14/04/19 23:14:15.68 7KK7hyph0
Hi, Jim-san, I'm Hi everyone.
>>301 don't say truth.
newsplus rules made by ourselfs --- it is said local rule, displayed at top of board---- are deciding about Korean news,
"We can make the thread of Korean news in newsplus, if it was reported by Japanese Press, and in the society page or politics page.
If it is not, please move news4plus."
>>301 's news are reported by Korean Press, Chosun Online(朝鮮日報).
I think, it should be made in news4plus, but it has made till ★77.
I think it is too rudeness to move news4plus, so I can not be helped to stay in newsplus.
And also, I already made this Korean boat news by Japanese Press, nikkei.com.