08/01/06 12:00:10 8cH63JVI
First of all, Jim-san may wonder why Fox-san and Mumumu-san only post indirect
expression what they want BBSPINK(or Jim-san) to do. That is because
if they say it directly, it is perceived as a demand from 2ch to BBSPINK and
the police may determine that is the evidence BBSPINK is under 2ch's control.
In the past, a person who are doing server maintenance for 2ch was questioned by police.
"You must be somehow related with BBSPINK because you are doing the server
maintenance(reboot remotely, etc)" He answered them that he was helping JIM and
doing so for a part of business practices. The police did not believe him
because there must be a contract or order statement should exist if it is
for business. Then he quits doing sever reboot etc., for BBSPINK so that he
would not be doubted by the police that he is somehow related to BBSPINK.
Police has a tendency to doubt the things without evidence while they are investigating.
The people who does sever maintenace would like to have firm information such as
public statement at BBSPINK site, order statement, etc., to present to the police
that they are unrelated to BBSPINK and the police should ask JIM-san about the BBSPINK.
It seems that they are reluctant to help BBSPINK without such gurantee.
You said that you will not make official paper(contract or order statements., etc)
Although I have no idea that it may be possible to do so in closed fashion, I would
like to suggest you should talk with your friend by mail or phone, knowing the friend
cannot demand something to BBSPINK openly.