10/03/14 13:06:48
>>460 さんの内容が気になって curse を覗いたら Xbar II がアップデートされていたので報告です。
Yamabuki さんの修正取り込みに加え、いろいろ変更されているようです(KillInfo の削除など)
以下、提供者様のコメント抜粋(アドレスは h 抜きました)
All of the changes:
* Yamabuki fix the sound and display button.
* L-Click on ClassesButton to open the CharacterFrame.
* R-Click on ClassesButton to open the TitleFrame.
* R-Click on GuildButton to open the GuildFrame.
* R-Click on FriendsButton to open the SocialFrame.
* R-Click on ExperienceButton to open the CraftFrame.
* Allow you change Map's transparency with your mouse wheel on the ClockButton.
* Integration MinimapWheelZoom(by ibuffyou) and ChatScroll(by Xylch), and then you can use mouse wheel to zoom Minimap and scroll in chat window.
* Fix a bug about TP total. (in the past it shows XP)
* Add new class color at guild interaction.
* Add translation link at configuration.
* Fix MapTime, it can drag now.
* Fix minimap's problem. (From) URLリンク(romuitw.blogspot.com)
* Remove KillInfo
I'm very appreciate Yamabuki's help.
And thanks to XFuSeng for making the addon.
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