09/11/09 02:21:52 gx/aPr4S
名前:◆EROyVmNwwM [sage]: 2009/11/09(月) 00:48:11 ID:jrZ67VVs ?2BP(100)
I append description about the reporting system on bbspink, because of inadequate explanation.
In the reporting system on bbspink, anyone can do it regardless of CAP.
Currently, we actively report in case of whole restriction or ad acts on each board.
The other vandalism such as copy-paste or breaking local rules,
we usually do not report, unless somebody dare.
And restrictions are lifted in time.
In this case, we usually do not report.
But I reported it because of administrator's request.
801: ◆EROyVmNwwM
09/11/09 02:29:54 jrZ67VVs BE:541070944-2BP(100)
802:RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★
09/11/09 23:09:27