20/04/12 13:01:19 hAg37Ryy.net
David Michael Roberts
I am currently a Research Associate (that is, a postdoc) at the Institute for Geometry and its Applications in the School of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Adelaide.
I work on bundle gerbes, 2-bundles, geometric stacks and internal groupoids and categories, and category theory more generally with a side interest in foundations. I have a particular interest in constructing examples in (low-dimensional) higher geometry.
Previous to this, for July-2017 to February 2018 I was a Lecturer (=Assistant Professor in the US system) in the School of Mathematical Sciences. I was also a Research Associate at the University of Adelaide from October 2013 to April 2015.
1. Writing
Topological sectors for heterotic M5-brane charges under Hypothesis H (2020), arXiv:2003.09832. Submitted.
The formal construction of formal anafunctors (2018), arXiv:1808.04552 doi:10.25909/5b6cfd1a73e55 (Note that this was cited in Internal Categories, Anafunctors and Localisations with the title Strict 2-sites, J-spans and Localisations, and some paper containing these notes may yet have that title) Submitted.
Extending Whitney’s extension theorem: nonlinear function spaces, arXiv:1801.04126. Joint with Alexander Schmeding. Submitted.
Class forcing and topos theory (2018) notes from my 2015 talk at IHES, doi:10.4225/55/5b2252e3092af
Comments on Mochizuki’s 2018 Report (2018) doi:10.25909/5c5ce1fda4b7c, (blog post)