08/12/06 19:27:01 3nFsSpXA
気温との乖離が始まってるってのはScience 296, 673 (2002) (DOI: 10.1126/science.1069562)
のFig.3か?これ、IPCCのデータとの乖離だろ。因みにこの論文の著者はIPCC AR4 WG1 Ch.2の
contributing authorだ。
Whether the Sun acts as the controller
of climate changes on various time
scales, simply instigates the subsequent feedbacks
that then dominate the observed record,
or is only a convenient explanation for unobserved
forcings or system oscillations, will
probably be a matter of debate and continued
investigation for many years. The answer
may also bear on whether the continued
growth of atmospheric trace gases will dominate
the system response or whether it too
will be swamped by the feedbacks, making
predictions of any response equally difficult.
Surv Geophys (2007) 28:333?375