese Prevention of Child Porn Act.
The criminals have already sentenced as guilty and 500,000yen fine.

The police will be also plan to prosecute BBS administrator on
assistance to the violation of the Act.

09/07/08 10:53:42 6dScEDRw
Fogot to add to the summary.

The BBS administrator was knowingly operating the BBS
that child porn link are posting by these criminals.
(means operating child porn referral BBS, not the same
situation as bbspink), hence the police will prosecute
him for the assistance.

668:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/08 11:39:39
This is a good thing.
You are correct it is not the same thing as bbspink.
We do not allow that, and we are not moderated.
Thank you for the translation.

669:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/08 11:42:27
I was just trying to explain.
Please have a nice day.

670: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/08 14:00:18 KeAxcLW7
Obviously, people not speaking English or whatever languages Jimmy is comfortable in are trying to confuse him or not having good intention for conversations with him.
At least I feel so these days. And it's not supposed to happen here as far as I'm aware of.

09/07/08 15:19:24 8bl738EJ

672:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/08 15:38:32 Q+uCwpiL
HAHAHAHAHAHA!! It's a nice joke.
You must realize that majority of people don't like to communicate with you and Jimmy.
It is very troublesome and a waste of effort that they speak English or whatever
languages he is comfortable in.
In addition, I have been one of majority of people, too.

But we come here to make communication with you and Jimmy. Please welcome us.

673:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/08 15:42:33 Q+uCwpiL

09/07/08 15:47:33 8bl738EJ

675:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/08 16:40:29
How is your summer going? Are you becoming an expert on Canada yet?
It is a beautiful country.

676:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/08 16:45:26
Don't worry, I seldom take time to try to communicate with those that don't want to communicate
with me.

677:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/08 16:56:35

678:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/08 17:07:54 Q+uCwpiL


679:Jim ◆fAtsBg565f6U @Apparently admin ★
09/07/08 21:13:01
Good night Ferm, more pleasantries tomorrow?

680:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/08 21:24:59 Q+uCwpiL

Good night Jim. Have a good dream.

09/07/08 23:32:03 6XNck+j1
Why not say "Have a good nightmare"?


682:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/08 23:38:49 Q+uCwpiL

09/07/08 23:57:54 6XNck+j1
あ いい子ぶってるキンちゃんハケーンw

684:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/09 00:02:37 Q+uCwpiL


09/07/09 00:20:04 EbyE3pE+
I love you JIM



09/07/09 01:16:54 MPys8H7n

09/07/09 02:11:33 YMmP8or8
I do not have the memory that issue of child porno, I failed in.

09/07/09 03:20:09 MPys8H7n

09/07/09 03:35:34 YMmP8or8
You must not understand a meaning of BIGTARAKO.

09/07/09 04:03:18 WitcIXWM
>>667 を読む限りでは、なんであのときにピンクの削除が切り離されたのか、まるで理解してないねー

691:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/09 07:15:57
You are correct sir.

692: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/09 07:33:09 Y/28V0Jw
This summer is not as miserable as it used to be although it almost didn't even change from before.
I'm apprarenty staying home more time than before, but sometimes going into bush, hiking or walking around.
And I got, actually a lot of things to do during this summer; playing with my computer is one of them.
Hopefully I'll make a plan for August when I might be able to travel around in Canada.

693:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/09 07:36:02
If you have the budget, try to go to Vancouver island and visit Victoria.
It is the best place I have been in Canada.

694: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/09 07:45:04 Y/28V0Jw
I heard Victoria was one of the places where people want to live when they're off work and have the rest of their life free.
And it's more like the old, beuatiful Britain.
Where else have you been in Canada?

695:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/09 07:53:23
I have been all over British Columbia, and just across the border from Whitefish
Montana as well.

696:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/09 07:54:33

697:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/09 07:56:45
I understand it.

698: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/09 08:02:38 Y/28V0Jw
BC is where I am. It's a small town where I am that is almost completely opposite from Vancouver, though.
Here it's very cold for summer now like 10 degrees. On the top of a mountain was snowing when I went to bush today.
I hope I had a lot of money, then I could go visit Vancouver Island and somewhere in west.

699: ◆witch2enoc @削魔除 ★
09/07/09 08:03:53
I advance by myself and work as a volunteer.
Of a little "bomb!!" Is nothing.

700:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/09 08:07:58
Take the bus? You do not have to spend much money in Victoria to
enjoy it. I thought you were in Ontario, I grew up south of BC in
the state of Washington.

701:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/09 08:08:51
I think you will be ok. Please be careful, and please think about what you do
before you do it.

702:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/09 08:51:40 clW3yLEX
Good morning High-fat pizza and a topping!!



703:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/09 09:01:56 clW3yLEX

BIGTARAKO and TARAKO are Hiroyuki's nicknames.
Your saying (>>667) does not accord with his saying. Why?

704:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/09 09:18:30 clW3yLEX
Read this thread.
There was the cause of dividing a deletion system in BBSPINK as far as I read it.
Is this correct?

705:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/09 12:18:03 clW3yLEX



Please translate ↑

09/07/09 14:32:48 YMmP8or8
We can imagine why Hiroyuki-san is called BIGTARAKO.


707:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/09 15:29:24
We are lucky it was not our fox.
I hope the injured people will recover.

708:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/09 15:31:32
I have a deletion thread.
Bring it up there. This is not the correct place.

709:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/09 15:38:37
I prefer tuna. This bigtarako is not tasty.

710:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/09 15:53:06 clW3yLEX

In the thread, do you intend to answer it really? hehehe...
If you don't intend to answer it, "bringing it up there" seems wasting time to me.

09/07/09 16:37:01 YMmP8or8
>>713 Ferm-san said.
It is not a problem of the deletion.
Do not avoid a topic.

09/07/09 16:47:34 Kepw/FnD
> この掲示板設置サイトの管理者に警告したうえで、すべての掲示板を削除させた。

713:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/10 00:13:03 n1xUPic+
Good night Jim. Have a good dream.

09/07/10 00:34:21 d4/HZHxx

Jim-san once said something like "I do not respond to the voluntary cooperation for investigation request
from the police, such as request for the IP address log of the certain post unless the Japanese police
takes proper procedure (such as through ICPO) for disclosing the log." so he may not take the caution seriously.

715:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/10 08:09:19
This is my translation.

Jim's regular procedure (ICPO through) any request for cooperation from the police
other than the (IP and disclosure) is a means to decline
If there was an alert because they say I pay no attention.

I do pay attention.

09/07/10 10:25:00 /LBrARSB

Although I have attached close English sentences to the Japanese,
I have no idea why Jim-san answers to the machine translated poor English.

717:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/10 10:47:44
Maybe it is because I am busy training for the Big Bite Challenge.

718: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/10 11:10:34 dPeu4Xtx
I remember a skinny guy went through most number of hotdogs on a TV show.
A big macho ate a hand full of hotdogs as quickly as he finishes one, while the skinny ate as though he was having supper.
Don't go crazy though when you are trying. I guess this is an important thing when we challenge something.

719:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/10 11:13:44
Stage 1 is a timed event with one coke and five hotdogs.
It gets more difficult after that.
My whole office will participate in this event next Friday.
It is going to be fun.

720: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/10 11:19:28 dPeu4Xtx
I even wonder if I can finish five hotdogs.
The key must be how you use coke. It can let you swallow, but can also make you full.
How do you train for this event? Eat a lot of them quickly?

721:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/10 11:39:57
I am not sure. I am trying several different ways.

722: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/10 11:45:27 dPeu4Xtx
I found some sites showing how to train. Does it help?

723:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/10 12:08:38
Vomiting during the competition will guarantee a loss.
Just like the sword swallower, train your mind to ignore the urge to upchuck.

724: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/10 12:59:16 dPeu4Xtx
It seems more like a mental battle.
Btw, this competition reminds me of lunch time in elementary school.
I finished first in any time there was curry 'n rice somehow although I was never a fast or big eater.

725:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/10 13:01:03
I think it is going to be fun. We will have 27 people from the office go to the little 7/11
in the basement of our building. Probably they will run out of hotdogs.

726: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/10 13:21:39 dPeu4Xtx
Are those hotdogs gonna stay hot in basement? Are you gonna use a barbeque?
To keep 27 good eaters busy eating would require a big one.

727:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/10 13:59:44
I guess that 7-11 is about 30 square meters.
It is more a concern how to keep things cold here.
Most of the time it is body temperature.

09/07/10 17:51:43 4s5cSijl
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729:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/11 00:17:38 IMzlVgND
Good night Jim. Have a good dream.

09/07/11 00:26:07 Q7JBuqou

731:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/11 09:28:26

732: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/11 09:46:13 wL2uT8f5
What did you eat today?

733:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/11 10:03:41
Only coffee and a Lipovitan so far today.
Last night I drank beer with the guys from the office,
and now my head hurts.

09/07/11 15:19:32 cFRAwWOY
                ,. 、       /   /
              ,.〃´ヾ.、  /  /  
            / |l     ',  / /
       ,、     ,r'´  ||--‐r、 ',    HELLO, HELLO, I'M TESTING SPEAKER INSIDE BUILDING.
      l.l. ,..ィ'´    l',  '.j '.    
      'r '´          ',.r '´ !|    SCREAMING TEST: AAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHH
      l!     ....:.:.:.:.:.:ヽ、   ,l    
       ゝ、.,_ ---‐‐‐----ゝ、ノ \  NEXT WILL BE ROCK MUSIC TEST ON MAX VOLUME
       | |               \
      ..| |                 \

735:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/11 23:53:03 IMzlVgND
Good night Jim. Have a good dream.
Don't worry. I am here until BBSPINK ends.

736:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/13 10:42:00
Wow, I am listening to Audioslave this morning. Full volume with headset.

737:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/13 10:56:51
I have heard that before.
Anyway lets do our best to make it a good fun place.

738:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/13 18:45:50 bRXFhMF3
Que sera sera.
The most users of BBSPINK and 2ch are epicurean. And me too.

For the moment, I only want to continue talking with you.

739:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/14 00:26:33 Nj4xJFCO
Good night Jim. Have a good dream.
Don't worry. Next moments will come to us until we die, even if BBSPINK ends.

09/07/14 21:47:17 Iw7XL0s0


09/07/15 09:54:56 seNLrWYG
Trans. ->>>743

Hey, Jim-sam.
I'm as bullshit as my socks taken off right after work about English, so excuse me writing Japanese.

Ok, let me be a leader on deleting.

742:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/16 08:27:07
I am sorry I wasn not online for a couple days. I have been in bed.
My stomach seems to have taken control of my body. Maybe it is getting
a little better now.

743: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/16 13:38:09 75GFvMsf
Did the sickness come from overeating? I guess you eat a lot more than you used to for the contest.
In my case, yesterday, I had quite a bit of pizza for supper and homemade peach pie for dessert. Well, those were really good.
But, obviously I got sick from that big supper and I felt olmost like puking.
Three hour sleep helped me out, but it was actually one of the worst feeling in this year.

744:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/16 13:59:04
Yes it is from eating. I have ulcers and they are acting up now. It must have
been from the eating practice.
Friday is the contest. I think I will just be an observer.

745: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/16 14:19:27 75GFvMsf
You'd better think about stress too.
Unusual amount of eating makes stress, but normal life can cause it, obviously.
Treat yourself as good as you can, that would help.
I know nothing about those things though.

746:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/16 14:37:12
BC has excellent herbs for stress. However that is not available here.

747: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/07/16 15:11:38 75GFvMsf
Does it? I never heard about herbs here.
I know a person having a small store about healthy stuff where I was living before, but not here.
This difference is big on my health, actually. She could help me out a lot and I could talk frankly, but not here.
Finding someone who is on health and talking with him would be a big help.

748:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/16 16:02:40
Please take care of your health. It is probably very difficult to get healthy food
there. Rural towns in North America generally eat unhealthy food.

09/07/16 16:05:54 OHB94leQ
Q. is potato a veg?
A. Fried potatoes are, yes, a kinda veg, of course.

750:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/16 16:40:44
Yes of course. It is a tuberous vegetable.

09/07/16 16:55:59 OHB94leQ
though peeled and fried potatoes rather not share much positive effect for health other vegetables have.

752:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/16 16:58:17
They are a good replacement for rice. You needs some starch in your Diet.

753:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/16 18:41:25 VQ/ltixy
And a little fat has no problem on our health.
Though of course policed rice has little fat.

754:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/16 18:51:57 VQ/ltixy
あれ?白米ってpolished riceじゃなかったっけ?そんな表現あるのか。

755:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/16 22:12:48 VQ/ltixy
Oh It's terrible!!
Hush my sweet baby Jim. Don't say a word.
Because the sandman will come soon.

756:フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim.
09/07/16 23:56:26 VQ/ltixy
Good night Jim. Have a good dream.

757:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/17 11:31:51
Oh No! Watch out for the rice police.

758:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★
09/07/17 12:02:43
This pillow is so cool!
