【ライブドア】野口氏他殺説ビラ配りOFF【自殺?】 at OFFMATRIX
【ライブドア】野口氏他殺説ビラ配りOFF【自殺?】 - 暇つぶし2ch44:エージェント・774
06/02/07 22:17:06 hhVPC6Jw
やっぱ急ぎだけど別パターンも作ってみたよ。電通入りw 長くてスマソ

Petition: Please write about this death connected with Livedoor scandal!

To whom it may concern,
In Japan a suicide related to Livedoor scandal was reported in January 2006, but so
many Japanese people including myself doubt if it is a mere suicide.

Hideaki Noguchi, the former president of an investment company affiliated with Livedoor
found dead in a rather cheap 'cupsule hotel' in Naha, Okinawa on Jan 18.
With wife and 2 schoolage children in Tokyo, he has no obvious reason to commit suicide,
and he didn't leave a farewell message to them either- rather he called and said he would
go home, and went missing to be found dead.
With other evidences such as brutal 'hara-kiri' style and blood-filled shirt that wasn't seemed to be Noguchi's,
we expect police to investivate this case thoroughly, but they wouldn't.
Not only Okinawa prefectural police, but also national top police officials said they had no
intension to investigate his death; one of the officials answered in the National Congress today
(Feb. 7).

We suspect that Noguchi may be killed by Okinawan Yakuza because he was able to know the
money laundering and bribery by Livedoor co., and the cash flow including Yakuza and
Japanese LDP's top politicians.
It's highly disgusting that most of our national media don't want to touch this issue
and write as the power orders - a mere suicide.
Most of the major media is under the influence of 'Dentsu' PR company, a information giant close to
government and they fear commercial income cuts as well as more threatnings.
So I highly appreciate it if you could report this story in a feer position without prejudice.
It could be one of the biggest Japanese political scandal in decades, which involves
Japanese top political and police officials, who are hiding Livedoor money.
