09/05/18 10:32:19
This was about 2 pm. However the body was not there, and we found to our amazement
that it had been released to an unscrupulous funeral director, and we could not locate it.
Back and forth to the police station to help with locating the body.
The friendly detectives that we had talked to in the morning were no longer at work, and a
different batch of police were at the station. These people had other priorities and were not
much interested in helping locate the body.
In the end about 1:30 am we were able to negotiate a release of the body for money.
His dead body was basically held hostage until I paid them for it. Of course it was very hot Friday,
and it was already decomposing rapidly.
The funeral parlor we took him to was kind and efficient. They did their very best in cleaning up the
situation and were so professional. They have my recommendation if you ever happen to be dead in Manila.
Call Sanctuarium. They provide complete services and it is a professional first class environment.
By this time the dog has had a hard day with not enough food or water all day.
So I brought her home and that ended the long sad day.