Let's talk with Jim-san. Part10at EROBBS
Let's talk with Jim-san. Part10 - 暇つぶし2ch400:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/07/15 11:24:35
げんき です

401:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/07/15 11:25:33
This sounds like a good plan to follow.
If there are problems, we can adjust it in the future.
おねがい します。

402: ◆79EROOYuCc @Greenday ★
08/07/15 13:25:06
Thank you, Jiim-san :)

403: ◆79EROOYuCc @Greenday ★
08/07/16 06:49:37
Good morning. How are you?

404: ◆79EROOYuCc @Greenday ★
08/07/16 06:57:56
Idol servers archive logs are not in meme.bbspink.com (Seiuchi-san) yet.

There are 2 troubles now because of that.

1) People can not read those logs.
2) There are severals of wrong postings, which are obviously violations of the guide-line, and I can not delete them.

So I wish if you can ask somebody on the following thread, if somebody can store them correctly in "Seuichi-san".

■ サーバリフレッシュ工事2007-2008 【pink】 part3

405:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/07/16 17:30:16
Wow, what an interesting post number when talking about missing files. 404 is file missing error on apache webserver.
Maybe it is fate?
They are backed up, but they are not on Seiuchi-san, because I am scared to touch Seiuchi-san. I think that we need
a master like Mumumu-san to touch that.

406: ◆EROyVmNwwM
08/07/16 19:32:22 my6cVXYz
I think...

Mumumu-san is neither a staff of PINK nor a volunteer.
Mumumu-san will not work if there is no ask from PINK.
I think that "Seuichi-san" works no one if Jim-san doesn't ask it.
Mastering like Mumumu-san will appear if Jim-san writes in the thread.


08/07/16 23:16:13 lcG2MKuP
Mr. jim hello.
↓ Do you know?

328 名前: ◆79EROOYuCc [sage] 投稿日:2007/12/06(木) 14:56:12 ID:q04CFK3u
It seemed not to have been able to stop keeping shouting it today.
Because it was also tired to have already explained what it is
Becomes silent, does the driving abandonment suddenly at the cod and
the expressway exit, opens the door, and has gone out.

Pocarn of me (゚Д゚)
Driver (゚Д゚) of surrounding car and Pocarn

It moved from the passenger's seat to the driver's seat panicking and it drove
for myself.

Please do not assume two another degrees than apologizing later.

408: ◆79EROOYuCc @Greenday ★
08/07/17 05:05:45
>>405 Hi, Jim-san. How are you today.

Let's talk about inviting another engineer next time.
This time, I would like to ask someone who can do that now, like mumumu-san or redbrick.


1/ a lot of peopele want to read those logs on idol server (banana 3222)
2/ several of wrong postings on idol should be deleted asap.

08/07/17 05:15:07 0MJS1D2K
いつも どうも ありがとう ございます。

I would like to read idol server contets by ●.
Plz your kind disision.


08/07/17 05:56:30 RtIXx9g+
I think that you had better give a delater ● gratis.
It is because the volunteers of the deletion can watch past log as reference to delete it.

411:anal the brave @idol fun
08/07/17 10:21:21 RLTmxJoS
my favarite national anthem

412: ◆PNvzHENtAI
08/07/17 16:35:06 DqhbYHwq
I asked for help.
In a thread about banana3000 and banana3001(Seiuchi) of 2ch.
Because I took advice in Mumumu-san, I wish Jim reads.


413:EVILtranslator ★
08/07/18 05:48:08

414:EVILtranslator ★
08/07/18 05:49:12
ok. it works.

Hi Jim.

I read Mumumu's Japanese posting,

and re-traslated.

He wants to say,


I think you can ask somebody to store/save idol's image in banana3001.
That somebody,who can do that operation, has already done that for pie, idol, sakura0[1-3] in banana3001,
and now pie&sakura0[1-3] work well.

So next step, we are waiting for Jim-san to order "Store/save the image of idol.bbspink.com with 2ch settings and tunings." on your thread in public.

When that somebody needs your confirmation, we expect you to say"ai ai"
I believe "that somebody" will do it sooner or later.

I've learned the method from Hiroyuki.
He calls it "Spontaneous cure".

I think there are two important points.

1) Every process should be in public, at bbspink thread.
2) "The shortest way round is the longest way home." Let's do that step by step together!

415:EVILtranslator ★
08/07/18 05:57:32


1) Every process should be in public,
might be better,

416:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/07/18 10:44:20
Thank you for your advice. I have sent email. I will also ask for his help.

417:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/07/18 10:45:29
That is true, and it is past.
I think that everyone loses their temper sometimes. Me included.

418:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/07/18 10:46:08
わたしは げんき です

419:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/07/18 10:46:44
I will ask for a spontaneous cure.

420:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/07/18 10:47:34
ぜん ぜん わからない

421:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/07/18 10:49:22
I like the Dixie Chicks.
They made a nice remix of the song Landslide. They actually improved Stevie Nicks version,
and that is hard to do. Stevie Nicks is a 女神。

422:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/07/18 10:51:30
Thank you. I have read Evil translator-san's version.

423:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/07/18 10:53:46
おくった です

424:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/07/18 11:23:26
My email to Mumumu-san

Dear Mumumu-san,

I don't have the password for the accounts that were moved. I don't
want to have the guys at PIE touch the Seiuchi-san.

Would you please give me the passwords for
and all the other accounts on that NAS?
We have important deletion work, that has to be done.

Your friend,


08/07/18 11:26:19 A/4oV67C

426: ◆EROyVmNwwM
08/07/18 12:15:54 H+iUC0+N
Thank you.
I wish to express my gratitude.

08/07/18 18:01:26 gQUeTi6f
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄∨ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
          ( ´Д⊂ヽ
          ⊂    ノ
           人  Y
          し (_)

08/07/18 19:04:37 /Ic857FZ
I want YAJIUMASAN of PINK規制議論板.

429:Greenday ★
08/07/19 07:05:35
Hi good morning, how are you?
thank you for your reply, I got your email

Mumumu-san says that he, too, has responded.
Hope you are having a good weekend, and hope you will check your email on Monday :)

08/07/20 01:58:02 FAWK3LZu

08/07/20 10:15:45 ePqlWg3/

08/07/21 00:35:24 B46rYCmW


433:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/07/22 08:52:01
どう いたし まして

434:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/07/22 08:52:27
You want me to do something to your teeth?

435:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/07/22 08:53:00

436:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/07/22 08:53:30
I did not get the reply, maybe it is somewhere inside bbspink?

437:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/07/22 08:56:56

08/07/22 14:22:54 sXahZ+2x
Jim-san, thank you very much!!!

439:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/07/23 08:06:46
どう いたし まして

440:Greenday ★
08/07/24 04:21:01
Hi, Jim-san, how are you? Good morning!

Mumumu-san is calling you!

花子 ★の秘密の花園

スレリンク(operate板:276-298番) ( Japanese )

スレリンク(operate板:295-297番) ( traslation )

441:Greenday ★
08/07/24 04:21:54

花子 ★の秘密の花園

スレリンク(operate板:276-278番) ( Japanese )

スレリンク(operate板:295-297番) ( traslation )

442:Greenday ★
08/07/25 07:29:34
Good morning!!! how are you today

443:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/07/25 14:51:02
>>442 こんばんは Greenday-さん
わたしは 元気です

444:Greenday ★
08/07/25 14:57:38
こんにちは、Jimさん 私はスケベです。いいえ、元気です。


I am going to translate tomorrow, it was really a long day for me today.
finally getting relaxed and having dinner now

445:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/07/25 15:03:58
>>444 いって だけます

446:Greenday ★
08/07/25 15:19:33
there you go
all yours.

08/07/25 15:28:03 tXwP8L6r
Letter to Jim-san from Mumumu-san.

花子 ★の秘密の花園

スレリンク(operate板:312-313番) ( Japanese )

スレリンク(operate板:317-318番) ( traslation )

08/07/27 07:47:16 090WBbkR
381 名前: ◆79EROOYuCc [sage] 投稿日: 2008/07/27(日) 01:52:53 ID:3FAn3B4e0
79 is ..my dependence interpretation.. .."... " because it does
everything ..a silence and doing... It .... becomes silent, and it
does so. 。。

449: ◆EROyVmNwwM
08/07/27 11:43:44 pjZgT9t7
I am Japanese, and it is not good at English.
Jim-san is an American.
Most of the volunteer and the user of the PINK channel is Japanese.
A lot of people are worried by communications in English.
花子 ★の秘密の花園

The thread was made for the problem solving.
I hope Jim-san participates in the thread.


450:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/07/27 21:56:24
Don't worry about communicating in Japanese. I read it, slowly, and also I translate it.

451: ◆MUMUMUhnYI
08/07/27 23:59:24 89o1IZc8 BE:5837388-DIA(100513)

79-san wrote at 2ch thread for replying to me today, and in this article,
you were very angry at my past writing because my English was so rude.

If so, I'm very sorry about that.
As you know, my English is still poor and still elementary level.

Of course, I don't intend to anger you.
I simply want to solve the technical problem.

And Jim-san, I have a question.
I believe that we are still "Tomodachi".
Is it true? I was worried about it when I read 79-san's writings.

Mochiron, I believe you are my friend, and
I strongly hope I am your friend.

-- Mumumu.

452: ◆APFKcKFi7U
08/07/28 01:24:28 v+zHbSm9
Hi, Jim-san.

It's 主催 ◆APFKcKFi7U from 全板 tournament.
Sorry, I couldn't keep in touch lately.

3rd 全板 tournament came to end on 7/26.
The champion was ネトゲ実況, while モ娘(狼)came in second place
followed by 自作PC in the third.

From BBSPINK, 半角文字列 and 半角二次元 came to block finals(best 24 boards).
Other BBSPINK boards showed it's pride and charm by many kind of ways too.
Funny, interesting, and えっち ways.

I'd like to thank you for approving 全板トーナメント,
As a member of 全板トーナメント and a user of BBSPINK.

453:Greenday ★
08/07/28 02:12:32
Hi, Jim-san. How are you?

I believe that Mumumu-san, Redbirck, Hiroyuki, and lots of anonymous people are all your friends.
We all love you.

Just sometimes we are having some communication troubles,
It happens because of verbal or non-verbal level
*I sometimes get upset as much as you, as often as you.

Maybe "my way of thinking is different from someone(s)", but still I love 2ch/bbspink.

454:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/07/28 02:56:26
Of course I am your friend. I am very happy to see you, and spend time with you. Sometimes your writing is rude,
but I know that is because of translation problems. Don't worry about it. Lets be happy.

455:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/07/28 02:58:21
大丈夫 です。。。。:)
Do we eat Tongue cats now?
Welcome back

456:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/07/28 02:59:47
あいしたる たくさん です Everyone too.

457:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/07/28 03:01:39
I need to go back to sleep now though. I just woke up to piss, and saw these posts. I had to reply quickly.
Please understand guys. I care about you all so very much. Just communication is a problem sometimes.
The people I have met face to face confirm for me the sincerity of all of you. I can see it in the eyes, and feel
it in the hearts.

458: ◆DQN/9/VVV.
08/07/28 03:15:07 ns5ffeDw
( ゚∀゚)∩ おっす!! Am I Jim-san's Tomodachi, too?

08/07/28 03:24:19 Qht3EJqX
This is 458'sComment Support.

おっす=It meen 'Hi, or 'Hey,in Japanese.

460: ◆MUMUMUhnYI
08/07/28 07:47:08 DDjNrGuy BE:6566898-DIA(100513)
Jim-san, thank you. I felt relieved.

461: ◆MUMUMUhnYI
08/07/28 07:48:00 DDjNrGuy BE:1641492-DIA(100513)
And let's be happy together.

462:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/07/28 16:58:17
Beep, time to pet, or feed? hehehehe
I hope we are friends ◆DQN/9/VVV.

463:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/07/28 16:59:16

464:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/07/28 17:00:10
はい そう です いいです おねがい します

465: ◆EROyVmNwwM
08/07/28 21:16:47 xM5gRLBM
Thank you for writing during a Jim-san true night.
I was terribly relieved.

I want to study English more for Jim-san and better communications.
However, please endure my poor English for the time being.

466: ◆EROyVmNwwM
08/07/28 21:36:27 xM5gRLBM
This is a report of the release system and the report system.

My report is few sometimes. I'm sorry.
I am busy and tired in a real society.
Therefore, the PINK volunteer has stagnated a little.

I am reporting to ISP.
The answer is gotten.

I come to be going to ask for the release system in a few days.(maybe or I hope)

08/07/28 23:12:33 ns5ffeDw
  _      Beep? Was Memry broken?
( ゚∀゚)∩   Of course !! We are friends !!

468:↑ ◆DQN/9/VVV.
08/07/28 23:15:01 ns5ffeDw
( ゚A゚)∩ Ooops!! >>467 was my post.

469:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/07/29 11:06:04

470:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/07/29 11:08:45
はい そう です 元気 ですか?

471:Greenday ★
08/07/29 11:22:56
Hi, Jim-san!

How are you feeling today?
must be busy to take care of lots of stuffs, also enjoy your days :)

472:jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/08/02 14:23:02
Wow, I have finally been able to connect to this thread. I am currently in Shanghai, and connected through my desktop in Manila, and from there to my Desktop in San Francisco.
This is an exciting trip.
>>471 Hi Greenday-chan. I hope you are well too.
My friends and I spent 2 days in Guilin. It is beautiful there. We took a boat up the Li river and saw some beautiful sites. Grotesque mountains and friendly villagers.
We also took a trip to Shangrila. It is a nice place full of minority Chinese that worship cow skulls and dance with drumbs. Pretty smiling girls in leopard skins greet
you after each turn in the river. Dancing smiling and winking. Inviting you to jump off the boat and spend your days
These are some pictures from Shangrila and the Li River.

08/08/02 14:48:42 GiteDmbV
ジムさん かこいい

474:Greenday ★
08/08/02 15:19:59

sounds like you are having fun, which is great :)

475:マリー☆ ◆8lJ5SSpXXg
08/08/04 13:09:22 h6Z9HCB2

i'm so sleeping , i'm so sheep , BUT , i'm so much makING love with U. wwwwwwwwwwww

「「「「「「YOU MUST SAY , I LOVE GAY PORN !!!」」」」」」


476:マリー☆ ◆8lJ5SSpXXg
08/08/04 13:30:55 h6Z9HCB2
えびたま えびたま


「えびたま やなぁ。」


477:Greenday ★
08/08/04 15:57:31
honestly, i am not interested in gay porn.gay porn.gay porn.gay porn.gay porn.gay porn.gay porn.gay porn AT ALL.
but probably it means something, i guess i exactly undersatand what it means. hohoho-

478:マリー☆ ◆8lJ5SSpXXg
08/08/04 20:36:05 h6Z9HCB2

i know . you are correct. ohoho-.


ねばごな ねばごな。

「ねばごな やでぇ。」


479:jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/08/05 19:59:41
I am sorry, it is very difficult to connect now. I will talk more later after I have finished this trip.
Gay Porn Porn Gay Gay Porn Porn Gay.
We have two boards for you.

Here are some more pictures from my adventure.
My oldest Son.

08/08/05 21:01:01 i0Fqte8c
The swindle Web site is in Banana server.
Some VIPPER are going to attack Banana server.
I think you might take measures.

481: ◆EROyVmNwwM
08/08/05 22:43:13 lEWguaEw
Oh!Terra Cotta Warriors!!
Japanese "Hei-ba-you"(兵馬俑)

It is one of the places to which I want to go.

482:マリー☆ ◆8lJ5SSpXXg
08/08/05 23:53:51 hMYjzRZI

I'm sorry,
I hastened you very much.

Thank you ,
Your kindness made me impressed...!!!

What's a wonderful photograph !!!

Had you do impersonate to that soldier, and stayed in the forest?
Moreover, for a long time ???

It is very terrible...!!!

you have seen the MUMMY...!!!





また、くるね。see you !!!

483:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/08/07 11:41:51

08/08/07 12:04:58 KTDpNaJj

485:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/08/07 12:22:09
Please enjoy the big shrimp. ...:)
Hi マリーさん

486:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/08/07 12:23:24
ぜんぜん わからない でござる

487:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/08/07 12:25:47
Please don't be a vigilante. Two wrongs don't make a right.

488:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/08/07 12:26:25
ぼちぼち でござる
Lets go again after the Olympics.

489:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/08/07 12:28:20
I have not seen the Mummy yet. I want to see it.
Tonight I will be in Susukino. You can see me there.

08/08/07 17:31:51 3rbsgydj
Jimさんを 探せ! in Susukino

Susukino Live camera

491: ◆EROyVmNwwM
08/08/07 19:13:12 fkCBTKHB
It is a wonderful proposal.
However, I do not have a passport.
It is expected that I do not have summer holidays.
I travel in China in a dream in this evening.

492: ◆EROyVmNwwM
08/08/07 22:24:54 fkCBTKHB
Here is the matter about the system that cancels block.

I have talked with ISP by e-mail. And ISP did the solution completely.
SEVEN-san and I thought at the cancel approval thread.
I wanted to cancel the block, and SEVEN-san did not stop it.
The conclusion at the thread is cancel.

The switch of cancel is in 2ch.
It's time to go ahead.
We need the cooperate relationship about block system.

Will 2ch operate a cancel switch from now on when PINK asked "We wish you cancel it with PINK's decision"?

I hope you will communicate the above-asking from Jim-san to Hiroyuki-san very soon.

493: ◆EROyVmNwwM
08/08/07 22:25:18 fkCBTKHB

PINKちゃんねる報告人作戦本部準備室 2

494:マリー☆ ◆8lJ5SSpXXg
08/08/07 22:53:48 9bjK7Nyy

I eat that , by your hand.
It's delicious !!!

495:マリー☆ ◆8lJ5SSpXXg
08/08/07 22:57:43 9bjK7Nyy




496:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/08/08 13:23:19
China is like a dream. It is a very beautiful place.
I will be talking to Hiroyuki these next few days.
Currently The only solution I have available is
Which works excellent. It has been tested on bbspink.
However it does not do some of the other functions that 2ch blocking does.
So it would be a trade of something good for something bad.
I will talk to Hiroyuki more and see if we can find a solution.

497:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/08/08 13:23:37
Did you see me?

498:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/08/08 13:24:14
You could eat my hand with black bean sauce. It might taste similar to Chicken feet.

499:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/08/08 13:25:15
I will be camping in the mountains for the week-end.
Do you have a stall?

500:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/08/08 13:34:51
Going camping now. I will be offline for 2 days. いって きます あさって でござる

501:マリー☆ ◆8lJ5SSpXXg
08/08/08 14:16:11 HEYcOgJA

i don't that , because i luv ya .

I go together.
Thank you for inviting it. w

You will show it to me that photographing a lot.
I am looking forward to that.

have a nice day !!!



いつも お仕事 たいへん ね。
ぼくは、jimさんを 尊敬(そんけい)している。I respect you.

おとなしくしてるよ。i obedient .

08/08/08 15:51:27 xlcHMQvL

503: ◆EROyVmNwwM
08/08/09 11:30:34 flEce7N/
I have been to China considerably before.
All people wore the Mao jacket.
China felt it to fantastic in me of the oriental.
Long time has passed though I wanted to visit again at that time.

about >>492 is written later.

504: ◆EROyVmNwwM
08/08/09 16:21:59 flEce7N/
Dear Jim-san

If I am wrong, I'm sorry.
There seems to be misunderstanding between things of me and Jim-san.
>>492 is a matter of the continuation of about >>310>>285.

The thing that thinks about an original block system of BBSPINK is important.
However, BBSPINK uses 2ch block system now.
>>492 is an important procedure necessary to cancel the block(releases the regulation).
(Individual block (regulation) matter)

There is a thing that wants to hope if the above-mentioned is my misunderstanding.
I hope write the result of talking with Jim-san and Hiroyuki-san in this thread.
I can ask the person in charge of 2ch to cancel block if it is written.
A needless block will be canceled.

Your friend ◆EROyVmNwwM

08/08/09 20:26:18 ysn9Bm8S
Hi Jim-san.

Do you know that relation between PINKCHANNEL and 2CHANNEL does not go well?
The relation between both is no good.
I am sad.

08/08/11 22:46:30 Hd/OXuYA
> URLリンク(pasegueno.com)
すごい てんさい kwsk!

08/08/12 03:19:07 4BF8VUp9
★080812 sureh「@@…@」マルチポスト荒らし報告
what is pasegueno?

508:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/08/12 11:57:53
Pasegueno is not live on bbspink. It has been tested on it though.

509:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/08/12 11:59:03
Balance away? I am sorry I don't understand.

510:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/08/12 12:01:04
Don't be sad. Things are going to be ok.
まつ しかない

511:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/08/12 12:02:00
I think things are going to be running smoothly again soon.
Don't be sorry. I respect your efforts.

512:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/08/12 12:03:25
The current fashion in Shanghai is Ultra short miniskirts. They are made of silk and look like a little parachute.
In the North, they are wearing Daisy Duke shorts.
I am sorry, I did not notice what the guys were wearing though.

513:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/08/12 12:03:51

514:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/08/12 12:05:13
たぶん たぶん
Time will tell.

515: ◆EROyVmNwwM
08/08/12 19:07:01 8kP38V9R
Thank you very much Jim-san.

Do we only have to wait for Jim-san to write it again?
My work took and it took time very much.
Mail reached from ISP today.
The content is asking for the regulation release.
(The examination that releases the regulation for this matter has not been done yet.)

I am worried how doing.

516:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/08/12 19:10:05
how can I help? >>515

517: ◆EROyVmNwwM
08/08/12 19:51:07 8kP38V9R
The switch of release is in 2ch.
Hiroyuki-san's approval is necessary for the release of the regulation.
I hope obtain the approval of Hiroyuki-san.
Will 2ch operate a release switch from now on when PINK asked "Please release it"?

I hope you to say the above-mentioned from Jim-san to Hiroyuki-san.


518: ◆EROyVmNwwM
08/08/12 20:04:09 8kP38V9R
Ultra short miniskirts!!

Mao jackets that had been seen when I went were all khakis.
People's clothes were one color.
I am surprised at the substantial change.

519:jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys
08/08/12 20:05:02 7WHW+dg1
Lets ask him directly on a thread. Can you find the correct thread to ask him on?

520:jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys
08/08/12 20:05:59 7WHW+dg1
In some ways China is very open and free now.

521: ◆EROyVmNwwM
08/08/12 20:23:54 8kP38V9R
I thought.
It writes directly in this thread.
It informs him of this thread with Be-mail.
How about such an idea?

522:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/08/12 20:27:00
I will write this directly on his thread, but I am not sure which thread he is using right now.

523: ◆EROyVmNwwM
08/08/12 20:43:47 8kP38V9R
I inform him with the mail of Be.

524:jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys
08/08/12 20:51:43 7WHW+dg1
ok, but please post it on this thread too.
We will have a record of it. I have be, but does not work well
for me...;) Headspace and timing error.
I have to go out now, but I will be online in the morning.

525: ◆EROyVmNwwM
08/08/12 21:11:21 8kP38V9R
I send him the following messages.


Let's talk with Jim-san. Part10

I am ◆EROyVmNwwM of the PINK channel.

Hiroyuki-san has asking from PINK channel manager Jim-san.
I hope sometimes look at the following threads after tomorrow morning.

Let's talk with Jim-san. Part10

Thanking you in advance.

08/08/12 22:00:13 4eG39rdD
>>510 is、...

The thought is foolish.
Your thought is shallow.
I feel sorry that greenday-san is troubled everyday everytime.

527:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/08/13 09:51:07

08/08/13 20:29:34 FDvfAoLh
Hoi Jim-san

08/08/13 21:59:16 SPRxYHfM

08/08/13 22:38:31 apRMcAjm



