08/01/14 13:05:10 E6YJW4gq
(continue from >>476)
Then we carry out refreshment operation to divide it into another server.
The refreshment operation is as follows:
a) _add_ a different virtual host at the current server
usually in 2ch, it is "the increasing name", e.g. for society5, 2ch will
add society6 in the _same_ server hardware.
b) all of live threads are moved (called "Iten") to new virtual
host, but all kakologs are NOT moved. they are left in old virtual host.
c) after that, we move old virtual host to kakolog server, it has very
disk space. 2ch already has two kakolog servers, oyster902+Suma and
banana3000. They are specially tuned for providing kakologs.
d) as a result, we can divide the kakolog load from live servers.
4) End of Life
Time goes by, and server greets its life. Any kind of high-performance
server must come to retire itself in several years, so, the progress of
the hardware is amazing.
It is time of this, we moved all of live thread to brand new servers.
And we move a dead body of virtual host into kakolog servers.