08/01/21 01:12:16 Yc53FI0v
Project objective : To make "Setsumei-nin" (People who explains; Explainer)
Since bbspink is using 2ch's posting control system, we (bbspink users) should cooperate in order to make the system work better.
"Setsumei-nin" will take the work to give and take information both ways, which we think it will be a good start for cooperation.
1. Because of 2ch's posting control, people in bbspink got caught, which lead to making complains to 2ch's operators.
2. At the same time, people in bbspink didn't have a strong opinion in using 2ch's system, and some people start thinking it was annoying.
3. Then the trouble suddlenly occured last year, which made us think more about taking communication and cooperating.
What "Setsumei-nin" does:
"Setsumei-nin" will explain to people who get in trouble because of the 2ch's posting control system.
Before people goes to 2ch operator, "Setsumei-nin" will give sources and lead them to place where they can talk how the problem can be improved.
This is just only a draft, and we are planning to finish it up by studying about 2ch's system at the same time.
But since this activaty will also be held outside of bbspink (in 2ch), we need to be careful there are no mistakes,
therefore we need Jim-san's knowledge and cooperation.