09/02/12 13:05:20 OT4mPE4V BE:434625034-2BP(6930)
If it's FOX-san and marv-san, FOX-san posted his blog. ^^b
> 74 名前: ◆YDhPPzjLUI :09/02/12 09:52:49 ID:wvRbu4xH
> 今のところ何もないけど、、
> 怖いなぁ
514:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/12 13:09:57
Oh, they are my friends too. I have other friends in General Santos City, that I was worried about.
515:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/12 13:35:43 OT4mPE4V BE:543281235-2BP(6930)
Oh, there is near.
I hope that you can communicate to them quickly (-人-)
516:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/12 13:54:46
Tsunami is cumming?
517:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/12 14:17:36 OT4mPE4V BE:1738497986-2BP(6930)
Tsunami warning cancelled in Japan
Indonesia, too.
There are 17 injured persons.
by Indonesia's local TV
asahi.com(朝日新聞社):インドネシアでM7.2、津波警報は解除 - 社会
> インドネシア気象庁は一時、津波警報を発令したが、ほどなく解除した。
> 地元テレビによると、17人が負傷したという。
Information on the Philippines was not found.
518:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/12 21:20:59
There is noone in the Philippines to make a report
I will go to bed now
おやすみ なさい、
また あした。
09/02/13 07:17:35 V/SmUj+j
ok! I will!
520:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/13 22:20:04
おやすみ なさい
521:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/14 02:35:02 Ndd/HJRT BE:1158999348-2BP(7040)
oppai pudding
YouTube - おっぱい 大好き
||::::::|| 。'i ! r',ヽ l l. ||:::::|
||::::::|| i'゙ ! ヾ'-' l. l . ||:::::|
||::::::|| '、 , '、 ,/ l. ||:::::|
||::::::|| ハ、 , ‐' ヽ、 ノ /! ||:::::|
||::::::|| / `''┬ ' ´ `'ー----- '´ ,/ l ||:::::|
└-┴───┬─| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|─┬────┴┘
. ━━(;゚;;) |____| ̄\┷━━
/ ̄//\ \__∧∧ ∩おっぱい!∧おっぱい!
〈 〈 ※\___( _)彡_\\ (゚、。`フ
\ \ ※ ※ ※(_, ) ※ ※ヽ\ (uu ,,)~
522:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/15 00:45:34
I want to eat oppai pudding.
Is it made with breast milk?
I am so drunk now. Time to go to bed
Tomorrow I should be back to normal.
523:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/15 12:12:01 ih0buWUD BE:543281235-2BP(7333)
I do not know how to order it from overseas...
mmm, breast milk ?
_l_ /、`二//-‐''"´::l|::l l! ';!u ';/:::l ', ';::::::l ';:::::i:::::
ノ l Jヽ レ/::/ /:イ:\/l:l l::l u !. l / ';:::l ', ';:::::l. ';::::l:::::
ノヌ H レ /:l l:::::lヽ|l l:l し !/ ';:l,、-‐、::::l ';::::l::::
/ ヽ、_ E /::l l:::::l l\l ヽ-' / ';!-ー 、';::ト、';::::l:::
ム ヒ N /::::l/l::::lニ‐-、`` / /;;;;;;;;;;;;;ヽ! i::::l:::
月 ヒ T /i::/ l::l;;;;;ヽ \ i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l l::l:::
ノ l ヽヽノ A /:::l/:l /;;l:!;;;;;;;;;', ';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ l:l::
 ̄ ̄ I /::::;ィ::l. l;;;;!;;;;;;;;;;;l `‐--‐'´.....:::::::::!l
__|_ ヽヽ /イ//l::l ヽ、;;;;;;;ノ.... し :::::::::::::::::::::ヽ /!リ l
| ー is /::::l';!:::::::::::::::::::: u ', i ノ l
| ヽー /イ';::l ’ し u. i l l
| h /';:';:!,.イ し 入 l l U
| e /,、-'´/ し / ヽ、 u し ,' ,' l
| r /l し _,.ノ `フ" ,' ,' ,ィ::/:
| e /::::::ヽ ヽ / し ,' ,' / l::
| !! /::::::::::::`‐、 し ', / u ,、-'´ l,、-
| ``‐-、._::::::::::` ‐ 、 ',/ , -'´`'´ ,-'´
| _,、-‐'"´';:::::::::イ:l';:::` ‐ 、._____,、-‐'"´ u /
| | | | \ l::/ l::::::/リ ';:::::lリ:::::l';:::l l:l:::::l\ u /
09/02/15 15:43:31 0/77zVA5
We are HENTAI.
525:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/16 10:26:09
The last two weeks have been very busy for me. Now I am taking a rest day.
Maybe I will feel better soon.
526:EROyVmNwwM ★
09/02/16 11:11:21
527:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/16 11:15:04 7lM+Ka6y BE:1738498368-2BP(7585)
.∩,,∩ |_|
( ・(ェ)・) 目 ┐
( つc□O (_) ||
と_)_) 凸...||
Please eat this and refresh.
/| |
/..| oppai pudding |
| |________|
|/ ( ゚∀゚)o彡 /
528:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/16 11:46:05
おっくた です
529:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/16 11:46:32
I will find that pudding sometime. It must be tasty.
530:EROyVmNwwM ★
09/02/16 21:58:37
I sent mail again.
531:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/17 01:27:49 tvSnvXxH BE:1267655257-2BP(7585)
I found this コピペ
Do you know the words?
中国サイトの<常見2ch用語メモ> 2ch slang to Chinese memo
日本語(JP) 中国語(台湾國語)解説(Chi)
(ry 以下省略
(藁/(ワラ (笑)
age/あげ/上げ 回文,並讓討論串顯示在群組上方
sage/さげ/下げ 回文,但不讓討論串顯示在群組上方
DQN/ドキュン 無知識或無常識者
kwsk 請説明詳情
mjdsk 真的暑怐H
pgr/プゲラ 不屑嘲笑貌
ROM/ロム 只看不留言
w (笑)
wktk 興奮期待貌
荒らす 在討論串搗蛋作亂
安置/アンチ 反對、討厭
池/池麺 帥哥
逝ってくる 我告退了,別理我
うp 上傳
裏山/裏山しい 羨慕
おk 好
乙/乙カレー 辛苦処ン了
過疎 討論串沒人氣、太冷清
キター/キター/北 來暑驕I出現暑驕I
基地外 瘋子
532:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/17 05:28:40
はい そう です
533:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/17 05:31:40
おはよう ございます ξーさん
今 見ます。
534:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/17 05:47:15
>>531 笑 = laugh
535:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/17 05:54:00
無学無知 = むがくむち
09/02/17 05:55:55 +KPfyxVG BE:541630793-PLT(12000)
Yep, oppai pudding is very tasty.
I'm always eat it everymorning.
And yesterday, ALL meal is oppai pudding.
537:偽のじむ ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ
09/02/17 11:10:58 Zr2uQz2o
おっぱい Pudding
1 qt. thick breast milk
1-1/4 cups flour
2 cups milk
1 cup sugar
1 T. ground cinnamon
Pour breastmilk into a heavy saucepan and heat until it starts to boil.
Sift in 3/4 cup of the flour and whip with a wire whisk.
Keep beating after the 3/4 cup of flour is all in, until the butter starts to come out of the breastmilk.
Then remove from the heat. Take a ladle and take off the butter, and put it in another bowl. Keep stirring until all the butter comes out.
Put the breastmilk in another kettle and heat to boiling.
Sift 1/2 cup flour into the breastmilk while beating. Continue beating until mixture is thick like pudding.
Remove it from the heat, add it to the cream mixture, and beat with a wire whisk until smooth and well blended.
Pour into a 2-quart baking dish. Smooth out the top and sprinkle the cinnamon and sugar on top.
Pour the butter you saved over the top. Serve warm.
538:POE ★
09/02/17 12:32:28
I had the intention to buy oppai pudding several times.
But to buy, it is too ashamed. So unattained yet.
539:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/17 15:24:31
Maybe you can buy it online?
Don't be ashamed to buy it. It must be so popular. Other people
will buy it too.
Chinpogedu-san is eating it everyday.
Of course the best way to have your Oppai pudding
is fresh. >>537
540:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/17 15:33:49
This helps a lot. It will certainly reduce muslim stereotyping.
541:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/17 16:59:10 tvSnvXxH BE:1955810096-2BP(7588)
━┫ ┃ 牛乳と生クリームを入れて加温
┗━┛ Heating into the whipped cream and breastmilk
━┫ ┃ 卵黄と砂糖をまぜる
┗━┛ Stir up the sugar and egg yolks
━┫ ┃ バニラエッセンスを入れる
┗━┛ Add the vanilla essence
(;・-・) 蒸し焼きにして smother
<。・-・> 冷やす chill
(。・-・) プリン
542:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/17 17:00:00 tvSnvXxH BE:2028247687-2BP(7588)
543:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/17 17:10:20 tvSnvXxH BE:1629841695-2BP(7588)
I hardly know about Islam and muslim.^^;
Probably Japanese most will not know it
544:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/17 19:14:45
I just thought it was interesting that the guy who made the TV station to teach
people about it. Cut his own wifes head off.
Anyway. I guess it is ok. It is similar to Jewish and Christian.
They have the same roots.
545:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/17 19:15:12
That sounds tasty.
546:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/17 22:09:15
おやすみ なさい
また あした
09/02/17 23:22:21 +KPfyxVG BE:120363023-PLT(12000)
Thanks detailed recipe.
I'll try it. lol
548:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/18 08:03:28
>>547 おいし ですか?
549:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/18 20:46:11
お休み なさい また 明日。
550:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/18 21:05:25 Iynyvm8m BE:1521185876-2BP(7622)
おやすみ です~
It seems to be difficult to send a oppai pudding from Japan
If it is good with a box after having eaten … ^^;
I found other item むふふ
巨乳マグカップ mug cup
巨乳灰皿 ashtray
女体盛り皿 plate
女体酒器セット set of sake bottle & cup
551:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/19 07:57:31
Wow, those look incredible! The sake set was a little scary though.
It might be more fun to drink plum wine on Halloween out of.
Sake should come out the other end not the decapitated head end.
09/02/19 08:34:21 MOFvDLl5 BE:120363023-PLT(12000)
09/02/19 15:34:54 lZ+vLNX/
>>Jim san
I wanna thread of male characters for male users,
(男性向け男キャラ萌えスレ), as the sum of other
threads of one/particular male character for males.
I mean, not Yaoi/Boys Love(やおい/801、BL、腐女子向け)
but for Shota/Gay(ショタ、ガチホモ).
These two, 801 and ガチホモ, are totally different things, and
people from 801 threads often mess up Gay threads, as they think
801 and Gay are the same.
So I especially want the new thread to be without female users.
554:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/19 19:56:41
I completely understand what you are talking about. I thought that these
boards are where such threads exist.
and also here.
Are you talking about a completely different kind?
I have heard of Shota, I thought it was a pedophilia
type fetish. Maybe I am mistaken. Please tell me more.
09/02/19 20:18:09 qDpbXNh+
, - ─ - 、
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ヾi i) ,' /:,:' : : : : :/: : : : : : : : : : / `ヽ ', ,イ-' l: : ヽ
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「 il -、.i ;' : : : : :i : ;' : : : :/ i: :l: : : : : : : : : : : :', : : : : Lノl ヽ : : : :i
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',イ l: : : : l l ト、.ィ ';l イュ= 、l: : : : ilヘ l: :i l l: :/
/: '; !: : : : ',! ゞソ lliゝ、...イ 〉: : ll.ノ /:i :l :l ,'/
,': : : /:/ ̄xxx ゞ:じソ 入:ノリイ: : l: l :l ノ
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/:::/ ヽ:::::::://l l
556:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/19 21:23:43
お休み なさい また 明日。
09/02/20 00:49:21 adfbHiaG
09/02/20 02:26:47 T/GPrgr/
Thanks for asking me.
Yes, some threads I meant are from those boards.
But I especially mean threads for male characters from comics/anime/video games.
For example:
"Male characters from Nintendo are sexy"
This is a thread definitely for male users, clearly mentioned that this is not
a 801 thread, but a thread where males love male characters.
"A thread of training a toilet and a sow"
Here, users regard male characters from ONE PIECE (comic/anime)
just as sexual objects.
There, the topics are the users' sexual dehavior on characters they like.
On the other hand, users who like Yaoi(801), mostly females,
talk about male characters' couples, Boy-1 and Boy-2 are making love.
And I must say that I mistook, I mean, I wanna new board, not a thread.
You are right, Shota(for little boys) and also Loli(for little girls) mean pedophilia.
My point is that I wanna these threads, where we talk about male characters
(whichever Shota or not) in sexual way, but not 801 like, to be gathered in one board.
559:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/20 08:38:27
Finally some good reasons for making a new board.
Thank you for your detailed explanation.
>>mostly females
I think so too. At least during the daytime most of the users
are women.
There is a thread for discussing making new boards. It is good you
brought it to my attention, but lets discuss it there in Japanese.
You have good ideas, and I can see you have thought it through.
If other people are feeling the way you are feeling, then it should
be a good idea. You might find you are a lone cry in the wilderness
though. Only time will tell.
560:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/20 16:57:48
こにちは Ero-San
I can't send email right now. The port is blocked on this ISP.
Yes I agree. おねがい します。
561:EROyVmNwwM ★
09/02/20 17:14:32
Jim-san こんにちは
Yes, I do the work of the report.
562:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/20 17:15:57
乙です Ero-saん
09/02/20 20:46:21 jwusbtRa
, - 、
, ' ` ー- 、
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l l l l /lー'イ /
l l l Lノ \l /
09/02/20 23:41:34 T/GPrgr/
O.K. I'll discuss it there and try to be understood.
Thanks a lot for listening to me.
∧ ∧
( ・ω・) Good Night!
_| ⊃/(___
/ └-(____/
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
<⌒/ヽ-、___ Z Z Z
565:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/21 08:57:02
如何致し まして。
ごとしか (致)<ー? How to make this kanji?
566:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/21 09:48:25 4joGgQHC BE:760592873-2BP(7843)
致す→いたす(mean する/やる/行う/do)
如何→いかが / いかん / どう
Japanese do not use it much ^^;
567:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/21 15:16:02
Yes I see the common way, but I can't figure out how to make
this kanji -> 致
568:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/21 15:52:09 4joGgQHC BE:1521185876-2BP(7843)
「ち」 or 「いた」
いた す→致す
ち めい しょう→致命傷
ち し→致死
GigaDict - World Kanji Dictionary
569:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/22 11:52:18
I guess very difficult to make.
I can only copy and paste it.
如何致し まして
570:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/22 12:27:23 Q+a0mwEA BE:2607746898-2BP(7843)
"如何致し まして"
There are many people whom even a Japanese does not understand
Japanese use the hiragana generally
"どういたしまして" or ”どう致しまして"
There are many kanjis that I cannot write though I am readable
I found interesting kanji site
571:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/22 21:26:27
That is a great site. I just bookmarked it.
I will print it tomorrow at the office. That looks
like it will read better on paper.
572:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys
09/02/23 09:35:05 nmmHyQNy
P2 Cums.
573:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/23 10:13:07
574:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/23 10:40:59 2VfYPC3y BE:543280853-2BP(7873)
what's mean "Cums"?
575:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/23 11:20:17
It is not a p2 problem, it is my browser problem. I have the P2 version installed by mistake.
Cum means orgasm. It was sarcasm.
576:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/23 12:00:40 2VfYPC3y BE:2607746898-2BP(7873)
| | | +o |* ・o | ゚ | o | ・ |
*・ |/ ,ィ |l +゚ _.. -─ - _ *。 ・+ o |*
゚ | /// |○+ , ´. - ‐二 - ヽ * | ○。
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577:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/23 12:17:29
くわいい です
09/02/24 07:15:26 5jp17r8L
956 名前:名無しさん@ビンキー[] 投稿日:2009/02/23(月) 09:27:25 0
579:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/24 08:04:46
580: ◆DQN/9/VVV.
09/02/24 08:09:08 v31+K9fj
581:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/24 08:16:10
おはよう ございます DQNーさん
09/02/24 11:52:25 Qua2yc8l
Hi, Mr. Jim.
I got here a few weeks ago and now, we got a tim-hortons!
Anyway, I don't understand this math question.
3. Determine the value(s) of k in each equation for which one root is triple the other root.
The answer says ±4.
I don't get the meaning of this q. and also how to get this a.
Help please...
583:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/24 14:06:20
I have ate at Tom Hortons before. They have good coffee.
09/02/24 14:50:22 Qua2yc8l
Recently, we got a small bag of tim hortons coffee and we tried it today.
It was horrible, tastes like mud.
But, tim hortons actually has good coffee in their stores.
And they have also tim bits which is small donuts.
If you know D-Pop in mistre donuts, they are pretty similar.
But there is a difference, like D-Pops are small donuts like others from their menues but tim bits are just small donuts.
get it?
Btw, I'm planning to travel around the North America Continent a bit with my friend in summer.
We have already decided to go to NYC, but no more so far.
Where are your suggestions?
We are not going for such a long time.
585:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/24 15:29:11
Wow, traveling around North America will be fun. New York would never have been on my list of places to see.
On the east coast of the US, Washington DC is probably the best choice for tourists.
You can spend days looking at the museums and monuments.
If you go farther west, Las Vegas Nevada is an important location. It is big, bold and beautiful.
What types of things are you interested in? South Dakota has a nice place called Wall Drug.
Dallas Texas has a nice zoo. Mexico City is the largest city in North America.
09/02/24 15:38:23 Qua2yc8l
The reason we decided on NYC is my fellow lives in NY so that I can get place to stay in.
Also he never went there although it's as far as buses go every day.
And I'm thinking we can make shopping there which is important for both of us since we don't have big stores.
I guess we both like more outdoor than indoor stuff.
Oh, another plan is hotspring. This will be in Canada.
587:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/24 16:34:03
Otomeiro Stay Tuned!
09/02/24 16:46:05 nH0+UR/u
おとめいろ Stay Tuned
589:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/25 07:44:27
590:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/25 08:10:28 QxnBHx1L BE:1448748285-2BP(7873)
root-san seems to do the inspection hospitalization.
591:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/25 11:09:55
Thanks Stinky-chan
I posted something there for Root-san.
592:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/25 13:21:35 QxnBHx1L BE:579500328-2BP(7873)
どういたしまして Jim-chan ^^
I worry because he seems to hold work too much always.
593:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/25 13:54:37
I have quit smoking again. I hope it will last this time.
ごめんあさい すみーません
まったく その とおり。
こんあに くるしいの?
594:名無し編集部員@Apparently admin ★
09/02/25 13:55:29
いきがくさい です
595:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/25 15:13:57 QxnBHx1L BE:579499182-2BP(7873)
Influence of ('A`)-san? > quit smokin
I am cutting down on my smoking.
However, I smoke in GARAM
いきが ものごっつい くさい です (´ー`)y─┛~~
596:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/25 15:24:39
I I used to smoke by the "gram" too.
I just have terrible bronchitis and almost pneumonia right now.
I want to feel better. It is making a little jumpy and angry though.
597:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/25 16:01:29 QxnBHx1L BE:362187825-2BP(7873)
"gram"。。。slang of pot?
I forgot old days へへ
If somewhere of the body is bad, I am irritated, too
I have heard that "the person who ate only meat became irritable".
Let's eat grain, the seafood, and the vegetable.
I love seafood.♥
598:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/25 16:15:08
I ate chili con carne and burritos for lunch today.
599:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/25 17:19:47 QxnBHx1L BE:1955810669-2BP(7873)
I like ways of thinking of 「医食同源 (the medicine food same source)」 of the Chinese medicine.
The body of the person is made of food.
Please be careful your health.
Kampo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
医食同源 - Wikipedia
薬膳 - Wikipedia
Of course, the best one is a oppai pudding. へへ
600:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/25 19:53:15 QxnBHx1L BE:869248883-2BP(7873)
The comics are the methods that are good to understand Japanese and Japanese culture
This is a wonderful lesbian love story, it was born from 2chVIP.
601:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/26 09:34:53
おはよう ございます
602:名無し編集部員@Apparently admin ★
09/02/26 09:54:50
Last page?
603:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/26 11:03:33 RzYOnuXJ BE:1738498368-2BP(7903)
Yes, the comics are still on the way
All story is only a text, now.^^;
The message can be sent to the author of the comic when liking it.
Please push "Web拍手ボタン".
The comics that a different author made
ハスキー&メドレー漫画 by 柊 圭
604:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/26 11:16:46
くろさだ いい です。
605:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/26 14:15:41 RzYOnuXJ BE:1774716877-2BP(7903)
YouTube - cat masturbation lol
09/02/26 14:33:59 LoGJl/l9
607:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/26 14:35:18
Is that your cat? What happy, excellent cat.
608:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/26 14:46:10 RzYOnuXJ BE:1738497986-2BP(7903)
I found here
> 152 名前:名無しさん@九周年:2009/02/21(土) 08:45:43 ID:qVIOR1H80
> URLリンク(chaos.oc.to)
> URLリンク(chaos.oc.to)
> URLリンク(chaos.oc.to)
> URLリンク(chaos.oc.to)
> URLリンク(chaos.oc.to)
> URLリンク(chaos.oc.to)
And, these are the parodies of the package of the adult video of Japan. lol
609:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/27 09:47:37
I can't see them. I have tried but I can not.
09/02/27 09:58:39 Qx3CGWWY
Actually, it was already forbidden when I tried it yesterday almost right after he posted it.
611:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/27 10:01:28 uvewIEBC BE:1448748858-2BP(7903)
あらら、これで どーだっ
612:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/27 12:18:05
Super cute! Very nice kitty pictures.
613:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/27 13:26:54 uvewIEBC BE:144875322-2BP(7903)
Japanese AV package parody series part2
Maked by PC game Oblivion + mod
Ero power is great !! lol
614:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/27 13:43:08
is that a game?
615:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/27 13:52:57 uvewIEBC BE:579499744-2BP(7903)
Oblivion is a non ero RPG, but they create mod by themselves and enjoy it.
09/02/27 14:49:01 NDC43ZUP
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617:名無し編集部員@Apparently admin ★
09/02/27 15:27:53
Erotic Angel.
I am going to have to get the Oblivion game now. It looks like fun.
618:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/27 15:56:21 uvewIEBC BE:1448748285-2BP(7903)
If Jim-san wants to ero, the road is very hard ^^;
Official site
Official forums
Oblivion:Oblivion - UESPWiki
Mod sites
Category:Mods - Oblivion Mod Wiki
The Elder Scrolls Nexus - Oblivion mods and community
Planet Elder Scrolls - Maps, News, Oblivion, Cheats, Downloads
Oblivion CS Wiki
related thread
The Elder Scrolls IV:OBLIVION 98
oblivion 顔晒しスレ part1
■□■OBLIVION 質問スレ 其の七拾■□■
OBLIVION MOD作成支援/相談スレPart3
619:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/27 16:22:48
It is a long hard roe to hoe, but I will do my best.
620:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/27 16:59:09 uvewIEBC BE:724374645-2BP(7903)
Roads of Ero meister is long and hard.
However, it is got over if there is belief. lol
Aside from it, it is a cool game ^^b
YouTube - Oblivion Gameplay
YouTube - Oblivion Domino Day
YouTube - Oblivion Gameplay Spoof (Real Oblivion
This movie series is cool, but very long (part1~163 @@)
Oblivion プレイ動画 テクテク冒険記 part1‐ニコニコ動画(ββ)
09/02/28 03:55:08 jkyjbaDQ
つ URLリンク(www.storyarts.org)
09/02/28 03:59:31 ZSfBj2ZX
623:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/28 08:42:11 p1TJmx7X BE:1158999348-2BP(8233)
Oblivion くノ一葉月の忍法帖 零の巻「導入編」‐ニコニコ動画(ββ)
I didn't know it , thx
624:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/28 11:13:05
I am upgrading the router and fixing a disk on the server this morning. I won't be available for several hours.
625:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/28 12:43:22 p1TJmx7X BE:2028247878-2BP(8233)
Does it influence us?
Or your private it?
626:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/28 16:56:43
It is just my office. I have just completed the work. Time to drink beer....:) あさって