09/01/03 11:51:01 NmECV00s
What's that?
989:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/03 11:53:02
I can speak Spanish as well
and I continually try to learn Chinese and Japanese.
I am a failure as a language student though.
I just end up thinking in all of those languages at the same
time. My brain is babiru.
09/01/03 12:06:39 NmECV00s
So, you're a pentalinguist? OMG.
I'm planning to start learning Spanish too.
I have Spanish friends and also a Philipino.
But I'm not studying Philipino because of my brain that is willing not to be packed in.
991:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/03 12:19:37
Don't worry about studying Philipino. They are discontinuing it, even in the Philippines.
Now Children are taught from grade one in English only.
09/01/03 12:26:44 NmECV00s
Really? Philipino is dying? Hmm...
I have no idea if it's good a language is passing away.
993:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
09/01/03 12:30:11
It is actually a useless slave language. The Spaniards would not let them
learn Spanish. It is designed for whispering and talking softly like a slave
might have to. It is short on specifics, and long on indirectness. It is not
a good language for scientific thinking at all. It is a very good language for
getting a girl into bed though. As far as I can see, it is only useful for dating.
It is very romantic.
09/01/03 12:43:28 NmECV00s
I never could think Spanish was whispering; they speak crazily fast enough to confuse me.
And the Spanishes are actually good at study, right?
They're unluckey if Spanish is not good lang. to think about study...
But they are some kinda crazies imo.
One of my friends would often ask me
about girlfriends, why I was so negative to love or whatever like that.
And actually they were crazy in their personalities like always yelling. lol
They are very good people, though.
995: ◆TWARamEjuA
09/01/03 12:45:17 jZbgHniE BE:6098887-2BP(7089)
1000 !ahora si! (^Q^)/
09/01/03 12:47:17 XzC5KogW
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