14/03/07 00:21:22.50 D3Tconn90
Bulletin board of each of 2ch.
It self-government the thread of board.
self-government thread was hijacked.
It has been a rule change by a vote.
People of poverty bulletin board hijacked the bulletin board 2ch around.
Vote aiming when no one is.
They are aiming to change the bulletin board in 2ch.
[change"default name"],[change Setting Display "ID" ],[change "Setting Board"],[change "Board Rule"],[Additional rule "All rights reserved"]
Vote to decide them.
The vote is currently being performed, fraud have been made all.(One case>>2-7)
[Evidence] スレリンク(poverty板)
Please back to the original of default name .
"名無しさん@13周年@転載禁止" → "名無しさん@13周年"
"<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´ )さん@転載禁止" → "<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´ )さん"