08/01/20 18:49:47 c5T3Do5S
Hi Jim,
Following please find the request from 削ジェンヌ posted at;
May I ask a favor?
Regarding the issue some requests to delete a bbspink content are still posted to 2-channel instead of bbspink,
I'd like to ask you not to provide links to 2-channel contents;
"Read me before posting" 書き込む前に読んでね
"2 Channel guidance" 2ちゃんねるガイド
"Board List" 掲示板一覧
in the top page of bbspink.
And you are requested to prepare bbspink original contents asap.
The people who are not familiar with bbspink post a delete-request to 2-channel by using the current link above.
I feel sorry for the late request, but we didn't pick up on this up to now.
In passing, I'd like to recommend you to improve other links
such a way to resolve it by yourself bbspink, without 2-channel contents.
e.g. the top page of URLリンク(qiufen.bbspink.com)
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