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1.Log-Kummer Correspondences and The Third Indeterminacy (with A. Hilado) (Appendix of Interpretation Tables Only -- this may be spun into its expository own document)
Abstract. This document contains a number of interpretation tables used in Mochizuki's
IUT papers. It is stripped from the Appendix of [DH20].
”Functorial Algorithms" = Interpretations
Mochizuki's theory depends heavily on ”functorial algorithms" which he defines as func-
tors from one category to another. In practice these ”functorial algorithms" are intricate
anabelian reconstructions and we have found that the details of one construction often feed
into later constructions or Theorems i.e. their knowledge ”as a functor" generally tends not
to serve as a good black box. 1
Most of Mochizuki's \functorial algorithms" are interpretations in the sense of Model The-ory2 [Hod97, x4.3]
(see [Car18, Definition 6.12] for a more topos theoretic definition). This
formalism is both convenient and precise for the purposes of discussing IUT.