09/01/14 17:40:12 4EtOeTZo BE:702114757-2BP(3333)
righty is only me hehe
09/01/14 18:07:08 KkvFM8cQ BE:760593637-2BP(2106)
It's a funny joke. へへ
Sex industry is said to be the oldest profession.
It will not disappear.
すけべ is グレート!!!
日本には 様々な セックス 産業が あります
Various sex industries are in Japan.
本サロ・大人のパーティー・性感マッサージ・セクキャバ・ノーパン喫茶/しゃぶしゃぶ・SM・etc etc......
それは 法律による 制約が 厳しいせいだ と 思います
I guess it is because of the severe constraints of the law.
それは 日本国外でも 受け入れられる かもしれません
But it may be acceptable outside of Japan
09/01/14 18:28:39 V4le9Nsh
My result 女脳30%男脳70%
So, I'm a lesbian, too.
Conclusion: Jim-san is my bride !
226:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/14 20:55:39
Oh, you made me laugh so hard.
こちろこそ ども ありがとう ございます
09/01/15 06:14:26 ov5nltjU BE:977906039-2BP(2184)
228:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/15 13:16:58
Offline is taking away my time. ごめんあさい すめーません
229:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/15 13:24:50
You are alright by me.
230:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/15 13:25:23
231:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/15 13:26:17
Yes it is a funny joke, but if Mr. Flynt had not stood up for his rights,
probably there would not be bbspink right now.
09/01/15 18:34:43 ov5nltjU BE:579499744-2BP(2184)
I did not know Mr. Flint and Hustler magazine.
I am watching his movie now.
09/01/15 23:32:04 ov5nltjU BE:507062827-2BP(2220)
I watched a movie. "The People vs. Larry Flynt"
It was a very interesting story.
However, I cannot do the support by his way of thinking overall.
The person is easy to get tired of an easily available thing.
The sex industry's developing too much doesn't seem necessarily to be always good.
If there was not him, there may not have been bbspink of Jim-san. (Regrettably)
However, a similar BBS may have been made from the form that U.S.A. was not concerned with.
234:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/16 14:02:31
Opinions differ, but all are welcome.
If you have ever seen these two magazines
Then you can see the difference. Before Larry Flynt
there was Playboy and that type of magazine, and of
course Ura mags.
Larry Flynt brought us Hustler, and wide open beaver.
Wide open beaver is something that is still lacking in
09/01/16 18:17:29 kwI0Jll4 BE:217312823-2BP(2345)
Durex: Get it On!
236:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/16 19:25:49
Frenzy condoms have great print advertisement. They are totally rocking!
237:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/16 19:26:57
Wuhu! 三P
09/01/16 19:41:29 kwI0Jll4 BE:1774716877-2BP(2345)
Mr.Flyntの 映画を 見た時、このAAを 思い出した^^;
When I saw the Mr.Flynt's movie, This AA reminded me. ^^;
< >
< 嫌なら見るな! 嫌なら見るな! >
< Do not look if you are unpleasant !! >
< >
ノ Y´`Y´`Y´`Y´`Y´`Y´`Y´`Y´`Y´`Yヽ
/ ̄(S)~\
/ / ∧ ∧\ \
\ \ (゚Д゚ ) / /
\⌒ ⌒ /
)_人_ ノ
/ /
∧_∧ ( ))
( ; )ω  ̄ ̄ヽ
γ⌒ ⌒ヽ  ̄ ̄| |
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
239:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/16 19:45:13
That is so funny...:)
The translation is great.
I hope unpleasant people don't look too.
09/01/16 19:54:33 kwI0Jll4 BE:289749942-2BP(2345)
I think that the achievement of Mr.Larry is great if the problem of >>238 is solved.
However, this problem is not at least solved in the Internet.
It is meaningless if linked internally even if it prevents it by top page.
It is a difficult problem.
241:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/16 20:02:21
The problem is solved at least for now in the USA.
However Japan is at the stage that the USA was at
when Larry Flynt started printing Hustler.
That has been a few years ago already. I was in school.
Gods bless Mr. Flynt. He is responsible for the first time
I saw a wide open vagina.
242:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/16 20:09:21
おやすみ なさい
09/01/16 20:26:07 kwI0Jll4 BE:2317997388-2BP(2345)
I'll see about >>241
244:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/01/17 08:11:58
おはよう ございます。
I have a baseball game this morning.
Later today I will be online.
また あとで
09/01/17 23:48:18 uN11Adxr
246:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/01/18 00:43:02
おやすみ なさい
09/01/18 01:15:06 lXSYDqxO
09/01/18 01:40:25 SMreKLDn
おやすみ( ' 3')
09/01/18 13:11:32 CK5J6E/K
Long time no here, how are you guys doing?
Ok, let's get in my way.
Jimjim, have you ever used Windows OS?
I'm using Vista, but it's relatively way more suck than XP.
A computer I can use freely in public has pentium4 'n XP.
While, my computer has Core2 'n Vista.
In terms of RAM, they stand at the same point.
The order, mine is worse, never changed.
Now, I'm thinking to move to Linux.
Is it worth doing you think?
09/01/18 19:05:53 ipiZYsRu
_,. -─=ニヽ、
/レ'´ `ヽ、
//● / , ,、 ヽ ヽヽ ト、
/7O j_ノ_/ハHl、_j l lN
〈7イ ´|/l/ `ヘノ} jrく)j
r‐ヶハl c⌒r─ォ⌒c,ハヽ〉 waha-
Y//,ハ>、j>l、_ノ.イレ1l レ′
\l l//` ` ̄´ j l レ'
_>′r。~。ヽ レ'´
(__ゝ、<ゞニア< |
\`^^´ l
251:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/01/18 19:13:54
If you are not scared of doing a few things on the command line. Linux
works better. I have been using Linux and freeBSD servers for years.
but recently I switched both my desktop and laptop to fedora 10.
I was so tired of my system lagging and windows gets so buggy
after just a few months. Whet my Norton 360 expired. I reinstalled my laptop
and desktop. There was a learning curve. xwindows and the different desktops
are not as user friendly as windows. I had to configure my monitor in run level 3
with vi. This is not the usual case, but my monitor did not seem to see the run
level 5, that is the desktop type environment. Now it works great. I have found
desktops that look almost exactly like window and mac os 10. So if you need that
then you can install them very easily. I have not run into anything that did not work
as good or better on linux. Getting help is the hard part, so you should be at least
familiar with basic computing tasks, before converting to Fedora. If you are a newbie
then try Ubuntu. It works right out of the package.
If I need to run a windows application. Something that absolutely has to be
run in windows, then I have been able to do that with a program called Wine.
I even have Dotnet environment on my linux computer, and can program in visual
basic. Internet explorer also works, but it is just as buggy on Linux as on windows.
おやすみ なさい
252:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/01/18 19:14:18
Please don't cry.
253:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/01/19 09:00:28
09/01/19 09:48:20 l6sU8AgA
How much should requirement be if I wanna go for?
Well, I will try to figure out when I'm against the wall.
But, I think I'm just a kid in computer, though.
09/01/19 12:15:46 yBAADlPt BE:362187825-2BP(2628)
How cool site!!!
09/01/19 18:03:57 yBAADlPt
Be server(be.2ch.net) is down...
Do you know the method to restore in be.2ch.net. ?
09/01/19 20:52:10 yBAADlPt BE:579499744-2BP(2628)
It was restored although the cause was not found.
Do you know what to do from next time?
258:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/20 10:01:39
If you computer can already run Vista, then it will not have any problem with Linux.
If you are a kid, then try Ubuntu first. After you have outgrown it, then
you can move up to something more difficult. Most of the faqs and wikis for
Ubuntu, are written for beginners.
259:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/20 10:02:24
いま みます
260:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/20 10:03:02
Of course I know what to do. I will do the cucumber dance.
09/01/20 10:07:28 zogo6Kg3
I see, then, I'll find some time to try Ubuntu.
And lastly, how much at least am I supposed to be about computer?
262:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/20 10:09:33
You can download it here.
It will install very easy if you can burn this download to a disk.
263:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/20 10:12:11
If you have a choice, I would not install selinux during installation.
it can make your computer run slower. Install grub too. On your main disk.
09/01/20 10:47:36 zogo6Kg3
Daemon works for this, does it not?
09/01/20 11:06:28 Q1UreIAf BE:869249838-2BP(2661)
I will do the cucumber dance, too. へへ
◆ Phillippines ◆ sakura, Japan
自夢 うぃ~ん
(;´Д`) 少シ重イ・・・。 busy.... | ̄ ̄ ̄| ̄|
( ヾ鯖)ヾ 踊ルカ? Let's Dancin'!? | (・∀・).| |
> > ノ |___|_|
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ゙̄) (" ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
/(,,ノ~゙゛゛" -、_,,ノ~゙゛゛" -、__,,ノ~゙゛゛" -、_)ヽ
ヾ ヾ
(;´Д`)ノ⌒ )) サバがアクセク server is busy♪
((/( へ) ))
(( く
⌒ヽ(´Д`;)ノ )) ルータがアタフタ router is busy♪
(( (へ )
> ))
自夢 ↓
(;´Д`)>⌒ きゅうり踊りダヨ~。 It's "cucumber dance"~♪
((<( )へ ))
(( く
,, ⌒ )) #、 $ ちゅどーん' BooooM!!
自夢 cu---cumber! \’ ヽ’; / /
(( ヾ(;´Д`)ノ | ̄ ̄ ̄| ̄|アヒャヒャ‐ !
( 鯖)へ )) | (。∀゚,,)| |
ノ |___|_|
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ゙̄) (" ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
/(,,ノ~゙゛゛" -、_,,ノ~゙゛゛" -、__,,ノ~゙゛゛" -、_)ヽ
ヾ ヾ
09/01/20 11:25:23 Q1UreIAf BE:507061872-2BP(2661)
Let's dance "cucumber dance" for servers in the world !!
Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 drives said to be failing at an alarming rate - Engadget
267:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/20 11:28:53
┐(´ー`)┌ hehehehehehe
268:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/20 11:33:18
I am using Ochusha today. They have just made an update that fits my computer.
It is pretty cool. They have an ascii art helper.
Lets see if Japanese fonts work.
かんじ 自夢
269:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/20 11:34:44
hmmm, I wonder what board I should check to see if the image viewer works.
270:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/20 11:41:37
clicking on the image link opens your browser. Maybe some people like that, instead of opening inside
your reader.
09/01/20 11:41:59 zogo6Kg3
Let's try this ugly pic.
272:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/20 12:07:12
It opens in my browser. Who are they? Japanese backstreet boys?
I see a good point about Ochusha. The menu and dialogs are multi lingual.
I also really like the My bookmark function.
Bad point is the image viewer and popup function doesn't work.
I am still looking for the right viewer for me. I will try Janestyle on fedora 10 next.
09/01/20 12:11:20 zogo6Kg3
I have no idea who those guys are.
I even barely see the contents on a pic.
I now ha e a problem on my stupid display...
09/01/20 12:24:01 Q1UreIAf BE:2933715299-2BP(2661)
I'm using "JaneView" on windowsXP, now.
If "JaneStyle on fedra 10" operates, it is good news for me.
275:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/20 12:55:23
It works in fedora 10, when you have the program "Wine" installed.
I am having a font problem with it now. So running wine tricks to try
to get the correct windows fonts installed. I am able to run it though...:)
09/01/20 13:53:46 Q1UreIAf BE:2607747089-2BP(2661)
If you want to display AA finely, "MS Pゴシック" is the best.
However, I am sometimes using "Osaka-AA".
I found to display AA fonts
Mona Font - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mona Font(older?)
09/01/20 14:00:14 Q1UreIAf BE:1086561465-2BP(2661)
and other fonts for AA
実況ニューサロ: お知らせ。MacやLinuxでも2chAAを見れるようにしてみた
> Meiryo mod 12pt AA
> MS Pゴシック Ex+, MS Pゴシック Ex
> AquaJane
> SherryAA
> MaruGo-aa
> Kakugo-aa
> Osaka-AA-Web, Osaka-AA
> AquaLucidaGrandeBold_AA Bold, AquaMyriadBold_AA
> あくあるう2
> N-AQUA3d
09/01/20 14:05:43 Q1UreIAf BE:977904893-2BP(2661)
>>277 fonts is not free
It remodeled "font for commerce"
Do not use it, pardon. ^^;
09/01/20 14:18:42 zogo6Kg3
Is Mr.ξ a Macker?
280:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/20 14:21:14
Wow, a lot of fonts.
I have not been able to get IME to work yet on wine.
It will take me a little time to figure it out, but I will.
09/01/20 14:27:17 zogo6Kg3
Thank you, Jim for considering.
I'm on the way to go as a aleeper.
Bye, guys..
09/01/20 14:27:32 Q1UreIAf BE:2028247878-2BP(2661)
No Macker^^;
If it is the font that it can distinguish this, and AA can display neatly, anything is good
"0/O" "i/I/l/1"
いい フォント ないかな…
283:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/20 14:33:59
おやすみ なさい
Good night
284:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/20 14:34:56
ξ-さん ー ”Anything is good"
09/01/20 14:42:34 Q1UreIAf BE:1448748285-2BP(2661)
ATOK is good IME of the reputation in Japan
However, the Linux version is a little old.
日本語入力システム ATOK X3 for Linux
Do you know wime, Jim-san?
It seems to be a program that pretends IME installed on Wine of Linux to "かんな".
wime URLリンク(www.venus.sannet.ne.jp)
method of ATOK2008(Trial version) on wime
wimeにATOK2008体験版を入れて動作するかどうかを確認する(準備とIMEインストール) - 試験運用中なLinux備忘録
wimeにATOK2008体験版を入れて動作するかどうかを確認する(動作確認・各種制御・入力メソッド対応など) - 試験運用中なLinux備忘録
Linux is still troublesome for me.^^;
286:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/20 14:45:39
287:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/20 14:46:36
I am reading it now.
09/01/20 14:49:05 Q1UreIAf BE:1629841695-2BP(2661)
If a good fonts is found, please tell me. へへ
However, there are few troubles for comfort if I use a standard
09/01/20 14:53:21 Q1UreIAf BE:543280853-2BP(2661)
09/01/20 15:56:53 Q1UreIAf BE:579499182-2BP(2661)
>>285 つづき
ATOK2009(for win '09/02/06~) New function "ATOK 4E(for English)"
It seems that it also becomes a jp-en dictionary.
[Official site (Some Flash movies)]
英語もかしこく便利に入力できる|日本語入力システム ATOK 2009 for Windows
[News & Reports]
livedoor ニュース - 【トレビアン】英語にも強くなった『ATOK 2009』!
I want this ^^
09/01/20 19:54:06 MVvxnlM6
Finally the Obama's Presidential Inauguration just a few hours away.
In also Japan, NHK is planning the special report TV program at 1:00AM 21 JST.
I'm looking forward to it.
09/01/21 09:19:31 5KCC7gJ8 BE:1303873294-2BP(2695)
cucumber dance~♪ > find.2ch.net
293:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/21 10:26:07
It was so exciting. He even walked.
294:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/21 10:26:49
I will look at it now. That sounds awesome.
09/01/21 11:01:52 2vcQJZgU
Now, I'm thinking of exploring English songs.
What are important songs for you?
296:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/21 12:54:17
Hmm. I used to keep track of my playlist.
Which is more important for you. The music, or the lyrics?
The music is the same in all languages.
The lyrics are probably the most important thing since
you want to explore "English" music.
This is my playlist for today.
Joe Walsh - Ordinary average guy
Bob Marley - Redemption song
Marc Cohn - Walking in Memphis
Al Stewart - Year of the cat
Eminem - Lose yourself
Fleetwood Mac - Landslide
Kari Scott - Snowbird
Led Zeppelin - Stairway to heaven
Marvin Gaye - Lets get it on
09/01/21 14:03:12 2vcQJZgU
I believe lyrics are, at least now.
But I also believe good music keeps up with good lyrics.
I mean, if a song has greatly moving effects, it should hold a great music and lyrics
because I think the most important thing about a song is, not a balance but something like that.
that's why I don't listen to the Classical.
I have no idea what I wrote... Hopefully it will make sense...
I think both are very important like a balance, though.
09/01/21 16:54:26 5KCC7gJ8 BE:434624843-2BP(2695)
This function is pleasant with convenience !!
My playlist on ようつべ
# My playlist in PC is over 8000…^^;
09/01/21 21:08:10 W1by0kBx
Yea, and twice time walked.
It worried whether attacked.
I watched at the ABC live video camera,
NHK didnt report the parade...:(
300:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/22 10:06:44
It makes sense to me. I understand your feeling.
301:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/22 10:13:45
That link is to busy. I can't see it from here at all.
09/01/22 10:18:35 zZMBgI7E
I'm going to skate. seeya later.
303:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/22 10:22:26
Ice skating? Roller blading? Skateboarding?
What music is best for skating?
304:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/22 10:33:14
This is a very interesting keyword.
Is it a name, or just a style of anime?
09/01/22 10:59:38 JH5sgehp BE:1303873294-2BP(2750)
Tokimeki Memorial (series) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
306:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/22 12:37:40
It is just a stub.
09/01/22 13:31:45 zZMBgI7E
ときメモ is a series of the games which created these days' anime style, I cannot be sure, though.
I went iceskating.
In my head, Alison Crowe was singing Halleluja.
But, I don't think this was really sweat for iceskating.
Also I tried Take Me Home, Country Roads. This was swell.
Just good.
In Japan, it's usually called just skate rather than saying every detail word.
This is because, I guess, all of these are not common.
So people gave the word "skate" to the iceskating, and named skateboard スケボー, and roller blading ローブレ.
308:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/22 13:35:14
I will スケボー to lunch now
09/01/22 14:05:24 zZMBgI7E
Have fun, man.
310:ξ ガ━━(゚Д゚;)━━━ン!!!!!
09/01/22 14:07:28 JH5sgehp BE:1955810096-2BP(2750)
I did not know "ローブレ"
09/01/22 14:11:16 zZMBgI7E
omg, what do you call it then?
09/01/22 14:52:34 XD80G1kz
|┃三 / ̄\
|┃ | |
|┃ \_/
ガラッ. |┃ | Nice to meet you jimsan.
|┃ ノ// ./ ̄ ̄ ̄ \
|┃三 / ::\:::/:::: \ I am Opuna.
|┃ / <●>::::::<●> \
|┃ | (__人__) | I plan to sell by one million.
|┃三 \ ` ⌒´ /
|┃三 / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ \
09/01/22 15:19:04 JH5sgehp BE:579500328-2BP(2750)
09/01/22 19:35:14 fJM+EEYb
, -‐ 、
/ ゝ、
, '  ̄ヽ
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ヽ、 ー ', ' /: : : : : : : :.. : : ::.. : : : : : '., '; : : :'.,
 ̄ ー ' /: : : .: : : : :::.. :.. :::::.. :. : :'; ', i : : : ',
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ヽ!ヽ::`.ーr' ,ィ ⌒ヽ l:::ハ/ ヽ : :::... : :\ l i/ //ノ
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09/01/23 00:43:11 odOrA8g1
umm? can't see it? Is not nothing displayed? I don't know why it do so.
That link is ABC News live. But it is not important any longer. The Inauguration Coverage was over. Now, another program can be seen.
09/01/23 09:03:35 RWdfcREi
317:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/23 09:47:16
I had fun. It is like living inside a National Geographic magazine.
318:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/23 09:47:50
ローブレ = レズ?
319:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/23 09:49:51
おはよう ございます Bunnyーさん
320:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/23 09:50:26
はい そう です
321:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/23 09:51:53
322:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/23 09:56:19
はじめ まして
09/01/23 13:33:10 RWdfcREi
Like a person who demonstrates his ability on the face of the book?
Or... Bunch of paper?
324:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/23 13:36:08
No, literally inside a National Geographic article.
325:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/24 10:39:55
09/01/24 11:59:55 5oe7esgf
My Taiwanese friend usually says "おっす" whenever I chat with him.
Does おっす sound nice for you guys foreigners?
327:EROyVmNwwM ★
09/01/24 18:48:17
Jim-san おねがいします。
328:EROyVmNwwM ★
09/01/25 03:32:42
I hope to see this.
おねがい します。
09/01/26 05:57:55 6vLW6zcC
Jim-san,おはようございますです。 げんきですか?
330:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/01/26 07:53:01
Yes it sounds nice to me. When I was a kid going to the Karate dojo
We had to say おっす and bow when we entered the dojo. So I understand
the concept of it. I am here and ready = おっす
331:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/01/26 07:53:50
I have received your email. いま みます
332:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/01/26 07:54:55
おはよう ございます
はい 元気 です。
333:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/01/26 08:02:55
Lets release them. We need to watch carefully though.
09/01/26 08:03:19 zIyBEiZX
Ah hah, that's neat, man.
Where did you live in your childhood?
335:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/01/26 08:14:44
I grew up in Mukilteo Washington, under the shadow of the Boeing 747 plant.
09/01/26 08:20:53 zIyBEiZX
What is famous in Washington, btw?
Its name is famous; it's known even by me.
But I don't know anything more.
337:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/01/26 08:48:26
Boeing builds their jets there. The newest one coming is the Dreamliner.
Starbucks coffee is from Washington.
There is also Microsoft in Redmond Washington.
Also There are many apples and cherries there.
338:EROyVmNwwM ★
09/01/26 08:50:21
Thank you.
I cannot work carefully now.
I go carefully to ask for release later.
339:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/01/26 08:56:00
Please take care friend.
09/01/26 10:42:54 zIyBEiZX
Omg, apples 'n cherries! That's amazingly important.
I never went to Starbucks although I had a chance in the airport.
How is it?
341:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/01/26 11:18:52
The apples and cherries are said to be the best in the world.
Starbucks tastes like coffee. Almost the same taste as UCC.
09/01/26 11:37:37 zIyBEiZX
Well, Starbucks is a coffee shop, right?
343:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/01/26 13:40:15
Yes, it is a coffee shop. There are many locations around the world
09/01/26 13:44:00 zIyBEiZX
There is none of them in my town, though.
Also, there is no donut shop.
345:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/01/26 18:08:21
Wow, May I ask what town that is?
Maybe you are in Antarctica? hehehe, no really.
Lets make a donut shop. The whole world needs
donuts (maybe doughnuts in some translating engines)
You may have hit on a good idea and a way to do some
good business.
346:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/01/26 18:10:05
Has anyone else noticed that when you
use this character in an alt tag ・
and have it next to the ending "
that it makes the page have a display error in Firefox?
347:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/01/26 19:30:35
おやすみ なさい
また あした
09/01/27 01:51:28 J/uepDao
I wanna visit Antarctica, anyway.
I know an opportunity to go there in a group.
But it costs about more than 10,000.
I gave up my dream at the moment to notice that.
And I now live in Kimberley, small town, in Canada.
Donut shop is a good idea although we have a bakery
And now, I remember there is a coffee shop which also sells donuts!
Btw, I don't really get >>346.
09/01/27 08:25:06 pjVD4YZn
Jim-san, what do you think about Twitter?
i think Twitter lies between 2ch and blog system.
non-internet people know about it? only used by geeks?
i wonder twitter dont have more ads on its website.
350:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/27 10:09:30
Canada is a great place, and I am sure there is room for another donut shop
in Kimberly.
Are you originally from Kimberly?
351:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/27 10:10:03
I have heard of Twitter. It is not my cup of tea.
09/01/27 10:11:06 +YL9fAxy
Request for comment
09/01/27 10:22:54 J/uepDao
I'm Osakan, now, past time 'n in the future.
It will never change and I'm not willing to.
And I'm sure Canada is great. I'll be back some day after I leave here.
But, my future goal is to be a great teacher, especially English one in Japan.
So, I cannot be a baker, even though it's good to be a baker.
Maybe, I will tell this idea to someone.
We shouldn't miss any great opportunities, should we?
354:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/27 11:17:18
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
09/01/27 11:21:23 J/uepDao
Is that a quote?
356:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/27 11:32:12
Yes, but I don't remember the original source of it. It is probably some hippy during the 1960s.
09/01/27 11:46:13 J/uepDao
Well, dope will just make someone stranger, I guess.
358:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/27 12:17:30
You made a new one.
>>357 "What doesn't kill you, makes you stranger."
09/01/27 12:20:19 J/uepDao
Should I start practicing my own signature?
I wonder which I should, in Japanese or English...
360:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/27 12:33:24
Both is best. I can write my name in Japanese, but it looks very childish.
There are lots of Chinese in Canada, they can probably read your signature
if you write in kanji.
09/01/27 12:57:46 J/uepDao
All the Chinese I have seen here is working in Chinese Restaurant.
And I have seen more Korean than Chinese.
Btw, lots of Japanese can write only childish Japanese.
Also those Japanese can easily be mean.
That's an important difference.
362:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/27 13:04:29
We should try to be understanding of our fellow men.
09/01/27 13:33:56 J/uepDao
It also seems to be a quote.
Well, that's riight.
364:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/27 14:13:32
Oh. I found this one also. Heath Ledger said it in Batman.
09/01/27 14:30:48 J/uepDao
I've never watched it, though.
Bye, I have to get asleep now, I guess.
But before I leave, I wanna leave a question.
I'm thinking to have my Handle Name.
Can I ask you, Jim, to name me?
Good night.
366:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/01/27 15:03:28 3vuOtQ/u BE:507062827-2BP(2945)
I found some tripcode of "Stinky" へへ
I help it if someone look for tripcode. ^^v
367:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/27 15:05:17
This is a nice drink, and also a good description for Canada.
You could be カナダのミストーさん
368:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/27 15:05:58
Yes but the tripcode should be a little secret
369:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/27 15:21:44
I am going to baseball now.
370:ξ ◆9stInKy556
09/01/27 15:26:32 3vuOtQ/u BE:869248883-2BP(2945)
ミスト? I don't know the drink.
But, osakan calls 「みすど」 "Mr.Donuts". (・∀・)
Ya, Of cource.
It is a trip cord for play.
If I am trusted, I tell it with mail, Be-mail, others.
These are open-code it
Have fun ノシシ
09/01/27 17:22:02 JDFwUj+6
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts is delicious also.
It's from US maybe Jim know it.
This shop is very popular also in Japan and it always makes the line of people.
372:EROyVmNwwM ★
09/01/27 20:34:43
おねがい します。
373:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/28 10:44:20
たくさん おいし です
I get a coffee there every morning.
They usually give me a donut too.
374:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/28 12:28:21
Have fun. Trip codes are fun.
I am hoping to have them as caller id soon.
375:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/28 12:29:24
I accedently deleted your email before I could read it.
I saw it going away as I hit the delete button. ごめんあさい すみーません
376:EROyVmNwwM ★
09/01/28 12:55:03
Mail is sent again.
377:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/28 13:28:54
Thank you friend.
378:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/01/28 18:15:29 qVeFMlWa BE:2281778497-2BP(3000)
( ゚∀゚)o彡°sage!! sage!!
379:EROyVmNwwM ★
09/01/28 20:16:26
I hope to see the following matters.
こちらも よろしく お願いします。
09/01/28 23:02:48 gggpHOWP
Every morning?! lol
YOu'r heavy krispykremer!
Surely it's tasty:)
Yeah, I didn't know there was krispykreme also in the Philippines.
Is it popular in there too?
381: ◆Jimmy./Bdo
09/01/29 08:20:34 KaxcBxen
382: ◆JimSAN/Y.6
09/01/29 09:08:48 81UtLFYo BE:1303873294-2BP(3000)
09/01/29 09:13:30 KaxcBxen
I went to garbage and put my trip codes down.
I feel to be able to fly now.
384:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/29 12:25:36
Etto, doko made itta kke?
えっと、 どこまで いった っけ?
385:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/29 12:26:12
386:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/29 12:26:46
DAT落ち ] 【規制も愛】規制解除検討室【解除も愛】二
387:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/29 12:27:41
Today, I only had black Krispy Kreme Coffee.
It is great coffee, with the added benefit of zero
added Philipino taste.
388:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/29 12:29:01
Fly high friend, and have fun. Please enjoy your internet life.
Osaka is not so far away online.
09/01/29 14:11:21 KaxcBxen
I never go to bed today before I finish my letter.
I have only today, about 3 hours from now.
I'm writing because I don't wanna break my past 'n following days.
Thank you.
09/01/29 16:20:26 KaxcBxen
Good night.
391:EROyVmNwwM ★
09/01/29 20:03:41
The thread is alive.
392:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/01/29 20:39:32 81UtLFYo BE:1629842459-2BP(3000)
> #1/22 スレリンク(sec2chd板:71番)
393:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/30 08:33:19
[ DAT落ち ]
394:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/30 08:35:22
コピ ここです、 おねがい します。
395:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/01/30 09:03:18 X9D5xKYH BE:543281235-2BP(3000)
If Jim-san don't have ●, try this snapshot site.
Snapshot 2ch URLリンク(ss.chbox.jp)
Input thread URI.
I checked that it was there.^^
396:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/30 09:23:29
規制 です。
397:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/01/30 09:44:11 K9MlVnEI BE:144875322-2BP(3000)
あらら、それじゃ これを
っ URLリンク(yy700.60.kg)
# Can't write here, error message 「さくらが咲いています。」^^;
398:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/01/30 09:47:39 K9MlVnEI BE:543281235-2BP(3000)
If Jim-san get it, please write here.
then delete it^^
399:EROyVmNwwM ★
09/01/30 09:55:13
> 71 名前:ずるっぴ ★[] 投稿日:2009/01/22(木) 16:59:22 ID:???0
> \.prin.ne.jp
> \.e-mobile.ne.jp
> 規制
400:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/30 11:27:56
I did it.
401:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/30 11:29:05
はい そう です。
おねがい します。
I hope it will be good.
402:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/01/30 11:39:14 K9MlVnEI BE:325968833-2BP(3000)
I deleted it^^b
403:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/30 12:07:15
Please try posting several posts rapidly maybe 10 in one minute and see how that works.
404:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/01/30 12:22:18 K9MlVnEI BE:1774716877-2BP(3000)
むむ、URI? さくら test?
I try....
405:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/01/30 12:24:50 K9MlVnEI BE:1629841695-2BP(3000)
sorry, I can't understand well >>403 ^^;
406:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/01/30 12:28:24 K9MlVnEI BE:651936863-2BP(3000)
さくら>スレリンク(sec2chd板:71番) thread title w
No A097 550909.com/?f1308523/happymail.co.jp/?af3216406 宣伝マルチ報告
↑this string is out あはは
407:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/30 12:45:46
やばい です
[ DAT落ち ]
408:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/30 12:47:21
Can you post your results from many postings on your private thread?
409:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/01/30 12:58:42 K9MlVnEI BE:2607747089-2BP(3000)
mmm, っ URLリンク(yy700.60.kg)
410:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/30 13:32:37
Please repeat that 15 times, then delete and post results here.
411:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/01/30 13:40:03 K9MlVnEI BE:2028247687-2BP(3000)
>No A097 550909.com/?f1308523/happymail.co.jp/?af3216406 宣伝マルチ報告
This is a sequence of characters is not good ^^;
It is Some of the ads URI
412:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/01/30 13:49:05 K9MlVnEI BE:507061872-2BP(3000)
mmm, I can't translate will orz
413:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/30 13:56:38
I want to see if it will block you from using it.
if you post 15 times in one minute, then it would be like a bad guy.
I want to see if it will block you.
414:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/01/30 14:00:15 K9MlVnEI BE:2028247878-2BP(3000)
fmfm, my IP block test?
ok try it 15times post
415:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/01/30 14:01:18 K9MlVnEI BE:1448748285-2BP(3000)
oh, one minite??
mmm use IE, please wait...
416:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/01/30 14:06:31 xZhD46Cm BE:434624843-2BP(3000)
and maybe 10 times after
> やはり貴方は投稿しすぎです。バイバイさるさん。
> 合言葉=好きな車は?
バイさる~&IP blocked
417:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/01/30 14:07:56 xZhD46Cm BE:1014123874-2BP(3000)
I don't have bad guy's TOOL ^^;
418:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/30 14:12:48
Excellent. That means it is working and blocking correctly.
I don't think there is a badguy tool for that currently.
It uses URLリンク(www.pasegueno.com)
419:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/30 14:17:06
Lunch time いって きます
420:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/01/30 14:22:02 xZhD46Cm BE:651937436-2BP(3000)
ya, of course, 2ch system is no problem.
だいじょうぶ ^^b
おなか へった me too
421:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/30 17:27:19
はい 大丈夫 です。
422:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/01/30 17:39:01 xZhD46Cm BE:1014123874-2BP(3000)
I want to confirm it,,,
Is the reason why you don't(can't?) use ● and "sage" that I changed a browser?
If this guess is hit, めい あい へるぷ ゆー?
or when it is wrong, could you teach the reason?
423:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/01/30 17:46:36 xZhD46Cm BE:543281235-2BP(3000)
s/I changed/you changed/
424:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/30 19:04:04
I can't use sage because I am in a banned location
and only people with CAP can post from here.
425:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/01/30 19:15:58 xZhD46Cm BE:869249546-2BP(3000)
Oh, I know method to use CAP with "sage".
It is only input to the mail column like ↓.
Shall I make CAP for a test in my board, if you wish?
426:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/01/30 19:30:58 xZhD46Cm BE:1955810669-2BP(3000)
I created test account in my board.
I posted pass to previous thread, please try.
427:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/01/30 20:08:42 xZhD46Cm BE:1014123874-2BP(3000)
This is good news for bbspink. Did you know?
> 携帯の有害サイト、閲覧制限が30日スタート
> 18歳未満を対象にした携帯電話の有害サイトへの閲覧制限が30日始まる。NTTドコモを皮切りに、
> 2月中にKDDI(au)とソフトバンクモバイルが足並みをそろえる。業界団体が審査して接続を認めたサ
> イトは「モバゲータウン」など大手の15社にとどまっており、草の根の交流サイトの大半は使えなくなる。
> 中高生の間では混乱も起きそうだ。
> 閲覧が制限されるのはアダルト、出会い系のほかソーシャル・ネットワーキング・サービス(SNS)、掲
> 示板などの交流サイト。国内には大小含めて1万以上あるとみられる。
> URLリンク(it.nikkei.co.jp)
Minors (under 18) to restrict browsing on mobile phone(Docomo/AU/Softbank)
This is one small step, but I hope for the future ^^b
428:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/30 20:28:21
Testing sage
I have to go now.
また あした
429:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/01/30 20:34:23 xZhD46Cm BE:905468055-2BP(3000)
09/01/30 21:51:38 Rc1JGDla
I'm your fan, Mr.Jim.
You're very funny.
_ ∩
( ゚∀゚)彡 Jim!Jim!
_ ∩
( ゚∀゚)彡 Jim!Jim!
431:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/01 00:26:25 SJahFwuH BE:1303873766-2BP(3000)
/ ヾ''" ~`ヽ
/ _,,,... ヽ;: /""ヽ ヽ
/ ;'" "\ l /;:;;:::-'''ヽ, i
/ /::::::::-'''''"~ ヽ, .|
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/ ;/ 、 ,/ ヽ i,
/ ;:;:ヽ \, / ヽ i,
i / )( \, 、 ,/ , ヽ ヽ
| | ⌒ ,,___\l,::,l/___| |
| |. ー-ゞ'-'">><ー-ゞ'-'"'| |
| ;:| '""^ 、 | |
| ヽ. ゝ( ,-、 ,:‐、) | |
| /ヾ.. / ヽ | |
| | ./ゝ二ニニニニ二、 | |
.. | `、ヽ へ"\┼┼┼ノ/ / |
| ヽ\ `\ ̄ ̄ ̄ノ / |
| l `ー-::、_ " ̄ ̄" ,,..'|ヽ./
ヽ. :人 /`ー―''''' /
/;:;:;:;;:;:;: _/
わ し の ホ ー ム ペ ー ジ で
何 さ ら し と ん じ ゃ キ サ マ ラ
I got inspiration from famous ひろゆき's AA and Jim-san's photograph. :P
432:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/01 07:20:27
433:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/01 07:31:21
ども ありがとう
09/02/01 09:10:55 yFYv4aC/
|┃三 / ̄\
|┃ | |
|┃ \_/
ガラッ. |┃ | Good morning jimsan.
|┃ ノ// ./ ̄ ̄ ̄ \
|┃三 / ::\:::/:::: \ yourfilehost was not able to be seen.
|┃ / <●>::::::<●> \
|┃ | (__人__) | Even if FBI moves, is it true though heard?
|┃三 \ ` ⌒´ /
|┃三 / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ \
435:EROyVmNwwM ★
09/02/01 15:45:32
>>401 Jim-san
I am waiting for the judgment of Jim-san
Which is the e-mobile matter release or no release it?
436:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/01 20:50:30
I am not familiar with these domains.
Are they popular?
Release if they are in compliance.
437:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/01 20:51:34
I don't know anything about it. I have seen their site before
but it did not seem like a good business model.
Maybe they are just out of business.
438:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/01 20:56:09
おやすみ なさい
また あした
439:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/01 21:15:10 07zyGn23 BE:1267654875-2BP(3633)
\.prin.ne.jp → WILLCOM
\.e-mobile.ne.jp → E-MOBILE
It is mobile telephone's domain.
These are cheap and popular.
However, the range that can be used is narrow.
Share of mobile telephone
440:EROyVmNwwM ★
09/02/01 21:25:12
> I am not familiar with these domains.
> Are they popular?
Yes, it is popular in Japan.
> Release if they are in compliance.
I think a no problem.
I sent the summary with mail.
441:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/02 05:19:37
Thank you. That is a useful link.
442:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/02 05:20:59
乙です Ero-san
443:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/02 13:35:30
Does anyone have any movies of Mount Asama erupting?
09/02/02 13:54:22 Me0x1Xaa BE:583958382-2BP(3553)
ii!i!i ドカーン
,,,,,,,/`・ω・´ \,,,,,,,,,,
09/02/02 14:17:12 Me0x1Xaa
静止画(Sill picture) だった。。。(´・ω・`)
Windows Media Player
446:ξ<ぼるけいのぅ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/02 14:48:10 x1P0ubPR BE:760593637-2BP(3999)
っ浅間山 噴火 - Google ビデオ
447:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/02 15:08:01 x1P0ubPR BE:1629842459-2BP(3999)
"FC2" is popular rental web service in Japan
rental server, domain, ads, shopping, blog,, homepage, access counter, BBS, etc, etc
Most of it is free.
FC2 total Web Solutions- 無料ホームページ アクセス解析 ブログ レンタルサーバー SEO 対策 等 -
That is very difficult problem. mmm
( ゚∀゚)o彡°女神!女神!
448:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/02 15:44:32
Yes it is popular, and from what I have seen, they seem like a decent company.
I am sure they have a reporting and deleting system.
If they are not responsive to a deletion request. Usually a telephone call or email
to the ISP will bring their attention to the problem.
449:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/02 15:45:05
ども ありがとう ございます
450:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/03 10:00:36
451:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/03 11:03:07 0DTlJ8nZ BE:543280853-2BP(3999)
452:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/03 11:26:52
おはよう ございます
453:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/03 11:45:37 0DTlJ8nZ BE:434624562-2BP(3999)
454:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/03 12:32:07
元気 ですか
455:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/03 12:49:19 0DTlJ8nZ BE:651937436-2BP(3999)
YouTube - 元気ですかぁっ!
YouTube - 1・2・3・ダアッー!
URLリンク(www.youtube.com) ←0:45~
456:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/03 13:10:26 0DTlJ8nZ BE:1014123874-2BP(3999)
Wow, It's crazy www
YouTube - Bert Kammerer TREX 700 Blacksheep 2008
457:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/03 13:39:31
I will look
458:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/03 13:43:34
Oh, it is just wrestling.
How about oil wrestling?
459:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/03 14:15:00 0DTlJ8nZ BE:1448748285-2BP(3999)
I like 「マット プレイ」 better than oil wrestling ^^;
Can you see this?
460:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/03 14:22:02 0DTlJ8nZ BE:651937829-2BP(3999)
Maybe you can see this well
A lecture of adult goods (mat play / lotion play - photo)
461:POE ★
09/02/04 11:26:22
09/02/05 03:43:11 NSLDhuD/
How are you?
Do you live?
09/02/05 06:24:45 C39v0Fd6
JIM nice guy!
09/02/05 07:38:04 NSLDhuD/
maybe Jim is in Krispy Kreme.
And drinking coffee
465:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys
09/02/05 12:39:38 KfIonqyJ
Hi This is Jim. I am using the p2 server now.
Hmm that was very difficult for a Japanese as a 3rd language student.
Anyway I am ok, not dead yet, and very very busy.
I will post more when I don't need to use this cumbersome system.
466:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/05 14:34:57 52IRVg7q BE:1521185876-2BP(4569)
Hi, Jim-san
There is convenient software when you use OpenJane(or others) working on windows.
It is "p2proxy".(Whether it is possible to use it on Wine is unconfirmed. )
It is a system that writes via "P2proxy" to write it by using "P2" from "OpenJane".
If you are interested in it, I will be able to help. ^^b
467:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/05 14:36:52 4gCBJZcL
post by Openjane & p2proxy (different ID)
ところで、どこから 書いているの?
09/02/05 17:57:26 NSLDhuD/
You seem to be healthy and good.
469:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys
09/02/05 19:48:49 KfIonqyJ
I have OpenJane running on my computer, but the fonts don't work. I have not mastered how
to add new fonts and get ime running with Wine.
470:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys
09/02/05 19:50:06 KfIonqyJ
はい 元気 です。
09/02/05 20:14:46 DJa8arX4
V2C can post directly via p2.2ch.net just by setting moritapo account,
although you might have given up using it.
472:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys
09/02/06 08:29:05 I9urMbPk
I never quit. I have not given up on it. I am enjoying the excellent functions of JD.
It is working flawlessly on my pc. I can wait for them to update it.
JD たのしみ です。
まつ しかない、もーすぐ いい です。
09/02/07 00:01:43 V3JaQdiU
Hi, Jim san.
May I ask you to make a new thread in bbspink here?
Or is there any place to talk about such matter?
474:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/07 16:48:29 jDEADYYk BE:362187825-2BP(5005)
I got to know cool service !!
Ajax IME: Web-based Japanese Input Method
09/02/08 00:36:36 7pBv71Mz
476:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/08 20:15:28 7SK8m93M BE:905468055-2BP(5618)
Hi Jim-san
Do you know here?
Teach Yourself Japanese (since June 18, 1997)
09/02/09 01:55:26 ts18RJ6u
I had made a mistake on Deleter of PINKBBS for the first time the other day.
Hereafter, I decided that I did not do the same thing.
And I'll pay attention it always in do it. (,,゚Д゚)
09/02/10 01:09:47 Kwd6KeH3
479:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/10 04:37:56 6BLzcA7E BE:2607746898-2BP(6822)
480:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys
09/02/10 08:14:51 nR6V1Lsm
481:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys
09/02/10 11:18:48 nR6V1Lsm
What new thread do you want?
482:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys
09/02/10 11:24:14 nR6V1Lsm
How to turn off P2. It is not easy to use, and I want to be comfortable posting
and using BBSPINK.
483:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/10 12:57:08
I can use JD without P2 on this computer.
On my desktop. I have to use P2.
ぜんぜん わからんあい
484:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/10 14:12:12 6BLzcA7E BE:2933715299-2BP(6822)
Which do you want?
1.How to use "p2" by JD.
2.Want to know merit to use "p2" on jim-san's computer.
485:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys
09/02/10 14:41:42 nR6V1Lsm
I don't want to use P2. It is cumbersome and slow for me.
486:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/10 15:24:53 6BLzcA7E BE:1303873294-2BP(6822)
> It is cumbersome and slow for me.
I do not like using p2 alone too.^^;
When I post to evade regulation, I use p2+p2proxy+OpenJaneView
If I want to post overseas, I would duplicated JaneView + p2proxy I go with a mobile PC.
I can post usual. ♪
09/02/10 19:53:33 Kwd6KeH3
09/02/11 03:51:15 TyAcPSEL
489:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys
09/02/11 08:19:42 sfjr8kTj
Good morning ξ ◆Or3.StInkY-san,
Actually I dislike it for many reasons.
Good morning ◆CHINPOGEDU-san
I won't be posting so much until this P2 is
off of bbspink. I was not asked before it was
turned on.
My emergency email is available for those who really need
490:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/11 20:34:52
Hi Guys. I am writing this from Ochusha.
It seems to work without P2, but encoding Japanese fonts does not work.
491:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/11 20:41:12
Lets see if I can copy and paste Japanese fonts.
義理 の おかさんは 鬼婆だ。
Sample from a book I am reading.
492:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/11 20:48:14
今夜は まったり。
わたし メシ 食って 寝る。
09/02/11 21:04:59 X8HNTagq
494:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/11 21:10:31 zXbP67QM BE:2028247878-2BP(6916)
mmm, I don't know about Ochusha & Linux...
だれか Ochusha や Linuxで 動く 専ブラに くわしい 人 いたら お願いします
I can see it normally. What book is it? w
おつかれさまでした > ●
495:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/11 21:23:31
>>494 It is a hilarious tutorial.
The book title is: D!RTY JAPANESE
Author: Matt Fargo
Publisher: Ulysses Press
Good night guys
496:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/11 22:21:47 zXbP67QM BE:651937436-2BP(6916)
I saw a preview on the Amazon site
It's funny book. ^^b
I'm interested in the dialect.
Okinawa dialect is very difficult and interesting., and It's very またーり
I love Okinawa'n music ^^b
I posted before.
Osaka'n famous slang
「まいどっ」→「もうかりまっか?」→「ぼちぼちでんな」 or 「あきまへんわ」
pinky dialect is here. へへ
ほな またっ
09/02/11 22:59:33 C7/3Y0N1
I remember classic Monty Python sketch.
Monty Python - Dirty Hungarian Phrasebook
09/02/11 23:40:13 awvZkiAS
Can I use that email when I report today's my masturbation style?
499:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/11 23:50:23 zXbP67QM BE:869249164-2BP(6916)
500:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/12 09:41:31 OT4mPE4V BE:2281778879-2BP(6930)
Hi, Jim-san
だいじょうぶ? > earthquake
【速報】インドネシアでM7.4の大地震 日本に津波来るか?
> 1 名前: すずめちゃん(京都府):2009/02/12(木) 03:03:54.78 ID:nydlP8Ni ?PLT(12000) ポイント特典
> インドネシア付近で巨大地震 津波は来るか?
> URLリンク(tenki.jp)
> 日本への津波の有無については現在調査中です。
> 発生時刻 2月12日 2時35分
> 震源地 インドネシア付近
> 位置 緯度 北緯3.8度
> 経度 東経126.8度
> 震央 マグニチュード M7.4
> 深さ ---
501:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/12 11:34:35
502:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/12 11:36:35
I have never heard Okinawa music before.
What does this mean? -> あきまへんわ
503:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/12 11:38:19
Monty Python is a wonderful show.
504:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/12 11:39:00
505:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/12 11:40:34
This translates. Goddess with plates.
Why plates? Is like a spinning dish?
506:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/12 11:40:57
I hope nobody was injured.
507:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/12 11:52:20 OT4mPE4V BE:2607747089-2BP(6930)
I was worried.
Glad you are safe
I hope so, too.
CNN.com - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News
> 90 名前: すずめちゃん(東京都):2009/02/12(木) 03:14:08.50 ID:9REd5t4q
> LISS Mw = 7.4 (used stations = 19)
> LISS (free depth) : 2009/02/11 17:34:55.1(UTC) 3.81N 126.67E 74.0km Talaud Islands, Indonesia
> LISS (depth constant) : 2009/02/11 17:34:51.1(UTC) 3.79N 126.79E 30.0km Talaud Islands, Indonesia
> using HYPOSAT : 2009/02/11 17:34:54.7(UTC) 3.80N 126.64E 75.0km Talaud Islands, Indonesia
> URLリンク(www.grn.janis.or.jp)
508:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/12 11:59:09 OT4mPE4V BE:579500328-2BP(6930)
no plate^^;
Relly question?
女神板→女神 板→Goddes board
bbspink have many 板(board)s.
板(board)s have many thread.
あきまへん(わ) → little bad
However, it is a joke.
謙遜 (けんそん) Humility
509:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/12 12:05:07
I am safe. I was just stuck in traffic.
すぐ まどり ます。
510:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/12 12:28:47
All I found was the link to Sports illustrated swimsuit video.
511:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/12 12:43:18 OT4mPE4V BE:1521185876-2BP(6930)
Sports illustrated swimsuit video?
FOXNews.com - Indonesia Lifts Tsunami Warning Issued After Massive 7.0-Magnitude Quake - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News
512:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/12 12:56:27
That is a huge earthquake. I am glad there was not a tsunami. My friends are at the beach
today. They might have been washed away.
513:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/12 13:05:20 OT4mPE4V BE:434625034-2BP(6930)
If it's FOX-san and marv-san, FOX-san posted his blog. ^^b
> 74 名前: ◆YDhPPzjLUI :09/02/12 09:52:49 ID:wvRbu4xH
> 今のところ何もないけど、、
> 怖いなぁ
514:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/12 13:09:57
Oh, they are my friends too. I have other friends in General Santos City, that I was worried about.
515:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/12 13:35:43 OT4mPE4V BE:543281235-2BP(6930)
Oh, there is near.
I hope that you can communicate to them quickly (-人-)
516:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/02/12 13:54:46
Tsunami is cumming?
517:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/12 14:17:36 OT4mPE4V BE:1738497986-2BP(6930)
Tsunami warning cancelled in Japan
Indonesia, too.
There are 17 injured persons.
by Indonesia's local TV
asahi.com(朝日新聞社):インドネシアでM7.2、津波警報は解除 - 社会
> インドネシア気象庁は一時、津波警報を発令したが、ほどなく解除した。
> 地元テレビによると、17人が負傷したという。
Information on the Philippines was not found.
518:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/12 21:20:59
There is noone in the Philippines to make a report
I will go to bed now
おやすみ なさい、
また あした。
09/02/13 07:17:35 V/SmUj+j
ok! I will!
520:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/13 22:20:04
おやすみ なさい
521:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/14 02:35:02 Ndd/HJRT BE:1158999348-2BP(7040)
oppai pudding
YouTube - おっぱい 大好き
||::::::|| 。'i ! r',ヽ l l. ||:::::|
||::::::|| i'゙ ! ヾ'-' l. l . ||:::::|
||::::::|| '、 , '、 ,/ l. ||:::::|
||::::::|| ハ、 , ‐' ヽ、 ノ /! ||:::::|
||::::::|| / `''┬ ' ´ `'ー----- '´ ,/ l ||:::::|
└-┴───┬─| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|─┬────┴┘
. ━━(;゚;;) |____| ̄\┷━━
/ ̄//\ \__∧∧ ∩おっぱい!∧おっぱい!
〈 〈 ※\___( _)彡_\\ (゚、。`フ
\ \ ※ ※ ※(_, ) ※ ※ヽ\ (uu ,,)~
522:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/15 00:45:34
I want to eat oppai pudding.
Is it made with breast milk?
I am so drunk now. Time to go to bed
Tomorrow I should be back to normal.
523:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/15 12:12:01 ih0buWUD BE:543281235-2BP(7333)
I do not know how to order it from overseas...
mmm, breast milk ?
_l_ /、`二//-‐''"´::l|::l l! ';!u ';/:::l ', ';::::::l ';:::::i:::::
ノ l Jヽ レ/::/ /:イ:\/l:l l::l u !. l / ';:::l ', ';:::::l. ';::::l:::::
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ム ヒ N /::::l/l::::lニ‐-、`` / /;;;;;;;;;;;;;ヽ! i::::l:::
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 ̄ ̄ I /::::;ィ::l. l;;;;!;;;;;;;;;;;l `‐--‐'´.....:::::::::!l
__|_ ヽヽ /イ//l::l ヽ、;;;;;;;ノ.... し :::::::::::::::::::::ヽ /!リ l
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| ``‐-、._::::::::::` ‐ 、 ',/ , -'´`'´ ,-'´
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| | | | \ l::/ l::::::/リ ';:::::lリ:::::l';:::l l:l:::::l\ u /
09/02/15 15:43:31 0/77zVA5
We are HENTAI.
525:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/16 10:26:09
The last two weeks have been very busy for me. Now I am taking a rest day.
Maybe I will feel better soon.
526:EROyVmNwwM ★
09/02/16 11:11:21
527:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/16 11:15:04 7lM+Ka6y BE:1738498368-2BP(7585)
.∩,,∩ |_|
( ・(ェ)・) 目 ┐
( つc□O (_) ||
と_)_) 凸...||
Please eat this and refresh.
/| |
/..| oppai pudding |
| |________|
|/ ( ゚∀゚)o彡 /
528:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/16 11:46:05
おっくた です
529:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/16 11:46:32
I will find that pudding sometime. It must be tasty.
530:EROyVmNwwM ★
09/02/16 21:58:37
I sent mail again.
531:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/17 01:27:49 tvSnvXxH BE:1267655257-2BP(7585)
I found this コピペ
Do you know the words?
中国サイトの<常見2ch用語メモ> 2ch slang to Chinese memo
日本語(JP) 中国語(台湾國語)解説(Chi)
(ry 以下省略
(藁/(ワラ (笑)
age/あげ/上げ 回文,並讓討論串顯示在群組上方
sage/さげ/下げ 回文,但不讓討論串顯示在群組上方
DQN/ドキュン 無知識或無常識者
kwsk 請説明詳情
mjdsk 真的暑怐H
pgr/プゲラ 不屑嘲笑貌
ROM/ロム 只看不留言
w (笑)
wktk 興奮期待貌
荒らす 在討論串搗蛋作亂
安置/アンチ 反對、討厭
池/池麺 帥哥
逝ってくる 我告退了,別理我
うp 上傳
裏山/裏山しい 羨慕
おk 好
乙/乙カレー 辛苦処ン了
過疎 討論串沒人氣、太冷清
キター/キター/北 來暑驕I出現暑驕I
基地外 瘋子
532:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/17 05:28:40
はい そう です
533:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/17 05:31:40
おはよう ございます ξーさん
今 見ます。
534:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/17 05:47:15
>>531 笑 = laugh
535:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/17 05:54:00
無学無知 = むがくむち
09/02/17 05:55:55 +KPfyxVG BE:541630793-PLT(12000)
Yep, oppai pudding is very tasty.
I'm always eat it everymorning.
And yesterday, ALL meal is oppai pudding.
537:偽のじむ ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ
09/02/17 11:10:58 Zr2uQz2o
おっぱい Pudding
1 qt. thick breast milk
1-1/4 cups flour
2 cups milk
1 cup sugar
1 T. ground cinnamon
Pour breastmilk into a heavy saucepan and heat until it starts to boil.
Sift in 3/4 cup of the flour and whip with a wire whisk.
Keep beating after the 3/4 cup of flour is all in, until the butter starts to come out of the breastmilk.
Then remove from the heat. Take a ladle and take off the butter, and put it in another bowl. Keep stirring until all the butter comes out.
Put the breastmilk in another kettle and heat to boiling.
Sift 1/2 cup flour into the breastmilk while beating. Continue beating until mixture is thick like pudding.
Remove it from the heat, add it to the cream mixture, and beat with a wire whisk until smooth and well blended.
Pour into a 2-quart baking dish. Smooth out the top and sprinkle the cinnamon and sugar on top.
Pour the butter you saved over the top. Serve warm.
538:POE ★
09/02/17 12:32:28
I had the intention to buy oppai pudding several times.
But to buy, it is too ashamed. So unattained yet.
539:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/17 15:24:31
Maybe you can buy it online?
Don't be ashamed to buy it. It must be so popular. Other people
will buy it too.
Chinpogedu-san is eating it everyday.
Of course the best way to have your Oppai pudding
is fresh. >>537
540:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/17 15:33:49
This helps a lot. It will certainly reduce muslim stereotyping.
541:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/17 16:59:10 tvSnvXxH BE:1955810096-2BP(7588)
━┫ ┃ 牛乳と生クリームを入れて加温
┗━┛ Heating into the whipped cream and breastmilk
━┫ ┃ 卵黄と砂糖をまぜる
┗━┛ Stir up the sugar and egg yolks
━┫ ┃ バニラエッセンスを入れる
┗━┛ Add the vanilla essence
(;・-・) 蒸し焼きにして smother
<。・-・> 冷やす chill
(。・-・) プリン
542:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/17 17:00:00 tvSnvXxH BE:2028247687-2BP(7588)
543:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/17 17:10:20 tvSnvXxH BE:1629841695-2BP(7588)
I hardly know about Islam and muslim.^^;
Probably Japanese most will not know it
544:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/17 19:14:45
I just thought it was interesting that the guy who made the TV station to teach
people about it. Cut his own wifes head off.
Anyway. I guess it is ok. It is similar to Jewish and Christian.
They have the same roots.
545:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/17 19:15:12
That sounds tasty.
546:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/17 22:09:15
おやすみ なさい
また あした
09/02/17 23:22:21 +KPfyxVG BE:120363023-PLT(12000)
Thanks detailed recipe.
I'll try it. lol
548:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/18 08:03:28
>>547 おいし ですか?
549:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/18 20:46:11
お休み なさい また 明日。
550:ξ ◆Or3.StInkY
09/02/18 21:05:25 Iynyvm8m BE:1521185876-2BP(7622)
おやすみ です~
It seems to be difficult to send a oppai pudding from Japan
If it is good with a box after having eaten … ^^;
I found other item むふふ
巨乳マグカップ mug cup
巨乳灰皿 ashtray
女体盛り皿 plate
女体酒器セット set of sake bottle & cup
551:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/19 07:57:31
Wow, those look incredible! The sake set was a little scary though.
It might be more fun to drink plum wine on Halloween out of.
Sake should come out the other end not the decapitated head end.
09/02/19 08:34:21 MOFvDLl5 BE:120363023-PLT(12000)
09/02/19 15:34:54 lZ+vLNX/
>>Jim san
I wanna thread of male characters for male users,
(男性向け男キャラ萌えスレ), as the sum of other
threads of one/particular male character for males.
I mean, not Yaoi/Boys Love(やおい/801、BL、腐女子向け)
but for Shota/Gay(ショタ、ガチホモ).
These two, 801 and ガチホモ, are totally different things, and
people from 801 threads often mess up Gay threads, as they think
801 and Gay are the same.
So I especially want the new thread to be without female users.
554:自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★
09/02/19 19:56:41
I completely understand what you are talking about. I thought that these
boards are where such threads exist.
and also here.
Are you talking about a completely different kind?
I have heard of Shota, I thought it was a pedophilia
type fetish. Maybe I am mistaken. Please tell me more.