14/03/30 11:44:13.09 WxuUKAoF0
hello, Jim-san. I'm >>176.
I'm seeing here URLリンク(h.ula.cc)
for example,
this news links to URLリンク(same.ula.cc)
(it is a news in news4plus)
10:36 [東+]【日韓】浦和レッズの無観客試合と、日本の政治家が口にする人種差別を煽る発言…人種差別に対する日本のダブルスタンダード[03/30]
this news links to URLリンク(same.ula.cc)
(it is a news in news4plusd)
We would like to be displayed [東+] for news4plus(east asia news+),
and be displayed [ア+] for news4plusd(asia news).
It seems to be opposite each other.