14/03/10 19:39:22.31 PtR8wtu60
304 名前: Grape Ape ★ 投稿日: 2014/03/10(月) 19:32:33.91 ID:???0
You need to bring that up with Brazil. I have nothing to do with maritapo points etc.
I had no intention of turning that system off by the way. I have no replacement in place
for it. It is not a nice situation for the p2 users. However I still have nothing to do with that
system. If there had not been an attack from those servers, then it would still be online.
This was someone else's decision, not mine, and they should answer your question.
I am sorry you are not enjoying an amusement park now. Please go to Disneyland. I recommend
Small World. It is a small world after all.