09/01/09 13:13:22 vO3pSlvn BE:1629842459-2BP(1769)
ほんと? うそ? わからない
I do not learn how to get to know truth.
But it is sure that it was reported by the mass communication
It is this to be anxious than it.
> Dailymotion - Ca fait mal au coeur gaza palastin 01/01/2009 choc, a video from sahsah83. falastin, libre, inchalah
> URLリンク(www.dailymotion.com)
> > URLリンク(wiredvision.jp)
> > URLリンク(img1.wiredvision.jp)
I cried knowing this news, TT
Probably neither is bad.
What each other is not going to understand is bad
I believe that the eroticism and music and other culture saves the world ^^b