Let's talk with Jim-san. Part13at EROBBS
Let's talk with Jim-san. Part13 - 暇つぶし2ch200:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/04/20 12:58:02
No, not that one. I read it too, but that is to deep.
This one.
I Chong

201: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/04/20 13:09:50 1x7pe45D
Okay, I put it in my mind.
But I'm not sure I can get it though.
I don't have a big book store but a second hand, and I don't use internet shopping.
So, hope I'm with good luck.

09/04/20 14:28:41 QOo1x5Vo
Jim-san, Which do you like better, dog or cat?

203:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/04/20 16:38:54

204:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/04/20 16:49:33
I have six dogs and one cat. The dogs win by volume, but the kitty is my true favorite.

09/04/20 18:51:09 EoFiIpJZ
Wow! Many dogs! And kitty? What kind of kitty? Jim-san's kitty must be so cute. I wish were you!

09/04/21 00:56:35 pjNEYydB

> 削除依頼板ではガイドラインに基づいて削除判断を行います。
> 該当する理由が無い場合、もしくは削除ガイドライン上の基準では、削除対象外と判断されたが、
> 法律上ではなんらかの権利を侵害する場合は下記のメールアドレスへ直接削除依頼をしてください。
> 管理人連絡先(英語のみ)
> jim@bbsぴんく。com
> 日本語での受付窓口
> info@@bbsぴんく。com

Thank you for reading Japanese mail.
The E-mail is a petition.
The hope of the person who asks for help is put in Japanese mail.

09/04/21 01:05:55 kZ1ZK1TU

208: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/04/21 07:19:34 6TyULVrl
Please, stop pinning your curse on me.
At least, I'm having a not bad day which is a great start for the beginnign of a week.

209:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/04/21 07:51:12
Not curse, magic words for luck. Maybe I made a mistake in translation.
お呪い = noun good luck charm, or magic words like presto or abracadabra

210: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/04/21 09:02:48 BCm53WBP
Ni... I never heard and 呪 usually means curse as far as I know.
And I googled. Aha, I got it!
You meant おまじない instead of おのろい.
It's not a familiar way for us to write it so.

211:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/04/21 09:27:01 lUEilDs7 BE:2281778879-BRZ(11330) 株優プチ(dataroom)
Got My Mojo Workin'

212:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/04/21 15:57:00
She is a calico kitty. She adopted me about 6 months ago. One day she was at my door, and would not leave. When I came back she was still there. There next day still there. So I took her to the vet and had her cleaned up and wormed, she still hasn't left.

213:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/04/21 16:02:57
仕事 してた

214:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/04/21 16:03:28

09/04/21 23:50:27 zqpLI8e4
2ちゃんねる の leader of the deleter は tiny tits です

09/04/22 04:55:25 CvUgLDTZ
Nietzsche is almost good. But he loved the God too. That is his defect.

"Siddhartha" is name of the novel? lol I serached. I didn't know that book.

"Everything is pointless" and "Vanity of vanities, all is vanity."(Ecclesiastes1:2) have something in common.

217:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/04/22 12:46:43
Ecclesiastes is one of the better books in the bible. I enjoyed reading that book very much.
Siddhartha, is a wonderful easy to read book about the life of an Indian guy.

09/04/22 17:09:33 7zXLVogY
Bulletin board address
thread name [ Hanamaru Gasaire}.
Loess number 12
Please the personal name has been described, and delete it at once.

219:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/04/22 17:17:01
Please read URLリンク(deleter.bbspink.com)
That post has been there for five years, and it certainly looks like it is appropriate.

220:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/04/22 17:17:04
Please read URLリンク(deleter.bbspink.com)
That post has been there for five years, and it certainly looks like it is appropriate.

09/04/23 00:27:25 z8+e7ZPK
仕事 ください
仕事 ください


222:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/04/23 07:36:27
そう だ

223:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/04/23 08:51:02
I am going to the doctor this morning. I will be online again this afternoon.

09/04/23 10:40:17 BXYcz/Ii
You think I read the "Siddhartha" better?

225:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/04/23 15:12:18
Both have similar endings. I prefer Siddhartha, it is a nice book.

09/04/24 03:12:34 R5O+nx1V
I will read the "Siddhartha". Your consideration is interesting for me.

227:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/04/24 17:56:08
>>226It is a good book.

228:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/04/24 17:59:58
>>226 Here is another one that I just read.
When We Were Gods by Colin Falconer
It is a nice book too.

09/04/24 19:01:31 xcnsSIfZ


09/04/24 19:27:45 WkIT1z5+

231: ◆witch2enoc @削魔除 ★
09/04/24 22:10:25

09/04/24 22:48:22 7ZbEatT0

09/04/24 23:59:06 GM8y+NEx

Back in the days I was on stateside. One day I've been to a local restaurant.
It was a shocking experience to hear waitress says it's what I've ordered beside
a whole four chicken leg in a bowl around a pool big, with volcano potato about to set off.

swimming in the pool filled by demiglace sauce, I repeatedly asked myself was it a fair deal.
though I 've never read study on obecitical relationships between human and chicken, but
I knew there is. huge thick legs should've served as the only transportation for his fat body.
the dish was only quarter finished at this point, while the volcano left untouched. wait.
wthat's that waitres taking to me? yes. the salad --in a sink, with bunch of cheeeeese, of course.
hold on, my stomach, no, as you, were. please. I'll call the waitress, so wait --wait.

no. no. no. don't say dessert. the cake is a lie. the cake is a lie. I don't call that pink'n'green stuff a cake.
I' dont call that sugarpaste a cake. Instantly I paid what I was asked for and left there without a glance.

it was, simply, horrible.

09/04/25 02:18:45 LpGqxgwD
Thank you :) My reading pace is slowly. But I definitely will read it too.

235:案内人シャア ★
09/04/25 03:33:46


236:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/04/25 06:38:30
Please do your best.

237:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/04/25 06:38:52
You can taste every word if you read slowly.

238:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/04/25 06:43:49
なに お めしあがりますか?

239:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/04/25 07:43:19
My fortune today.
Some item gone could shortly come forth.

240: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/04/25 10:50:08 QgVxgBBc
Now, you got me back.

241:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/04/25 11:55:19
Welcome back Mist-san
I am repairing my disk today. On and off all day long.

242: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/04/25 12:42:48 QgVxgBBc
I hope your data hasn't "gone".

So sleepy... by a few hour swimming...

243:案内人シャア ★
09/04/25 16:00:52

09/04/25 16:09:37 GWx28UTx

09/04/25 16:20:17 DfivXi0H
Casbal Rem Deigun

09/04/25 16:47:32 GWx28UTx
Jim san
>>235 guide SHAHRsan said.

Good evening, Jimsan.
I am SHAHR of the guide.
As for me, 79san became the guide in a leader.
I promised with 79-san then.
I "make it a deleter person in a few minutes".
And one year passed.
79-san does not affect administration. Am I tame with a deleter person?
I remain a guide if not tame with a deler person.

247:案内人シャア ★
09/04/25 19:12:45

09/04/26 11:49:22 J9FdUkQu

09/04/26 16:19:42 iv3By5Eq


09/04/27 02:16:49 pAovxFxd
俺様の投稿に口出しスンナ と言いたいならこの辺行ってくれ

251: ◆.oEIGODeok
09/04/27 03:19:22 u7qcx1Ne
Btw guys, English de OK.
If you're not interested in talk in English, you might as well be welcomed to get away.
Got it?

252:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/04/27 12:46:49
Some is gone...:( Still busy sorry guys.
I agree with regulation according to Fox-san's idea.

253: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/04/27 12:49:32 u7qcx1Ne
Wowowowowow, what's that Fox's idea? I never heard anything about it.

09/04/27 22:05:35 vHfTtTrk

09/05/02 01:46:24 SmMg/caW
   ∧ ∧
  ( ・∀・) Lovely piglet!
O ⌒ヘ⌒Oフ ))
(   (  ´ω`)
 しー し─ J

   ∧ ∧ Hachoo!!
  ( >д<).;: ;:
O ⌒ヘ⌒Oフ ))           .      .
(   (  ´ω`)   .   .       .
 しー し─ J 

09/05/03 12:48:37 JDfafU6i
Swine Flu is pretty scary. Odysseus, are you all right?

09/05/03 16:28:43 C2JcOtlO
devil swine

devil's wine

09/05/06 09:56:38 rPpu6+5U
Hi jim.Japanese esteem the heart of the samurai.
Among Japanese that's taken for granted.

The japanese Tradition

09/05/09 13:44:00 tROSXiYn
Jim, why are you leaving?

09/05/12 00:18:22 U1yP9NEw
Dear. Mr.Jim

How about your condition?
You should firmly execute Ms. 79's work as a proxy.
You said that you would substitute.( Said to all ★)

But,It seems to press the responsibility against the Japanese ★.
You said to ★ "Don't tolk in BBS".

Many user are confused.
If your management ability limit,you should close this BBS.

Because I attach to this matter, the American thinks that it uses
the Japanese for the moneymaking.

You should say the policy in BBS to the direct user. There is an
accountability to all acts.

The way things are going, the user will determine a large-scale
movement to another site.

It apologizes for an impolite content.
As one person who thinks this BBS to be important.

261:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/12 10:53:04

262:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/12 11:15:54
My JD is working!

263:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/12 11:35:27

264:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/12 15:02:40
私は 傚 です。

265:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/12 15:08:30
けんき の 豚。

266:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/12 15:49:00
I have received your email as well. It looks similar to this posting.
I am confused by your statement "Don't Tolk in BBS"

I wish this American could use the Japanese for moneymaking. heheheheheh
However I am pretty much a failure at moneymaking.

Maybe it is better for us to keep our heads up, and be thankful that the electricity
is not turned off yet.

I again thank you for your concern. I also think this BBS is important.

09/05/13 03:08:57 Jdwr80O3
To dear Jim

Thank quickly response !!

The deletion volunteer says that he or she will not open the judgment whether correspond
to the kiddie porn to the public.
The user asked it why. He explained saying as not saying to Mr. Jim to the user.
Moreover, he says that he voluntarily goes to the police, and knows whether the act in
what kind of BBS collides with the law.
However, it explains that the standard etc. are said that it must not say from the manager.

It was an opinion that it was necessary to wait in mail.
Declaring to the user as a manager like this is significant.
What can able judgment to be it, and important showing the judgment as the manager to
the user.
So , user trusts volunteer's act. User can control volunteer's deviating act (guide 1b).

The snap in the going to school photograph of the woman student in Japan is included in
the one with a large amount of data deleted as a kiddie porn.

You approved the deletion without showing the standard of the kiddie porn.
The manager's trust so much is dangerous for the volunteer.

I am waiting for manager's statement.
Clarify the deletion standard in this BBS. Is it an act that what act indicts
to the police?

I am wishing the relieved use.

Thank you for reading.

268:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/13 07:38:14
I did not see it, so I could not judge it.
bbspink has nothing on it except words, so going to the police
is not neccessary. If a volunteer did that, it was overstepping
clearly. I completely understand that someone can be so moved
that they feel compelled to do something like that. There are
links to clearly offensive photos and videos on Pink Channel.
I am disgusted sometimes as well. We are not moderated and
there are so many posts daily. It is impossible to check everything.

09/05/13 10:20:12 iliVsbTv
I'm not >>267, I think it would be nice to
clarify the situation.

A deleter deletes child porn photo direct link as
requested in the child porn deletion request thread.
Some users blame her for deleting ordinary photos
instead of child porn.

The deleter wondered if she can take a look at the linked
picture for checking purpose and what exactly are considered
as child porn photos. She talked with local police and
they said she can look at them for deletion checking purpose.
Then she went over to the police with deleted linked pictures
to get some advise - what kind of photos are considered to be child

She said that she now know what kind of photo link she should
delete, but she has no intention to disclose the exact parameter.
(Because if she does so, some user may try to post borderline
pictures or think of get around way)

Some user concern about their host address regulation by Fox-san
for posting innocent(their belief) picture, since the deleter now
asks Fox-san for regulating the repeated offender.

270:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/13 10:25:01

この もんだい どして も とけない んです。
ど やえば いい か おしえて ください。

09/05/13 10:45:01 iliVsbTv

It means that you do not understand my English?
if so, sorry about that. Let me know the point you
do not understand. I will try different wording.

If you are asking my opinion, I would rather support
the deleter's thinking. I like pinkbbs and would not
like to see it vanish because of child porn matter.

I think that it would be nice to share your thought
with deleters about it. Also, I think the deleter
should share her founding (the exact parameter)
with other deleters and with you in closed room.

09/05/13 10:51:39 +3UlQA7X
She has the problem very much.
The user was made to shudder with the act on one's own authority.
It is necessary to take the responsibility of this confusion.

273:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/13 11:05:02
I understand your English. >>270
Means I don't know what to do about that problem.

bbspink won't vanish because of it. There is none posted on it.
The free hosting sites that allow it are in a more dangerous position.

I don't want links to child porn on bbspink, and I ask the deleters to
delete them when they are reported.

It would be wonderful to have an offline meeting in a closed room with the deleters.
What a grand and excellent idea.

274:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/13 11:05:36
I like witch2enoc. Please don't give her problems.

09/05/13 11:14:23 +3UlQA7X

09/05/13 11:24:34 +3UlQA7X
With the kiddie porn that the Japanese thinks about
The kiddie porn that Mr. JIM thinks about is a different thing.

And, the definition of the kiddie porn of having heard it from the police on which 削魔除=◆witch2enoc insists is also quite different from a Japanese sense.

Did she hear the story from the police in what country?
She doesn't answer the question.

She is insisting the kiddie porn on this.

Does Mr. JIM also think it is the same?
A lot of Japanese think her to be a liar. She is very a controversial person.

It is discussed here.

277:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/13 12:08:59
That is not kiddie porn. Maybe in some arabian countries, but not in US, or Japan.
It may have other reasons to be deleted, but not for that reason.
If those were my children, I would not want their images uploaded without my permission.
Perhaps, the uploader did not have permission and that is why they were deleted.
Either way, the deleter has no responsibility.

09/05/13 12:37:21 +3UlQA7X
Do the problem to be say the candid shot?
However, she insisted that this was a kiddie porn.
And, the request of the access inhibit has been made.

This causes all confusion.

First of all, it is necessary to define what the kiddie porn.
Every range of the kiddie porn on which she insists will be very too large, and be treated as a child pornography contributor.

She assumed seeing like the kiddie porn, and deleted even general pornography.

And, the request of the access inhibit has been made as a child pornography contributor.

She is insisting that this obtains the acknowledgment of Mr. JIM.
Is this true?

She is requesting the access inhibit by a very vague, and sense standard.
Does Mr. JIM understand the situation?

279:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/13 12:56:15
I understand now. Yes I think that is overstepping.
I told her she was doing good before, but actually I did
not know what she was deleting. I never get to see the deleted
stuff it is gone to fast.

09/05/13 12:56:35 +3UlQA7X
And, could you suppress the communication with mail to the minimum in 削魔除=◆witch2enoc?

Could you exchange the discussion and the opinion in public appearances?

A lot of people cannot confirm it when insisting that it exchanges only with E-mail, and 削魔除=◆witch2enoc was permitted from JIM.

It only causes the individual to drive recklessly.

Her this behavior is it exactly.
Even sentences without the problem
Contributor's sentences are insisted on that dealings of the kiddie porn are suggested, and she has made the access prohibition request.
All of the cause of the large confusion of PINK are her arbitrary decisions now.
I want you to specify the standard of the kiddie porn newly presented.

In the judgment of 削魔除=◆witch2enoc, it is judged that all the people are the child pornography contributors.

I hope for Mr. JIM to understand the situation please, and to give the wise judgment.

281:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/13 13:35:31
I am not a judge or a legislator.
I can not say that.

So I won't attempt to be any wiser then some of the wisest men in history.
One that sat on the Supreme court of the United States said this:

"I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description;
and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so.
But I know it when I see it"

Justice Potter Stewart

09/05/13 13:40:22 R3c26xBB
ID:+3UlQA7X is a liar.
This is a part of a lot of contributions.


Please take care、Jim-san.

09/05/13 13:45:59 +3UlQA7X
She is declaring that this image is a kiddie porn.
And, the access prohibition request is done.

★090422 BBSPINK 児童ポルノ案件報告スレッド

167 名前:削魔除 ◆witch2enoc [sage] 投稿日:2009/05/10(日) 05:15:12 ID:HckjemP50
スレリンク(ascii板:158番) 2009/04/21 02:54:53 ID:jgDF6B4R0
スレリンク(ascii板:197番) 2009/04/28 22:50:17 ID:oZ4p+v5d0
スレリンク(ascii板:527番) 2009/04/30 22:50:56 ID:+KYDtwlA0
スレリンク(ascii板:809番) 2009/05/05 14:49:07 ID:0utswmkv0
スレリンク(ascii板:577番) 2009/05/06 05:16:22 ID:nqb3ThzA0
スレリンク(ascii板:843番) 2009/05/06 12:57:40 ID:cM5ZLxGz0
スレリンク(ascii板:879番) 2009/05/07 01:37:44 ID:QS+mGzOC0
スレリンク(ascii板:665番) 2009/05/07 05:29:12 ID:qsY9uQrX0
スレリンク(ascii板:899番) 2009/05/07 12:03:37 ID:QS+mGzOC0
スレリンク(ascii板:246番) 2009/05/08 05:58:01 ID:KOfzrlgj0

Evidence exists, and it is not possible to make an excuse.

284:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/13 13:51:05
たぶんーな です

わかるーわけ ないーよ。

285:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/13 13:52:31

09/05/13 23:40:54 xlb8eE/6

09/05/13 23:44:24 gssAHF5e

09/05/13 23:45:01 Jdwr80O3
Dear .MrJim

Justice Potter Stewart

I examined the meaning of his word on the site in Japan.
His word seems often to be quoted in Japan by discussing pornography.
Very, I thought that it was a word with deep deep emotion.

The concept of the kiddie porn in Japan is as shown in the following image.

Could a wise translator see this image?
In the management of this bulletin board, it thinks it is important.

In 276 linked photo.
This photograph exists as not the kiddie porn but a violation of the portrait right
even if it was necessary to delete the link as violations of privacy.
If there are my children......(ToT

It is hoped that the image that shows the definition of the kiddie porn
of Japan is translated, and the deletion standard is examined.

Thank you for correspondence in spite of a busy schedule.
Please take care of yourself.


09/05/13 23:53:29 tcGf+xIL

09/05/14 09:24:45 1TWgyTzi

I think that they are going to coax Jim_san hard.
It is that people saying that Jim-san "show the definition of the child porno" here.

If Jim_san define it, the people will look for a loophole.

They showed only the item which is advantageous to oneself.
They used a polite manner of speaking here, but always hurl dirty words at witch_san.

I think that the ambiguous guideline is good.
I think that an existing vague guideline is good.
I want a vague guideline.

It is because we performed it for a long time in this way so far.


I pray Jim_san not to be deceived.

09/05/14 09:34:04 GRy2p6gy
As for the definition of the kiddie porn that deviated from Japanese common sense, it might have been learnt by them that it invited ultra vires activities of * because of this confusion.

The confusion that the witch caused occurs again if the definition of some kiddie porn doesn't exist.

09/05/14 09:49:15 ImBt2dIF
In japan.......

"The person who delighted most people prospers most greatly"

by Ieyasu Tokugawa[The First Barbarian-Subduing Generalissimo of the Edo shogunate]

So I wish Jim_san will become as he.

293:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/14 10:33:06
Yes he is often quoted. He called it his Casablanca test.
I can not see the Reuters page. It is probably blocked in
my location.

294:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/14 10:38:14
意味不明 すみーません

295:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/14 10:38:50
そう だ

296:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/14 11:02:46
常識 下さい。

297:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/14 11:10:03
I have been most delighted by ladies who have also delighted many others.
Does this pertain to entertaining ladies as well?

298: ◆PvunkoBUPA
09/05/14 11:11:37 QT6pzSIA
OK牧場(O.K. Corral)

299:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/14 11:24:17

09/05/14 11:28:51 ImBt2dIF
So their vagina prospers greatly.

301:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/14 11:31:46
Live long and prosper.

09/05/14 11:49:58 Ni8eZLds
Women who live long are more charming than young girls, at least for me.
Don't you think so?

303:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/14 11:55:15
Benjamin Franklin, Advice to a Young Man on the Choice of a Mistress (1745).

Personally, I prefer my women in binary mode.

09/05/14 12:01:38 1TWgyTzi
275_san said.
"Shit guy!
I want the manager who can speak Japanese!"

My recommend is ◆witch2enoc_san and ◆EROyVmNwwM_san.

09/05/14 12:19:14 Ni8eZLds
What the fark are you talking about?
stop making jokes in poor taste.

306:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/14 12:22:08
ウラあける ですか? >>275
多分 275 臭い 口臭 です。

307:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/14 12:26:24
Not really poor taste, although some people have called them punono.
This is Ben's most important point to the young man I guess.
"And as in the dark all Cats are grey, the Pleasure of corporal Enjoyment
with an old Woman is at least equal, and frequently superior, every
Knack being by Practice capable of Improvement."

308:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/14 12:57:21
Here here, I agree with you.

09/05/14 13:34:47 GRy2p6gy


09/05/14 14:02:06 Ni8eZLds
sorry, I didn't say >>305 to you...

I've just finished reading the article by Benjamin Franklin,
and I've rediscovered the value and the charm about old women...

Benjamin is greater even about old women than I expected....

09/05/14 14:51:31 Ni8eZLds
yeah, this picture is definitely NOT kiddie porn, I think....

If she really treated this as "kiddie porn" , I can hardly understand what she thinks about this.
she doesn't properly check any details of pictures, does she?
she should be fired immediately...
or tell her from Jim-san that she must properly check pictures.

312:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/14 15:20:47
Benjamin must have been a cool dude.

313:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/14 15:21:48
Witch has gotten some advice on what is and what isn't. I think this thread has covered it enough.
If a new problem comes up, we can talk about that at the time.

09/05/14 16:15:57 +Jf3Keg9

09/05/14 16:37:09 3QEsjD4e

316:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/14 16:52:51
ども ありがとう 鼻糞 漢字。

09/05/14 19:15:40 Pdt6MBvL
how do you say "鼻糞" in English?

318:あびるちゃん ◆oMpdFwR/fc
09/05/14 20:53:55 BO3Q9X4B
鼻糞 美味しい

319:あひるちゃん ◆z0WvbsWRgg
09/05/14 21:06:49 3jHmCsiY

320:削魔除 ★
09/05/14 21:17:55
あひるちゃん doesn't sage. 

09/05/14 21:23:19 GaAW0SYp

322:あひるちゃん ◆z0WvbsWRgg
09/05/14 21:28:41 3jHmCsiY
 ( ・>
(   )

09/05/14 22:49:05 5GUOK+CY

09/05/14 22:58:46 GaAW0SYp

09/05/15 01:38:43 +vV3nPy0
The witch received intelligence as * of PINK.
Is the act of personally notifying the police correct?

It is a way that no one can confirm.

Moreover, the witch confessed to the police it was an executive in PINK.

Is it an act by Mr. JIM's instruction?


09/05/15 01:46:45 +xHTdtdv
<In English> ※by automatic-translation

Hi JIM-san.
We have argued about LocalRule-modification for solve a problem.
And at last, we draw up the document for that after a month.
If we reruest LolalRule-modification, should we introduct the document to this thread?
or to under thread as in the past?


JIMさん こんにちは
我々 は 問題点 を 解決する ため に ローカルルール の 改正議論 を 行いました
1か月 の 議論 を 経て 意見 が ほぼ まとまりました
変更依頼 を 提出する のは、この スレッド で 良いですか?
それとも、従来通り 以下 の スレッド が 正しい ですか?

09/05/15 02:10:48 OEYnhgUb
Is the witch an executive of PINK?
Was the authority only of introducing to the police that it was an executive given to the witch?

09/05/15 08:37:56 qzun1tiI
Good morning,

09/05/15 10:43:33 Z1YCHATd
Okay i rewrote it in easy English...
Hi JIM-san

We've discussed carefully how and whether to change the local rules to solve various problems.
After a month of discussions, we've finally found common ground.
Where should we post our request for changing the local rules?
Should we post it on this thread, or on the following thread as in the past?

330:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/15 14:29:54
I am sorry. I have an emergency to take care of today. i will discuss this on Monday.

09/05/15 15:01:42 Z1YCHATd
I guess the F.B.I. is investigating Jim-san now...

09/05/15 16:12:31 jpAa/VRt
FBI is sleeping in my hole now...

09/05/15 20:42:58 Dz7Z5TYo

09/05/15 21:57:47 Pe0iqk5G

335: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/05/16 11:05:19 JLioUzzn
I just hired a 19 inch wide screen for my laptop.
But my laptop doesn't wanna receive the big maybe for his own screen is smaller and it's the farthest he can go with.
Is there any way to get him work with wider resolution?

09/05/16 12:36:44 zXKYOop3
why don't you ask that at the "laptops" board?

337: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/05/16 13:05:07 JLioUzzn
That's the easiest question I got so far today; I don't wanna go there and I'm just gonna be happy if I get answer that I don't expect, to be honest, here.
Some places are seriously devastated in terms of people's communications like they almost require qer to be at some level as high as students about computers.
I don't say you're wrong if you think it's just a guess or a first impression and maybe it is, but I believe it is not a bad thing to throw something into this small community.

338:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/18 10:29:44
Sorry I have not been online for a couple days. Friday morning my friend was murdered
in front of his apartment. Death in Manila is time consuming and complicated.
When I got to the office in the morning, His wife called me almost as soon as I had walked in
and turned on the air conditioner.
“Martin has been hit! Please come here I need you.”
I left the office right away, and called back.
“Call a doctor it will take me some time to get there.”
She replied, “He's dead!”
I arrived just before 7 am, and the crowd of people was gathered with morbid curiosity as
they cleaned the street of his dead body.
The police took his family and I to the station for questioning, this went smoothly, and since there
were witnesses to the crime they were able to get a good sketch of the suspect.
We left the station at 10:30 am, and I took his wife and mother home.
After the a quick trip to the German embassy to notify them of the death, and of course they are
closed for half a day on Fridays. I arrived after they closed about 12:30 pm. The guard was kind enough
to give me the emergency contact number, and I went to my office to call them.
The Germans are very efficient in handling such things. I had his mothers phone number, and that is the only
contact information available. The Embassy contacted the police in Germany and in no time,
his family there was notified of the murder.

339:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/18 10:30:58
Martin also has two family members in Japan, and there was no contact information available for them.
He was always telling me stories about them and how much he missed his children there. I knew where they grew up,
it is a part of Japan I am familiar with as well. I called a friend of mine that lives close to there, and he was able to locate and notify them.
Thank you for that. I have heard now that they did not handle the news very well, and I am so sorry about that. I hope they will contact me sometime,
and I can talk to them and tell them some about what their father had been doing since he met them last.
I called the police back to find out where the body had been taken. They gave me a name of a funeral home, so I started on my way to find that.
All this time his dog had been locked up in the apartment and not walked or fed. On the way to the funeral home.
I picked up his wife's sisters, and we went to the apartment to take care of the dog.
She is a beautiful Doberman and she had not made any mess at all in the house. She would not let the sisters in the apartment,
but I knew the dog well, and she allowed me to walk her out. On the street
she could sense immediately that something was wrong, and she would not leave the exact spot where Martin was shot for a long time.
Finally after a quick urination on the spot, she let me walk her down the street to take care of the rest of her business.
Next we left for a quick stop at the funeral home to arrange the body retrieval and to move him to the place the funeral will take place.

340:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/18 10:32:19
This was about 2 pm. However the body was not there, and we found to our amazement
that it had been released to an unscrupulous funeral director, and we could not locate it.
Back and forth to the police station to help with locating the body.
The friendly detectives that we had talked to in the morning were no longer at work, and a
different batch of police were at the station. These people had other priorities and were not
much interested in helping locate the body.
In the end about 1:30 am we were able to negotiate a release of the body for money.
His dead body was basically held hostage until I paid them for it. Of course it was very hot Friday,
and it was already decomposing rapidly.
The funeral parlor we took him to was kind and efficient. They did their very best in cleaning up the
situation and were so professional. They have my recommendation if you ever happen to be dead in Manila.
Call Sanctuarium. They provide complete services and it is a professional first class environment.
By this time the dog has had a hard day with not enough food or water all day.
So I brought her home and that ended the long sad day.

341: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/05/18 13:00:36 d8DW+jsI
I just hoped those whole posts were a story. Those kinda business always makes people exhausted, I can only say take a rest.

09/05/18 13:20:50 MK0ujjc6
That must be a joke... otherwise it's too heavy for anybody here.

343:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/18 13:37:57
It is not a joke.
and I am sorry, you are right, it is heavy and making me exhausted.
People are never prepared for something like this. I am having to
do most of the chores for his family while this is going on.

344: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/05/18 13:50:07 d8DW+jsI
Fortunately, I never had that kind of shock on myself, so I cannot know how much death would kill you. I only say good night and take your time for your friend.

09/05/18 16:14:19 EQYDnX0N

09/05/18 16:34:48 GDGd85v1

09/05/18 17:05:50 0CUxvE4x

09/05/18 17:07:57 Ook39NWZ

09/05/18 17:22:08 T6+XqWOX

09/05/18 17:30:39 NMSkspiV
on request from 345, I've translated your post.


09/05/18 17:38:23 dRtBzrOl
PINKちゃんねる管理人 “Jimさん” の仕事のパートナーが銃殺された件について

09/05/18 21:54:52 zNHP1C/d
I pray for Martin-san.
Take a rest peacefully forever please.

09/05/18 22:42:55 p6hHTXVA

>>338和訳 *参考文献>>350san



次に私たちは、彼の遺体を修復して葬式が行われる場所に運ぶ手続きをするために、葬儀場内のquick stop(受付?)に向かった。



09/05/19 05:49:25 Ef90fn9V

355:EROyVmNwwM ★
09/05/20 18:33:34
こんにちは Jim-san

I sent Jim-san mail.
I hope to read mail early.
It is thought that it is a very important thing.

よろしく おねがい します。

09/05/21 22:34:21 5tOHKRup
Hi JIM-san.


Panty image.
Should process this as a kiddie porn?

Panty image.
The witch deleted these all as a kiddie porn, and had made the access prohibition request.

Is it good in another processing that is not the kiddie porn?

357:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/22 15:06:17

358:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/22 15:06:53
I did not receive the mail.
Please send it again.

359:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/22 15:08:01
Please use the Casablanca test.
You can see this on the street. It is something that is normal.
I know that in some places it is against the law to take this type
of photograph, but I don't think it is against the law to see it.

360:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/22 15:08:41
ども わざわざ すみーません
ども ありがとう ございます。

361:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/22 15:13:42
も ど に も ならない。
たいようは すべて おみとおしさ。

362:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/22 15:14:14
[ DAT落ち ]

363:EROyVmNwwM ★
09/05/22 15:34:51
I sent mail again.
I will send another mail tonight.

よろしく です。

364:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/22 15:41:17
I received it and replied.

09/05/23 08:36:15 AxQHR6Wz
>>Image of 276.
The couple is walking in the town.
The witch is insisting that this image is a kiddie porn now.
It is after there is a judgment of Mr. JIM.

It was said that it had been said that the witch went for advice to the police and such an image was illegal.
And, it was insisted that it have been permitted to tell it to JM, and to process it as a kiddie porn, and made it to deletion & access inhibit.

Most of the resident believed it.
>>The reason for the image of 356 is that it is thought that JIM judges that it is a kiddie
>>porn and it was directed to the witch.

However, idea >> and everyone of Mr. JIM is confused hearing 359.
It is because what the witch said has been contradicted.

The permission of a special authority from JIM is granted. All the witch's behavior has been approved by JIM.
Everyone thought so.

However, the witch overturned it.
>>Action of the witch who caused contradiction by answer of 359.

Witch's answer.
「A couple of image is ..".. a part of animation that takes a picture of the street corner sold in Japan (However, it is sold in general).
Image to which child pornography is recognized by my judgment.

The bulletin board where it exists is all. It is a child pornography site. This is not a mistake.」

It begins to do such an excuse.
Such a story was heard for the first time now.
The witch's judgment.
And, it is recognized as a child pornography site.
Thing that relates to it.

Those all were made deletion & access inhibit as a kiddie porn.

What report did JIM receive from the witch?
And, what authority did you give?

A lot of Japanese are demanding the witch's authority stop now.
Do not it to be fulfill?

366:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/23 09:53:14
I have given noone special authority for anything.
deleter.bbspink.com has the guideline on it.
I doubt that I am confusing anyone. I speak in very simple
english, and very simple japanese.

367: ◆CHINPOGEDU @男根様はかく語りき ★
09/05/23 10:36:50
We are repeating! lol

You had sad day, but it is start of happiness.
"Every cloud has a silver lining."

368:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/23 10:56:14
Yes, I hope so too.

I keep singing this song to myself.
The things that I've loved the things that I've lost
The things I've held sacred that I've dropped
I won't lie no more you can bet
I don't want to learn what I'll need to forget

09/05/23 11:10:42 ZZ6OyNTQ
Whom does the deletion leader become?
Deletion leader's absence causes this confusion.
I think that I deprive the witch of * if 79 has the authority now.
Is there such a perception about the present state of affairs?

370:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/23 12:11:07
Who is to be trusted with that position?
Those I have trusted before have let me down.
I am really still deciding that.
We are all adults here. Lets think on it together.

371: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/05/23 12:45:13 iylqQ+jO
Everything is an Utopia thing about any kind os possession,
A human can hardly stay on especially when it comes to meeting nice smell.
If we want a correct answer, we might as well use equations, otherwise we can only get lost and have to move elsewhere.

09/05/26 10:29:44 6WpYwPjq
Hi JIM-san.
welcome back. おかえりなさい

about >>326,329
We had posted our request for changing the Local-Rules on the following thread.

When you have time, examinate about that, please.

09/05/27 18:24:58 vDWjldTU
Good evening,JIM-san.

The deletion stops on May 13.
■ 児童ポルノ 通報・削除専用 ■

I think that this is because the discussion continues.

Do you want you to restart the deletion at once?
Or, after the discussion of not understanding when to end ends, is the deletion restarted?

09/05/27 22:35:27 O/+qZDU3
Hi JIM-san.

We requested the change in the Local-Rules of "おかま・おなべ板(transsexual board)"
from "PINK関連変更依頼総合スレ(thread of PINK change request)" last September.

However, it is not updated for eight months or more, because there is no worker.
Therefore, could you change it or appoint a new worker.

To change Local-Rules, only write "スレリンク(erobbs板:374番)"
in "URLリンク(yomi.bbspink.com)".

375: ◆CHINPOGEDU @男根様はかく語りき ★
09/05/29 05:27:08
You should rest. Time will heal the grief.

09/05/29 12:12:04 HOF/+b2+

09/05/29 18:36:54 UMnuGHOX
I do not understand English.

09/05/29 18:56:01 czHNTGk+
Shut the fuck up

09/05/29 19:01:43 A6k0DhnX
しゃつ が ふく

380:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/30 11:13:06

381: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/05/30 12:02:09 zup6I9PC
Hello, Jimmy. How's going in Mannila? I saw a black bear last time I went into bush. Also, we got a pile of berch, and it had a lovely face in it.
URLリンク(up.img5.net) URLリンク(up.img5.net)
This is amazing, isn't it? This tree was even fairly big and heavy too.

382:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/30 12:18:25
Manila is good. It is good to be home.
What a nice heart. You will have a lot of wood to chop.
Be careful of the bears, they are monsters. Black bears
are not so dangerous, but they can be if you are not careful.

09/05/30 12:34:44 oFD3rj8E
   | ノ      ヽ
  /  ●   ● |  Nobody expect
  |    ( _●_)  ミ  the KUMAAAAA
 彡、   |∪|  、`\
/ __  ヽノ /´>  )
(___)   / (_/
 |       /
 |  /\ \
 | /    )  )
 ∪    (  \

384:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/30 13:05:14
hehehehe, and just finished hibernating. Must be so hungry.

385: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/05/30 13:07:27 zup6I9PC
We move by a truck, so I think it's in an alright distant with animals for they don't wanna stay closer to us either.
And yes, we got a bunch of wood, but now it's all chopped, and we're waiting them to dry up.

I heard a bear tastes good.
Shall we have an experiment on it?

386:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/30 13:18:28
The meat is very fatty. When I lived in West Virginia many people hunted bear.
Please experiment, but you might need a hunting license first.

387: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/05/30 13:40:00 zup6I9PC
Uh, is that fatty? Then I say no thank you for the bear meat.
I actually like less fatty meat like moose's one.
It's really nice with those gleevy stuff.

388:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/30 16:21:54
I think bear might make better sausage, then steak.
Moose is wonderful meat. Just make sure you are
not to far from the road when you shoot it. They
are heavy.

すみーません いって きます。

09/05/30 18:51:12 j10HoH6f
        /  ノ   \  ヽ
        | ●    ● |   What makes you guys so serious on me?
       彡   (_●_)    ミ take this GREAT salmon and cool down.
        /、   |∪|    ,\   
       /.|     ヽノ    | ヽ
     ,,/-―ー-、, --、   .|_,|
 r-、,'''";;:;;:;::;;;;:;;::;:;:;;::;:;`'- /_,l,,__ )
 |,,ノ;;:;r'" ̄ ゙̄^"`Y'-、;;;::;:;::;:;:;:;::;:|
  .ヽ,′ALASKA ;   `"";;;;;⌒゙')
   ´`゙'''''''''''‐-‐'"`‐-‐'"゛  `゙´
           |  .∥ /

09/05/31 03:11:46 WmVV+FxF
Fatty meat RULE!

391:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g
09/05/31 06:51:40 iO6C/Wls
How about a little bear sashami?
It might be so tasty.

392:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g
09/05/31 08:01:51 iO6C/Wls
I will go to the driving range now.

393: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/05/31 09:05:37 WlVeLO+T
Sausage was out of my mind. Is it better when it's more fatty?
But I think the best thing is BBQ.

Alaska; that's the place I wanna be in.
A bear; that's the I wanna get in.

394:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/31 13:18:26
BBQ羆ちょうづめ たくさん おいし です。

395: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/05/31 13:25:07 WlVeLO+T
My face literally became like ゜□゜.
stuffing a bowel of a brown bear tastes good?
And I found out 腸詰め=ちょうづめ=sausage.
We just call sausages ソーセージ because it's from English.

396:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/05/31 13:43:32
Brown bear bowel buffet.
It must be a tasty Canadian treat.
I have had bear sausage though, it is good.
and you can make it with bear intestine.
I have to go out now.
すみーません いって きます。

397:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g
09/06/01 07:00:26 dGnpx22j

398: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/06/01 09:48:58 ejj6N6z6
I have had homemade sausage I don't know what kinda meat was used for.
It was good, but it had really weird feeling in my mouth; the skin was slick and rubberly, and the meat was almost melting so that once your effort worked well to tear the skin, it was is like spilling meat.

399:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/01 11:47:49
It is a joy to try new things in new countries.
Some things that are tasty treats to the locals
might appear to be poison to you, but if you taste
them they might actually be good.

400: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/06/01 11:59:51 ejj6N6z6
Yaya, it's a big reason and evidences of life to know new things.
And if I can make things better, it's wonderful.
My life must have bloomed in a past year; I changed a lot, I noticed.
How was your year? Well, it's weird to ask in the middle of a year, but I wanna know now.

How was you guys' year?

401:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/01 12:57:00
The year is almost half way over. There is a lot of room for improvement on this year.
Lets see how the your looks in review from 2010.

402:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/01 13:00:47
Sorry, your = year

403:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/01 15:35:42
いって きます

404:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/02 08:15:59

405:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/02 13:01:27
いって きます

09/06/02 19:03:46 ZQmqAeHZ

09/06/03 06:46:32 QMBfQtDv
Sometimes I think 2ch.net and bbspink.com should have a better font for displaying Latin characters.
My eyes seriously start to hurt when I read large amount of English text here,
I have to bring my face close to the monitor and that does not really feel quite right.

408: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/06/03 07:48:44 7VUyYjO7
I recommend you to think about your surrounding.
I had a problem with my monitor and bought a new big one; it still has problem though.
Yes, it changed a lot that I adopted this screen; I can read, I can watch and I can talk.

Btw, I just doubted if your eyes were good.
Once I started to be wearing glasses, I've been able to see like when I changed my screen or easily still more.
It's past about two years since I got my glasses on. But before that, I was keeping killing my eyes.
And now what? I got a squint that really sucked my life, and I even needed a surgery for that.
Don't mess your life if you're still not in my side. You seem to be almost ready to go the way to the bad.

409:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/03 09:23:55
Maybe you are just entering your 40s?
This happened to me as well. Now I wear bifocals, and it improved
the fonts dramatically.

410:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/03 09:26:44
そう です. >>407
You need spectacles....;)

411:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/03 09:27:26
What does this mean?
Nowhere sports day in October, is the closest translation I can come up with.

412: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/06/03 09:31:50 7VUyYjO7
>>406? It says "where are you going?"

413:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/03 10:28:45
ども ありがとう ございます。
どこに すすきの。

414: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/06/03 10:58:11 7VUyYjO7
You're very welcome.
But, what's that? どこに すすきの?

415:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/03 12:08:10
I am going to Susukino....;)
Maybe not now, but I will go there again.
It is one of my favorite places.

416: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/06/03 12:13:57 7VUyYjO7
That's cool. I had imagined a kinda grassland where it's breezing softly before I saw the pic.
And you wanted to say, "すすきのへ行きます(*いきます)".
It's nice to go visiting places.

417:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/03 13:08:27
はい 行きましょう

418: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/06/03 13:12:12 7VUyYjO7
Yes, let's go? Absolutely let's.
Now, we gotta hold the turkey party at Susukino.

419:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/03 13:15:10
That is a good idea! Please bring the turkey from North America. I will find
a place we can cook it.

09/06/03 14:16:04 lGCJZwqV
Never forget that NORIAKI IS DA REAL.


421:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/03 14:25:09
It must be so popular. I can not see it.
Youtube - "We are currently performing site maintenance. Be cool - we'll be back 100% in a bit. "

422:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g
09/06/03 18:35:27 GSZCzsWQ
いって きます

09/06/03 20:31:02 qvFjptZ0

424:EROyVmNwwM ★
09/06/03 21:52:01


425:This has a deep meaning? PINK Hanko is the press? The hand of cards? PINKのハンコを押すのは誰?カードは誰の手の内に? I have read that thread, and translated that thread. Maybe a better translation instead of a machine translation. The signature of Pink Channel is the Press. We play it like cards.

426:EROyVmNwwM ★
09/06/04 08:38:03
There is no problem in the thread title.
I hope Jim-san reads the res of URL.


427:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/04 09:38:30
Yes no problem in the thread title. I just really like that thread title...:)

428:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/04 17:08:44
あれ や これ や と する こと が おこって つかれる。
いって きます。 

09/06/05 03:24:57 PMoflimj
おいしい たべもの たべて、うんこ する と なおる!

430:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g
09/06/05 09:12:50 5jcpzjB8
I am getting well. You too, enjoy eating the same...:)

431:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/05 13:04:50
Lunch time. I could eat a whale today.

432:Sea Shepherd
09/06/05 14:35:31 U/cfIX4V

433:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/05 15:22:39
Don't worry, I went to Pizza hut, and unfortunately they did not serve whale.
I did have a whale of a lunch though. Their 10 ince Roma pizza is delcious.

09/06/06 02:03:25 dMoECa/T

435:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/06 09:22:23
そう そう ずばっと です。

09/06/06 10:17:05 C8aBIeLi
ずばっと means "flat out"," point-blank" or "sock[adverb]".

I don't know what "ずばっと" means in your statement.

By the way, I googled "ずばっと" and found the following.


"Swift Hero Zubat"

437:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g
09/06/06 13:49:10 yUqV3E+Z
I am on my way to becoming fat. That is what I meant.

09/06/06 14:20:42 C8aBIeLi
fat な Jim-san も charming です。:)

09/06/06 14:33:10 C8aBIeLi
でも getting slim が better for Jim-san's health です。 :)

09/06/06 17:14:27 dMoECa/T
Jimさん は 女 に もてる?

09/06/06 17:30:59 xRIbFHU8
ずばり maybe?

09/06/06 18:03:40 C8aBIeLi
I bet Jim-san is popular with women.

09/06/06 22:15:52 uFG1Z+nB
okay,i got it.
what jim-san wanted to say in japanese is : ずばり、そうです。(that's it exactly.),right?

444:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g
09/06/07 06:56:57 Jb65hb0p
かんぺき です。

445:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g
09/06/07 07:01:08 Jb65hb0p

446:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g
09/06/07 07:04:09 Jb65hb0p
ずばり = たぶんあ

447:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g
09/06/07 07:06:26 Jb65hb0p

448:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g
09/06/07 07:07:33 Jb65hb0p
When I get fat the economy improves. I need to get fat to improve business.
When I am slim, then the economy will not improve.

09/06/07 12:49:26 45fBThiO

09/06/07 23:35:14 V1D00M1f
うらやましい です

09/06/08 00:14:21 QVIBmQ1M
I'm sure we are mesmerized by Jim-san now.

452:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/08 08:35:19
おはよう ございます

453:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/08 08:38:08
大丈夫 です。

454:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/08 08:39:47
皮肉? wwwwwww

09/06/08 08:54:01 LTOAS/Ug

456:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/08 12:50:27

09/06/08 12:53:16 QVIBmQ1M
"草生やす" = putting some "w" at the end of sentence. this "w" means "laugh."

But in Japan,
the more you use "w", the more you look unsmart.

09/06/08 12:55:53 QVIBmQ1M


459: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/06/08 13:23:04 IWwPO9ZJ
We shouldn't classify those as pos. or neg. because every single person might have different oppinion on how much they put ws.
This is my oppinion, but ワロスwwwwwwww seems more frank and used by the youngers, while ワロタw seems just more arkward in this community. The more ws they use, the more they seem to be trying to enjoy to me.
But this is just my thought.

09/06/08 14:06:14 QVIBmQ1M
> while ワロタw seems just more arkward in this community.
why do you think so?

I know what you mean, but "ワロスwwwwwwwwwwwwww",
seeing this makes me feel the same as when I see "it's so funny. lololololol. "
and I know many people who don't like those posts.
In my humble opinion, I think we shouldn't use too much "w" except in the "VIP Board".

09/06/08 15:37:20 FZvmQ79Z
have u ever seen posts like "草民氏ね","草い" or "VIPでやれ"?
i often see em everywhere in 2ch and bbspink.

as one ex-"vipper", i feel sad about it.
now i dont use w at all.

462:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/08 18:35:02
I was trying to look cool...:)
Lately I have been using a new tool to help me learn kanji. It is Kiten.
Very nice powerful dictionary I can type the english word I want to use, and
get several Japanese suggestions. It shows the romanji to spell the kanji.
www = hehehe
I will try to use less doubleus from now on.

09/06/08 18:54:27 QVIBmQ1M
Don't worry.
Jim-san always looks cool, really.

anyway, Kiten sounds very interesting...

464:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/09 11:57:34
Here is how Kiten looks. I just highlight the word, and if it is in the dictionary. It gives
me the definition.
Or I can type a word in english, and it will search for that word in the dictionary, and give
me the Japanese kanji and the hiragana spelling.

09/06/09 17:41:14 0USYQceq
ジムさん の ねこ は 元気?
ねこ の なまえ は なんですか?

466:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/10 10:55:31
happy birthday

467:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/10 10:58:22
ねこ の なまえ Kitty.

468: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/06/10 11:38:16 NW2o6x2N
Whose birthday is it?

469:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/10 12:01:44
Just a dear friend of mine.

09/06/10 12:19:18 OrMynkgS
     /  /   bear you said?
    /.| .| ノ     ヽ
    / | |  ●   ● |
   /  | 彡  ( _●_) ミ
   /  | ヽ  |∪|  /_
  // │   ヽノ  \/
  " ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄(..ノ

471: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/06/10 12:20:26 NW2o6x2N
That's nice. Are you gonna have a party for him or her?
Please tell happy birthday and have a great day from me.

472:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/10 12:27:11
Hi Bear-san, you are not scared here? We eat bear...;)

09/06/10 12:41:35 esZvvlmC
      //  l..looks i've been to wrong place 
     //⌒)∩__∩.   hhhhave ani ceday!
    /.| .| ノ|||||||   ヽ::
    / | |  ●   ● |:
   /  | 彡 u( _●_)uミ:
   /  | ヽ  |∪|  /:_  
  " ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄(..ノ

474:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/10 13:10:32
It is ok, I have already ate. What is your favorite food?

09/06/10 16:39:54 z+llwof7
     /  /  
     /  /
    /  /
    /  /  I LOVE pure honey! do you have them there?
   /  /   ̄V ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
   / /________
  //           /
  " ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

476:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/10 16:53:57
Honey from clover is the best!

477:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/11 07:35:39
I will go to the dentist this morning.

09/06/11 08:04:59 5fuSbXXG
You have a cavity?

09/06/11 08:42:13 KabRdcq6
I heard many people are being infected by swine flu in Manila, please take care!!

480:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/11 16:06:00
I had it fixed. It is better now.

481:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/11 16:11:17
I think there is more chance of getting some other desease here.
Thank you for the consideration. There are more dangerous sicknesses to
worry about than swine flu. It is sad for the families that have members that
die from it, but more people are dying from dengue fever.


09/06/12 03:28:59 CSwB6ZFj
Are all of you all right?

483:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/12 11:58:04

09/06/12 23:55:55 CSwB6ZFj
I'm glad to hear that you are OK.
What are your plans for summer vacation?

485:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/13 18:07:30
If I am lucky, I will be able to see the eclipse in Shanghai.

486: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/06/14 08:46:03 CgCDNCtX
Are you going to China? I heard it was such a funny country. They pass bread to customer at night, elevators open their door to close them with no wait.
It doesn't sound nice and actually is not, though.

487:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/14 12:06:28
I have been to China many times. It is a nice place, and the people are as nice as any other place.
Where you are, is the where you are. Some of the most modern things in the world are in China.
Some of the least modern as well. So much of our sum total comes from China. It is difficult
to imagine a life without the middle kingdom.

488: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/06/14 12:21:35 CgCDNCtX
Individuality seems to be a key in both cases places and people. We often see tons of bad things about China on internet, especially in 2ch.
The rivers extremely polluted, dead grass coloured green for people's visits, people eat babies or those things even not supposed to be human things.
Nobody can't tell what are true on the internet. Those nasty things can be just well-made stories, but also true.
I'm just happy a trustable person says it's nice in there now.

489:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/14 12:42:58
There is suffering in China, but it is not at the level of suffering that I have witnessed in "free"
countries. I have met both poor and rich Chinese, and both levels of society carry themselves
with self respect, that I have healthy respect for. It feels like a poor man has a chance to
seek wealth and that a wealthy man has a chance to create more wealth. Actual individual
freedom exists there. Avoid obvious political troubles, and you are free to do what you want with your life. They have

490:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/14 12:44:14
conveniently removed insects except for cockroaches from a lot of places. Perhaps it is bad
that a lot of things are dead, but it nice not to be bit by mosquitoes.

491: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/06/14 13:26:31 CgCDNCtX
Not to be afear of insects was my big happiness I found here.
Japan is an insectarium now I think. Every time I took a bath, I was really nervous to find cockroaches and always ready to scream for that.
I sure should be happy to be here.

I have to be prepared for tomorrow to have nothing but work, so Gooni,

492:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/14 14:26:40
Good night my Canadian friend. Enjoy your work tomorrow. It is good to have work.

493:EROyVmNwwM ★
09/06/14 21:22:50

おねがい します。

09/06/15 00:39:34 RD8NW9l8
It's nice. Would you like give me your comments on that.

09/06/15 08:45:10 Ux0z+UFD

496: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/06/15 09:11:33 nTKzipE2
Do you know how difficult it is to shoot the eclipse? Well, I've never seen it with my eyes, but since the moon is very far, we need to go by telephotography.
And since the eclipse emits very little light, we need a long exposure that unable us to shoot the moon without a tripod.
I doubt if Jimmy has it and even he's gonna try to take a photo of it. And actually there must be a lot of photographers for the eclipse there.


09/06/15 13:27:06 rC8OQtFa
I think there'll be some alike lights on streets. While eclipse itself may be that unlikely easy
to shoot, I guess it's not so difficult to take a picture of sudden night appeared.


498:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/15 16:22:24
I did not make changes yet. Please make a copy of the head.txt that is the new one.
That is much simpler solution.
If I do it this way. I will just break it.

499:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/15 16:23:18
If I have time and am not broke at that time. I will go to Shanghai and see
the eclipse, and visit my son who lives in China.

500:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/15 16:24:47
I have a tripod, but I stopped using it because of the popup.
hehehe. w
No seriously, I have a Rebel camera and a tripod. I think the Rebel
is called an EOS in Japan. Hopefully it will take nice photos.

501:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/15 16:26:41
ども わざわざすみーません。 大丈夫 です。

502:EROyVmNwwM ★
09/06/15 17:25:44
I understood.
I make a copy of the head.txt that is the new one.

503:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/15 20:42:17
Thank you EroyVmNwwM-san,
I will update it in the morning. I am dialup wireless now, and to difficult.
Mata ashita friends.

09/06/16 01:54:45 lTeo+pHr
Good lack! Show me the pics of the eclipse sometime.

505:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/16 08:02:50
I have updated them all. Except for nuki/head.txt
There is a UTF8 Shift jis problem. I am not sure
if my computer is causing that, so I have not updated
that file yet.

506:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/16 08:03:23
if it turns out. It might just end up being a picture of dark.

507: ◆EROyVmNwwM
09/06/16 08:16:00 hTK5pJDp


508: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/06/16 10:55:13 bFNB2rxa
I wondered what you were talking about for awhile. I finally got it, though.
Without your clue, "hehehe. w", I would not be able to notice that.
Anyway, you got a SLR and a tripod, then it's ready, I guess.

509:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/16 11:47:46
Yes, lets see what there is to see.

510: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/06/16 12:18:30 bFNB2rxa
The best that could be was watching it from my house with my family, but not occurring this time.
I left Japan last year, and now eclipse is there coming over 46 years.
I can just say how nice.

511:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★
09/06/17 10:07:38
Canada is beautiful. Cool air crisp salad scenery. It is a lovely place that you have
moved to. Don't worry about the eclipse. You can read about it on 2ch.

512: ◆Mist.ca/QE
09/06/17 13:29:54 u72/w1ja
Yeah, it's gonna be what I'm gonna do. But, it can be tourture as well because they're having time together throughout the whole Japan islande, while I'm?
Well, I guess I'll enjoy everything about here or big North America Region.
