10/02/20 18:59:29 NP32SYcl
The Best Damn Shoulder and Trap Workout
Based on the results of this experiment, I bet the following would be one kick-ass workout
that'd target the front, mid, and rear delts as well as the upper traps. Enjoy!
Seated Behind the Neck Press
Band Face Pull
Cable Lateral Raise
Barbell Shrug
Editor's Note: Would you like to see more articles like this? Let us know in the comments and
we may just run one for every body part!
フロントヘッド シーテッド バックプレス
サイドヘッド ケーブルラテラルレイズ
リアヘッド バンドフェイスプル
アッパートラップ シュラッグ