08/09/21 01:57:41 JAXwnwRh
の文章だとJim-san 混乱するだろうから、背景でも書いとこうかと
I think that you might be confused with >>718
Here is the background:
1) Someone reported a post to the Child Pornography deletion request thread
that a goddess, who implied she is under 18 years old, posted a link to her pictures.
2) 79-san deleted the link and warned the goddess that PINK channel is an adult site, and anyone
under 18 years old should not come to the site. 79-san requested the declaration that the goddess
is 18 or over in the thread スレリンク(housekeeping板) ,
if the goddess is indeed 18 or over else she is treated as under 18 years old, and her IP
(or cell-phone ID) will be disclosed and might be reported to authority if she continues
to come to the PINK channel.
3) 79-san came to the second thought that the declaration may not be enough
to evade the adult site's responsibility for blocking minors(under 18) from coming
(THIS IS GUESS not derived from 79-san's word). 79-san said again that anyone
who is suspected as under 18 should not come to this site unless the goddess mail
the copy of her ID (and pictures with her trip-word) to PINK channel and prove she is
defintely 18 or over.