08/01/05 02:01:33 K3AMvmhW
Dear Jim-san,
I'm sorry to disturb the conversation.
This is my opinion.
Although you have agreed to the procedure of policy statement creation above, I have another an idea.
I think it's better you yourself create the policy statement,
because bbspink is owned by you and the statement defines your responsibility.
In addition, I think the statement originated by you can make bbspink users understand your thought further and exactly,
and make your friends in 2ch relieved. Then they can help you on bbspink operation easily.
Best regards,
(In Japanese)
Jimさんはpolicy statementの作成に同意していますが、
PINKちゃんねるのpolicy statementは、Jimさん自身が考えて作った方が良いと考えます。
それに加え、Jimさんが作ったpolicy statementをアナウンスすることにより、