06/04/20 13:27:09 aHkJrhoy
i rode to school today for twenty minutes with Yuuko (my host sister) and full pumped it, powerin down the streets, flying past cars with my short school uniform skirt flapping behind me, no doubt showing my ass. i didnt care though. i am invincible.
i am womannnn. my hair looks gay and retarded,
and i was just told that i'm having class photos today. how splendid. absolutely corking. positively spiffing... my teacher is scared of me. his name is wakai sensei, and he teaches english. funny dude.
every lesson he'll read out a sentence with his funny japanese accent and glance nervously at me,
hoping he said it correctly. i shake my head in disgust and read it aloud to the class in the proper way . kidddddingg! i just sit there, doing nothing, as always.