Let's talk with Jim-san. Part8at EROBBS
Let's talk with Jim-san. Part8 - 暇つぶし2ch273:名無し編集部員
08/01/03 13:24:12 lgFfKHZ1
I thinks that it is rude to other delater to give such an answer.
When you do such a thing, I feel sorry for other delater. There is not a viewpoint of other delater.
Other delater deletes it according to a rule.

274:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/03 13:33:01
I don't know what >>270 is talking about. So I made a joke.
Sorry if I offended you.

08/01/03 13:36:41 5PhiUnN3
Don't worry Jim. I've not been offended.
It's none of MY business, it's YOURS.

08/01/03 13:38:18 w7eefK7A
I am enjoying communications in BBS-Pink.
I learnt BBS-Pink was your property recently.
From whom are you receiving one's salary about the work of BBS-Pink?
Or, are you a head of a company?

277:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/03 13:50:37
Salary? I get paid for my real job. I am Chairman of the board for N.T.Technology
I don't get paid anything for playing on BBSPINK. It is my passion, and
seems to take up most of my free time.

08/01/03 13:56:02 YNOGoZIj


279:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/03 14:55:59
I am going to sleep now. おやすみ なさい

08/01/03 14:57:32 5PhiUnN3
Have a good sleep, Jim. ぐっすり ねむって ください

08/01/03 16:11:14 lgFfKHZ1

08/01/03 16:21:28 lgFfKHZ1

283:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/03 23:37:29
>>281 Nice present...:)

08/01/03 23:53:00 GAF8icjc
Good morning, jim san.
I think that it's better to disclose your full name(cf. Bill Gates → William Henry Gates third )on the BBSPINK statement WIKI
so that Japanese police should not misunderstand
「BBSPINK is governed by 2ch!! Let's questioning Hiroyuki or FOX!!」.
I want your opinion about it, please.

285:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/03 23:56:24
>>284 Am I known by my full name in Japan? I don't think so.
The police have my business card and full information there already.
I have been to talk to them. I think my name is here already
Not certain though, will you check it for me?

08/01/04 00:28:37 07lufoI5
I am afraid to Hiroyuki or FOX is mistaken arrested.

08/01/04 00:29:50 07lufoI5
excuse me, I miss it.

288:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/04 00:51:39
>>286 Because I got drunk?

08/01/04 01:10:58 QrugwvMX
To defeat Bubblen & Bobblen(bubble dragon bros.)?

08/01/04 01:19:48 07lufoI5
But many Japanese police is ignorance about BBSPINK.
Thus we should announce by many way,「BBSPINK is not 2ch」.
Disclosing your full name looks more reliable and will make less possible for Japanese police to misunderstand that bbspink is governed by 2ch.
Hiroyuki or FOX are supposed to be afraid of mistaken arrest on BBSPINK operation.

My English brain have shattered.
And Japanese brain is shattered now.


08/01/04 01:31:01 haEpd9Jw
You can drink as much as you like without without regard to their legal risk...:)

What 286 wants to tell you is;
"Hiroyuki or FOX are supposed to be afraid of mistaken arrest on bbspink operation."

I think you've already known their concern.
In fact, you've submitted your business card to Japanese police as the bbspink administrator.

Nonetheless, Japanese policemen still visit to FOX and question him on bbspink operation.
That's why we bbspink should prepare some policy statement with declaration of bbspink individuality from 2-channel,
so that they (Hiroyuki, Fox, and other 2ch related guys) can help or support us without the risks.

08/01/04 01:35:38 haEpd9Jw
individuality --> independence

08/01/04 02:06:58 SP7n+9K7


08/01/04 02:11:25 haEpd9Jw
↑ This is a message for FOX, probably mistaken bombing.

08/01/04 02:11:28 SP7n+9K7

08/01/04 02:31:28 SP7n+9K7

297:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/04 02:36:03
>>291 Yes of course. Ignorant policemen should not be poking their
nose where they don't understand things, but we can't help or stop that.
It is a fact that the people that tend to become police officers are the
ones that want to bully other people. Or are criminals themselves.
I used to be a recruiter for the Army. When I did that job the people
that always asked to become Military Police, were always the ones
that had been in trouble before.
Yes we need to write a policy for these police to read, but will they bother reading it?

08/01/04 02:36:36 haEpd9Jw
↑ He seems to be just frustrated with language gap.

08/01/04 02:37:17 haEpd9Jw
>>298 if for >>295, >>296

08/01/04 02:41:16 SP7n+9K7

08/01/04 02:44:15 haEpd9Jw
> Yes we need to write a policy for these police to read, but will they bother reading it?
The bbspink policy statement could be used by 2ch operation guys as a shield protection when policemen ask them on bbspink operation.

08/01/04 02:58:48 haEpd9Jw
In fact, bbspink volunteers are preparing the draft policy statement and 79-san has a plan to fix Japanese version by 7th and propose the translated one to you as a draft.
Can you give us your concurrence on the procedure?
Or any other procedure?

303:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/04 03:26:50
>>302 Yes I have already agreed to that. It is under construction.

08/01/04 03:32:17 haEpd9Jw
Thanks Jim. I'm pleased to hear it.

08/01/04 23:20:47 OTo7Cete
What did you eat for dinner last night?

306:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/04 23:21:32
If I chown a directory outside of an account does it deny the access
to what is currently accessing that directory? Or does it add the account
I want to have access to that directory.

307:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/04 23:23:46
>>305 I had Honey Walnut Maki It was delicious.

308:yume ◆Yume.xMgf6
08/01/05 02:01:33 K3AMvmhW
Dear Jim-san,

I'm sorry to disturb the conversation.
This is my opinion.

Although you have agreed to the procedure of policy statement creation above, I have another an idea.
I think it's better you yourself create the policy statement,
because bbspink is owned by you and the statement defines your responsibility.
In addition, I think the statement originated by you can make bbspink users understand your thought further and exactly,
and make your friends in 2ch relieved. Then they can help you on bbspink operation easily.

Best regards,

(In Japanese)
Jimさんはpolicy statementの作成に同意していますが、
PINKちゃんねるのpolicy statementは、Jimさん自身が考えて作った方が良いと考えます。
それに加え、Jimさんが作ったpolicy statementをアナウンスすることにより、

309:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/05 07:51:06
>>308 I will create my own policy if we don't agree on something here.
I will say あいあい to the one that is created here after I review it.
Either way we will have a policy. Probably the one I create will not
be as good as the one created by all the smart people that post here.
(I am just a regular guy, not so smart. In Chinese 我是老百姓)

310:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/06 02:05:25
I am machine translating here.
but I am mostly watching this.
The machine translation does not work so well on such technical matters.
I can add this though. There currently is no paper, and I will not make paper.

311:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/06 03:42:49
And guys lets not do anything we don't have to do either. This policy
we are making will need to follow these Articles from the constitution
Dated 3rd day of the eleventh month of the twenty-first year of Showa.
The one signed by Hirohito-sama.
Article 19
Article 21
and Article 98.
I think these 3 apply directly to the policy we are making.

312:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/06 03:57:18
おやすみ なさい

313:yume ◆Yume.xMgf6
08/01/06 16:35:20 mCWMvQ8U
Dear Jim-san,

This is part of situation on BBSPINK.
(thanks for translation and help.)

First of all, Jim-san may wonder why FOX-san and Mumumu-san only post indirect
expression what they want BBSPINK(or Jim-san) to do. That is because
if they say it directly, it is perceived as a demand from 2ch to BBSPINK and
the police may determine that is the evidence BBSPINK is under 2ch's control.

In the past, a person who are doing server maintenance for 2ch was questioned by police.
"You must be somehow related with BBSPINK because you are doing the server
maintenance(reboot remotely, etc)" He answered them that he was helping JIM and
doing so for a part of business practices. The police did not believe him
because there must be a contract or order statement should exist if it is
for business. Then he quits doing sever reboot etc., for BBSPINK so that he
would not be doubted by the police that he is somehow related to BBSPINK.
Police has a tendency to doubt the things without evidence while they are investigating.

The people who does server setup and maintenance would like to have as many firm evidences
such as public statement at BBSPINK site, order statement, etc. as possible to present to
the police that they are unrelated to BBSPINK and the police should ask JIM-san about the
BBSPINK. It seems that they are reluctant to help BBSPINK without such evidence.
You said that you will not make official paper(contract or order statements., etc)
Although I have no idea that it may be possible to do so in closed fashion, I would
like to suggest you should talk with your friend by mail or phone, knowing the friend
cannot demand something to BBSPINK openly.

Best Regards,

314:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/06 21:21:49
>>313 Thank you for writing this for me. I understand what you are saying.

08/01/06 22:29:50 ahYg6cGC
With your understanding above, you still will not make some paper or email for 2ch that describes your request on bbspink sever setup and maintainance?
This is just confirmation on your thought, for our reference.

316:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/07 04:04:04
>>315 I need to understand the reasoning behind this a lot more before
I make any such paper.
Who is this paper for?
Is it for all the private people that help out on bbspink?
Is it for my friends, who would ask for it privately and not in front of thousands of people.
Are the volunteers needing this paper?
Will I ask them for their name, address and phone number so that I can mail it to them?
Is it for some kind of trap for me?
Am I going to be invoiced for work done and have to pay money because of this paper?
I still have to many questions, and not enough understanding to make a paper.

08/01/07 04:18:53 4erMRqOD
yume-san is volunteers one.

318:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/07 04:36:39
>>317 Yes Yume-san is a volunteer. There are many volunteers.
Yume-san writes in English for me sometimes so I know Yume-san...:)

08/01/07 04:53:26 4erMRqOD
At first I ask you a question.
How does Jim-san think?
1 BBSPINK and 2ch are the same things.
2 BBSPINK and 2ch are totally another things.
3 BBSPINK and 2ch are friendly.

320:Chester ◆MdLAsir8f.
08/01/07 04:55:39 lr5K5s0V
I wanna be volunteer.
I want to delete bad thread and bad word.
Please any responce.

321:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/07 04:58:14
>>319 3
>>320 Please see URLリンク(deleter.bbspink.com)
Thank you for your interest.

322:Greenday ★
08/01/07 05:03:37

We can not write sakura02 server.
There is our deletion request board on sakura02, so it is a sort of emergency.

323:Greenday ★
08/01/07 05:04:11
We can not post on any boards in sakura02 server.

324:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/07 05:09:40
>>323 I can reboot the server

325:Greenday ★
08/01/07 05:14:08
I have no idea.......

326:Greenday ★
08/01/07 05:17:35

FOX-san is working on something ( sorry, i am too stupid to understand what he is doing now)
following thread right now.


327:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/07 05:18:34
>>326 Thank you. I won't rebot anything then.

328:Greenday ★
08/01/07 05:26:23
Why don't you go there and talk with him??

329:Chester ◆MdLAsir8f.
08/01/07 05:39:42 lr5K5s0V
Thank you.
I'm interesting volunteer.
I want to have "★"

08/01/07 09:20:10 bnwwms+V
Dear Jim-san. 
I think that you have the power that you can judge in various examples definitely. 

Because some who make a note here want power in the PINK bulletin board, 
"Hey, Jim-san I are your friends. Do you want to help you? Therefore give me ★ and say ". 

I wish that I do not be deceived for the words. 
The person who has a bad influence on a PINK bulletin board joins in them.

08/01/07 09:31:53 GXzTtgyX
It was not possible to contribute to sakura 02.

08/01/07 09:52:38 OEmiC6L6
Chester just wants to have ★, he is a troll and possibly unscrupulous individual.

333:Chester ◆MdLAsir8f.
08/01/07 10:56:18 lr5K5s0V
I complain of you.
I just want to do be better rather than now.
Are you satisfied with 2ch and BBSpink.

08/01/07 11:05:32 ePsuRKVA
Jim-san, no general volunteers need such a paper.
Just 2ch operation guys ( ひろゆき、FOX、むむむ etc) need it for bbspink server setup and maintainance.
The purpose of the paper is one thing;
The paper would be used as a powerful shield protection for them
when policemen ask them on thier standpoint on bbspink operation.
Because the paper could work as a good evidence
that shows they perform the operation based on your request, not their own intention.
It's important for them to be secured from legal risk.

Anyway, I recommend you to talk with them offline.

08/01/07 11:35:50 OEmiC6L6
Jim-san, Chester wants to make bbspink better and enjoyable ONLY for himself, not for everyone.
Many people know his nuisance activity as a troll.
Do not give any endorsement to him.

333 名前:Chester ◆MdLAsir8f. [sage] 投稿日:2008/01/07(月) 10:56:18 ID:lr5K5s0V
I complain of you.
I just want to do be better rather than now.
Are you satisfied with 2ch and BBSpink.

336:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys
08/01/07 12:52:49 Yvy341Ld
I have finally figured out my ideal weight. Right now I am to heavy.
250 pounds. When I was 18 years old. I weight 180 pounds and was 11%
body fat. I think that is impossible for me now. So I have set my goal
at 200 pounds and 20% bodyfat.

08/01/07 12:56:32 4erMRqOD
fat? muscularity?

338:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys
08/01/07 13:19:31 Yvy341Ld
fat fat fat

08/01/07 13:23:46 6mQm9rkd
つ Billy's Boot Camp DVD
too old ?w

08/01/07 13:24:18 ePsuRKVA
How much do you feed yourself currently per day?

08/01/07 13:24:46 DI3ThYS8
One more set! One more set!


342:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys
08/01/07 13:37:48 Yvy341Ld
I eat to much, but I excersize hard. I am thinking it will take me 5 months to reach this goal safely.

08/01/07 14:47:05 IfS13gio
Jim-san, what kind of excercise are you doin? 
if it is too hard, that'll break your knees and back, please be careful. 
I've strained my back when I was doing bike and dumbbell too much. 
Back is man's hot rock, let's have happy life! 

344:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/07 14:51:19
I do the eliptical trainer for 30 minutes, then rowing for 30 minutes, then bike for 30 minutes, then swim for 30 minutes.
Please take care of your back, when your back hurts it is so difficult
to enjoy the good things in life.

08/01/07 15:05:14 IfS13gio
Jim-san, you are splendid! great! 
You are a hard worker very much. 
I can hardly do a thing.


08/01/07 15:39:14 IfS13gio
Dear Jim-san, I went to Takaragawa-Onsen for hot spring care of my back. 
Then I bathed together with a bear cub and banqueted at night. 
But Onsen-Geisha girls there are all old women...orz 
There is little young Onsen-Geisha girl at any Onsen in Japan. 
My back has already healed, thanks. 

<I can't read/write English, so these message were translated by some volunteers. 
I sincerely appreciate their effort. >>>342 and This.

08/01/07 15:46:39 4erMRqOD
Jim-san! !
Please upload your swimsuit figure photograph.


08/01/07 15:48:12 4erMRqOD

349:yume ◆Yume.xMgf6
08/01/07 20:57:57 ikLHq56d

Japanese officers probably can not distinguish from 2ch to bbspink.
So then they've thrown suspicion or unreasonable requirements on your friends 2ch guys
who help bbspink server operation and are identified by the officers.

In order to make your friends get out of such a unreasonable situation,
it must be needed to clarify the bbspink responsible is Jim and is dependent from 2ch.
I don't know what's the best way to convince the wrong-headed Japanese officers.
announcement of policy statement? or some papers? or any other...?

I think we must not discuss on open place what should be done,
because it produces misunderstanding if a japanese officer finds it.
I'd like to ask you to contact your friends directly.
By doing that, I believe the best solution can be found.

We all hope that you and your friends can enjoy operating and maintaining bbspink both now and in the future.

(in japanese)





350:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/07 21:36:25
>>349 You are wise Yume-san

351:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/07 21:53:53
>>346 Young onsen geisha girls probably would not know how to heal
your back, they would probably know how to heal other parts of your body.
Old women know how to do things like that. Just close your eyes,
and always say yes. Bear cubs are cute. Adult bears are monsters.

352:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/07 21:55:12
>>345 I am not such a hard worker. Or I would not be so heavy right now...;)

353:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/07 21:56:01
>>347 Sorry I don't have any....:(

354:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/07 22:52:30
The blog server has been upgraded. You can upload video to it now...:)
My head is in this video towards the end.
25 Mb max right now.

355:Phoenix ◆MIXTUREQWs
08/01/08 09:15:53 svOKKcer
Did you hear that the KKK bought the movie rights to Roots?
They're going to play it backwards so it has a happy ending.

356:Phoenix ◆MIXTUREQWs
08/01/08 09:40:36 svOKKcer

It is a violation of the law that you are doing.
Determine to be imprisoned like Paris. Apologize and compensate if it is unpleasant.

357:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/08 09:58:58
>>347 It would be a crime to upload my swimsuit picture. I am just
a fat fat fat guy.

358:ナナ ◆SEVEN/xSuE
08/01/08 10:07:15 Wy3ewWBn
I saw them in GA & ran away very soon.
It was fear & strangely.

359:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/08 10:13:29
>>358 KKK is not an important group in the USA anymore. They are mostly
uneducated, ignorant men. I am sure their must be similar
groups in Japan, but I don't know their group names. The most important
thing about the KKK is that in the USA they have the right to say what
they want to say without someone shutting them up. When you were
in GA and saw them, did you see another group protesting the KKK?
That is usually what happens.

360:ナナ ◆SEVEN/xSuE
08/01/08 11:01:55 Wy3ewWBn
Ive never seen another group.
Resistance influence---

Now, it reaches BIG TUESDAY.
I saw debate on TV.

Everything of the world should be solved by the discussions without such as the armed.
This is an opinion of Japanese with peaceful mind maybe.
みんな なかよく

361:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/08 12:19:52
This is the KKK and a organization demonstrating against them.
This is a disgusting video.

08/01/08 12:48:02 hkvx8rNj
super tuesday is comin up soon

363:ナナ ◆SEVEN/xSuE
08/01/08 12:55:32 Wy3ewWBn

08/01/08 12:59:43 7qIXdMfI
KKK こわい です

365:ナナ ◆SEVEN/xSuE
08/01/08 13:05:41 Wy3ewWBn
I nauseated.
The free speech and the violence are different.
Please use the way of being the same each other.

366:Phoenix ◆MIXTUREQWs
08/01/08 19:55:19 svOKKcer

367:Phoenix ◆MIXTUREQWs
08/01/08 19:56:42 svOKKcer
Hi Jim.

Three tomatos are walking down the street: Papa Tomato, Mama Tomato and Baby Tomato.
Baby Tomato start lagging behind and Papa Tomato gets very angry.
He goes back, sqeezes him and says: "Ketchup!" (Catch Up!)

368: ◆vhYMk.qMZA
08/01/08 20:34:54 9lxVa9up
I am ◆vhYMk.qMZA, a leader of "Let's get friends with vandalisers Project" which is under 79's control.
Interviewers attempt to talk with vandalizers to make peace among each other.
This is a kind of an independent project and it has nothing to do with technical blocking systems.

*What we call vandalisers are people who try to ruin bbs by tons of posting with scripts.

Our goal is to solve a part of problems peacefully by communicating with them.
Although I understand this project may not be that much effective to solve this issue substantially
and that it might be going to take such a long time for us to reach a peaceful solution,
but I still believe that this is worth trying.
I hope you will allow us to continue this experimental project.

I hope you realize that there are also this kind of more communicative ways in addition to technical practicabilities
in order to protect bbspink from those vandalism.

08/01/08 20:52:27 ufExR002
This is a just recent story.  Regulation of bbspink stopped.
Do you remember that you fell into great confusion for those several days?
The person who became that tumultuous ringleader is ◆vhYMk.qMZA .

◆vhYMk.qMZA said to FOX-san. "BBSPINK does not need to regulate".

There are many opinions of the criticism.
It is strange to let ◆vhYMk.qMZA do a volunteer.

He is a person damaging it. Japanese ARASI.

370:Phoenix ◆MIXTUREQWs
08/01/08 23:37:07 svOKKcer
Hi Jim.
A female proffesor in a Christian Women's University said to the students.
"I would like to prove all males are rats, and we women are real humans"
"When God tried to create the, he did a experiment in his lab using a rat named
"Adam", then he had created a real human named "Eva".

08/01/09 00:42:18 7R8B4Wr/
I am God! Hehehehehehehe!!!

372:Phoenix ◆MIXTUREQWs
08/01/09 01:24:17 Ji4PJtN1

373:Greenday ★
08/01/09 01:40:01
Dear Jim,

We have made the official statement of pink-channel policy in Japanese.
It's in following URL.


案5・改2(日本語の確定版・承認公式版ではありません 管理人未承認です) is the one.

you can not reas it yet, so we are going to translate it in English.

I"d like you to pick the way how to translate from following options.

1/anonymous volunteer is going to translate
2/professional translator is going to translate
3/79 is going to tramslate

374: ◆79EROOYuCc @Greenday ★
08/01/09 01:52:28
It's me.

and we have discussed about that following URL

PINKちゃんねる規制について考えてみるスレ 5

375:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/09 02:01:11
>>373 URLリンク(translate.google.com)
I am reading it here.

376:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/09 02:16:44
>>375 I am understanding this. Google is not perfect translator
but it is pretty good.
If possible I would like to add this to help protect me.

1.Volunteers might have the ability to cause damage to PINKちゃんねる
This document does not absolve them of their responsibility if
they vandalize PINKちゃんねる .
2. Due to the open architecture of PINKちゃんねる It is possible for
other sites to access the dat files on our servers. Non technical
people would think that those sites were PINKちゃんねる , and not
the actual PINKちゃんねる. This could cause confusion, and delay reporting
important things that should be reported. Causing me to be liable for something
that was really only a error. I want to reserve the right to block those sites
that do not have a clear link to URLリンク(www.bbspink.com) with these words exactly PINKちゃんねる
on every page that they access a .dat file from.
This will make it clear to users, where to report things like deletion requests, trolling, etc etc.

377:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/09 02:39:45
Is ◆vhYMk.qMZA the vandaliser that they are trying to make friends with?

378:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/09 02:43:15
はははははははは >>355-356
>>367 >>370
Your jokes are very funny. I have made a thread for you to post your
English jokes on. Please post them here.

379:Phoenix ◆MIXTUREQWs
08/01/09 02:53:10 Ji4PJtN1
Thanks Jim.
See you.

380:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/09 02:54:29
>>379 I will be reading them and laughing.

381: ◆79EROOYuCc
08/01/09 03:08:28 rqpyUuuC
Thank you, Jim.

But I really think that it is better for you to make English version by professional translator.
Because ppl know that you do not understand Japanese,
and if there is no English official virsion on the website,
I do not think Japanese government will take it serious.

The point is to make japanese government official understand that you are the person who is responsible for pinkちゃんねる。

So I recommend to make official English version by pro.

382:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/09 03:13:06
>>381 Official translation is fine. Do not waste time on it until
you add 1. and 2. from >>376
I will say AI AI on this after those 2 are added. I have been reading
and following this whole process through translators. I have not even
updated my blog since this started because I have been reading here.
Official translation is good. It is better to discuss 1. and 2. from
>>376 first though.

383: ◆79EROOYuCc
08/01/09 03:17:10 rqpyUuuC
ok, at least i am sure and glad to add your 2 articles in it.

also one another point what I wanted to say is, if there is any mistake on this statement
this will be the legal bases officially to accuse you.

So may your secratory 79 arrange professional translator for you?

384:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/09 03:19:47
>>383 Of course I will have this translated officially. Do you think
I am a total idiot?

385: ◆79EROOYuCc
08/01/09 03:21:42 rqpyUuuC
>>384 Jim, no I do not think so.

What I want to do is to express all of the process here, and let ppl know how we are doing things.
then it will considerable persuasive power.

You are my boss. I am always following you.

386:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/09 03:24:16
>>385 Relax, I am not yelling at you. I am just trying to make you understand.
I understand the essence of this document. I want 2 things added to it,
and that I will get it officially translated when we are finished.

387: ◆79EROOYuCc
08/01/09 03:26:28 rqpyUuuC
I get it.

Actually 1 more server ( sakura02 ) are atarting to be funny.
so we have to go ahead.

I will arrange professional translator. May I ?

08/01/09 03:28:57 ohsiYBgh
Oops, I hafta write here.

>Due to the open architecture of PINKちゃんねる It is possible for
>other sites to access the dat files on our servers.
Means ya set permission 777(rwxrwxrwx)?
It is extremely dangerous.

389:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/09 03:31:18
No of course not. I am talking about the .dat being opened by another
site URLリンク(oosugi.net)スレリンク(ogefin板)
like this. It is confusing for the users.

08/01/09 03:40:33 c7chTo7R

◆vhYMk.qMZA said.

"I am not testing 79.
I think that she is completely a reliable partner.
I am testing jim. "

391:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/09 03:46:19
>>390 I am not signed up to take any tests.

08/01/09 03:46:26 T6Tknlry
Direct translation is "partner".
But meaning is "completely under my control".

08/01/09 03:57:14 YbnVPZiO
◆vhYMk.qMZA is Good person in reality

08/01/09 04:00:05 c7chTo7R
I am testing jim.

This is mean it.
In other words ◆vhYMk.qMZA does not believe Jimsan.

395:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/09 04:12:22
>>394 I think so too.
I don't want to be tested.

08/01/09 04:16:30 fGqAFAmL
"Play his own work"
This is ◆vhYMk.qMZA 's main activity.
Even commucation with vandalizers.

397:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/09 04:17:12
>>396 Isn't that like looking in the mirror when you masturbate?

08/01/09 04:30:02 fGqAFAmL
We usualy use


Good ponting out. :-)

08/01/09 04:48:56 LHc6DHeK

Phoenix◆MIXTUREQWs is troll
Be careful

400:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/09 04:51:50
>>399 Well, come along! I've got two spears,
And I'll poke your eyeballs out at your ears;
I've got besides two curling-stones,
And I'll crush you to bits, body and bones.

That was what the big billy goat said.

401:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/09 04:54:55
>>400 You can read the whole story here.
It is the Norwegian solution to the troll problem.

402:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/09 06:02:36
These servers are ordered.
Please do me a favor though. When we set them up. I need to keep a separate
subdomain for each of the current servers, with different IP for each.
so if we put the contents of sakura01 and sakura02 on 1 server, they would
need to be different subdomains still. Different accounts on the same server
with different IPs. I need this.  subdomain ください ほしい です

403: ◆EROyVmNwwM
08/01/09 11:08:48 CDP0hUt7
I'm ◆EROyVmNwwM and pleased to talk to you here.
After completing the current urgent priority matters, issurance of policy statement and server refresh works,
we'd like to build "Setsumei-nin"(Explainer) framework, to support ones who have got dragged into write inhibit in 2ch and bbspink,
Some volunteers are now holding discussion on the framework.
We will wrap up the detail and show you for getting your concurrence in the near future.
This is just for your information.


404:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/09 14:14:20
>>403 ども ありがとう

405: ◆EROyVmNwwM
08/01/09 14:37:52 CDP0hUt7
Thank you.

By the way, it was written the heavy snow and rain storm in the press report.
Is it safe?


406:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/09 14:42:24
>>405 is that in Nevada? It was on the news that they had flooding.
I think the spring will be worse. So much snow and then it will melt
quickly and make to much water I guess.

407: ◆EROyVmNwwM
08/01/09 15:22:02 CDP0hUt7
It is written the flood in the newspaper article with FERNLEY of Nevada state.
It is written that 310,000 households are the power failures in California state.

I rely on the automatic translation because I am not good at English.
Please forgive no understanding well.

08/01/09 18:27:03 2zHIb4mK
フェルム ◆vhYMk.qMZA

I was ransack my aesthetics.

08/01/09 20:28:50 BOP4KzJR
◆vhYMk.qMZA is the vandaliser in 2ch.
He hates his friend FOX.

08/01/09 20:39:41 hr+XzIku

08/01/09 20:42:45 Jv7rgUFE
Not criticism, it is an opinion, information.

412: ◆vhYMk.qMZA
08/01/09 21:17:23 eVHD9Kkn
It's a bad joke.
I'm not the vandaliser.

I want only to talk with vandalisers.
And I want to research the motivations of vandalisers.
Because I am convinced that knowing vandaliser's motivations will lead to
the vandalism-problem solving.

A lot of of vandalisers is angry because of user's mental abuse,
and I want to calm down their anger by talking with them.

My superior is 79-san, and my English is very unskilled.
Please ask 79-san detail of this project.

I wanted to test Japanese of you.


08/01/09 21:29:04 BOP4KzJR
No no no no, Jim-san,
◆vhYMk.qMZA hates your friend FOX.
He has complained to us about FOX's statements,
and he has vandalized the 2ch and the BBSPINK.
We cannot believe all ◆vhYMk.qMZA 's statements.

◆79EROOYuCc gave him a CAP.
We deplore her action.

414: ◆vhYMk.qMZA
08/01/09 21:35:55 eVHD9Kkn
Hummmm, I am always bullied by bad jokes.
Please help me, Jim-san and 79-san.

08/01/09 21:41:08 BOP4KzJR
No, We don't bully.
We point out his bad action (ex. vandalizing).

416: ◆vhYMk.qMZA
08/01/09 21:43:22 eVHD9Kkn

08/01/09 21:46:04 ZCmCUBQy
please do not fight
i am so sad

418: ◆vhYMk.qMZA
08/01/09 21:46:29 eVHD9Kkn

08/01/09 21:47:04 lzHNW0sY

08/01/09 22:43:26 xrs5rRl1
◆vhYMk.qMZA said.

I cannot trust Jim.
Because Jim has not talked with me and because Jim is a foreigner.

I do not want to talk with Jim.I am angry.
Jim is the guy who does not know courtesy.

I am the guy who does not know courtesy.
But Jim is the guy who does not know more courtesy.

08/01/10 00:04:09 qt3uQVZk
Jim-san, Do you have erotic stationeries? :-)

422:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/10 00:12:58
>>421 No I don't have erotic stationeries.

423:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/10 00:57:31
>>407 Yes it is true, but the bad weather has passed. It is safe to visit

08/01/10 01:19:57 E2MbPYwI
If Jim-san can do it, will you look at here? 
This thread is only Japanese, but asks.


425:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/10 02:39:28
>>424 いま みます

426: ◆EROyVmNwwM
08/01/10 03:35:50 4jk42eWX
I was relieved.

427:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys
08/01/10 04:06:35 1ohEHxS/
Are you going to come visit?

428: ◆EROyVmNwwM
08/01/10 04:19:41 4jk42eWX
I worried.
Jim-san and 79san might dangerously encounter.

429:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/10 06:45:56
>>428 thank you for worrying.

430:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/10 06:47:05
I have two servers that are out of inodes. That is to many files
for the OS. They don't have as many files as our servers here.
Is there a solution other than reformatting with different settings
to increase the available inodes?

08/01/10 08:01:04 Yq9tXgae
My translation machine does not understand a meaning of "inodes".

08/01/10 08:42:04 7Y9wNIX8
"out of inodes" is a error message.

08/01/10 08:57:44 Yq9tXgae

434:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/10 14:56:07
Yes I know that, but I want to increase the inodes available without
reformatting. Any ideas?

435:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/10 15:39:37
This is kind of important as the servers I am having inode problem
with are xbanana servers, which are the same server as tbanana with
4 processors instead of 2. We need to make sure to set the inodes at
an increased level on the tbanana I think I don't want to get this problem
on our boards.

436: ◆MUMUMUhnYI
08/01/10 15:45:19 gQNv4aDX

On FreeBSD, users can use tunefs command for tuning some filesystem
parameters, but tunefs can't increase number of inodes.

I think you can increase inodes by using newfs -i 2048 option,
but it will initialize the filesystem. So you need to evacuate your whole data
from the disk, unfortunately.

437:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/10 15:48:13
>>436 Thanks Mumumu-san. I have heard that with freeBSD6.2 There
is a way without reformatting. I was hoping to find that way.
If not then I will be like the itsy bitsy spider again....:(

438: ◆MUMUMUhnYI
08/01/10 15:48:47 gQNv4aDX

In all 2ch servers, we never see any 'out of inodes' messages
except for /md (memory disk for temporary files) partition.

And we've already done increasing inodes for each memory disks
for all 2ch servers. So, I think it does not affect 2ch and bbspink servers.

439: ◆MUMUMUhnYI
08/01/10 15:53:06 gQNv4aDX
Hmm, sorry, I am not sure that FreeBSD 6.2R has the way to colve it or not.
But I've read the manuals briefly on my servers running
FreeBSD 6.3-RC1 and 7.0-RC1... And I can't find the solution still...

440: ◆MUMUMUhnYI
08/01/10 15:59:06 gQNv4aDX
colve => solve


441:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/10 15:59:22
>>439 You are correct friend. I have read many pages and all are
saying the same thing. I need to start over fresh.
This is one of the reasons I don't want to double up servers though.
I think it might be dangerous for us. Maybe we should slow down
our move to the new servers, and just do it one server for one server.
I have ordered 3 servers. 2 for the boards and one for the headline.
We could delay the headline upgrade, and use the 3 for boards, and wait
a little while for the headline and the 4 server upgrade. Don't you
think it is better not to take a chance?

442: ◆MUMUMUhnYI
08/01/10 16:16:23 gQNv4aDX
Ah, I understand what you concerned.
Do you worry about the density of the server increasing for BBSPINK bbs, perhaps?

If so, I believe that the worry is not necessary.

We, including Fox and I, have been operated many 2ch BBS servers
for over 5 years. And in the current 2ch tbanana servers, there are
high-capacity servers.

Always I and some good 2ch volunteers check the current board placements,
and almost of all tbanana servers are well-tuned.

You can see the current servers' and boards' placement information in my webpage:
It includes bbspink servers/boards information, too.

And we've operated 1T HDD server, named oyster902 with Suma
for over 4 years. And its /home HDD is almost full, but the usage of
inodes is only 19%, as seen below:

% df -i /home
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Avail Capacity iused ifree %iused Mounted on
/dev/da0 1417529014 1227329072 76797622 94% 35531154 147703404 19% /home

I mean, I believe the 'out of inodes' does not occur in 2ch and bbspink servers
for usual. So, we can relax about it.

443: ◆MUMUMUhnYI
08/01/10 16:18:41 gQNv4aDX
... And now I'm doing my main job, so, it's time to back my main job.
All of my 2ch work is secret. I should not overdo my hobby. :-(

Then, mata atode, friend.

444:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/10 16:32:21
>>443 Thanks for the lesson sensai...:)
I will go to sleep now. Mata ...

445:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/10 16:36:11
>>442 Yes that is one of my worries. I have other worries as well
Thank you for relieving me of that worry.

446: ◆MUMUMUhnYI
08/01/10 16:40:16 gQNv4aDX
> I have other worries as well

Please don't hesitate. You can write all of them in this thread.
I can answer some technical issues.

But I think I can't answer all of them. Sorry.

447:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/11 01:22:34
>>402 <---
>>446 Thank you Mumumu-san I have an other one here that I posted before.

448: ◆MUMUMUhnYI
08/01/11 02:09:27 t/lyqP3C
Hmm, as a result, we don't have to worry about it.

But now I'm very sleepy because today's my work is a little bit harder.
So, I want to sleep well. I will explain the reason in this thread later.

I heard that after a several hours later, PIE will replace core routers and
switches from old BlackDiamonds to brand new Force10s.

Of course this is very important thing for our innovation.
I hope its success.

Oyasumi-nasai, friend.

449:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/11 03:33:35
>>448 Sleep well.
As a result. Only I will worry about it I guess.

450:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/11 09:47:45
Here is a short video clip from the network upgrade going on right now.

451:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/11 10:07:22
You can also see it here.

08/01/11 14:33:48 PXJMXtxy
Jim Love
so cute

453:北海道でっかいどう ◆Ishikaries
08/01/11 14:33:56 pVcDj6b1

08/01/11 16:31:32 8DK1qTaW
Jim-san, konitiwa.
Anata wa totemo kawaii desu.

455:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/12 00:26:08
>>452-454 Thank you and hello

456: ◆79EROOYuCc @Greenday ★
08/01/12 00:35:02
Dear Jim,

We have re-made the official statement of pink-channel policy in Japanese.
We have added your 2 articles in it.

following URL.


案5・改3(管理人閲覧後の改訂版 管理人未承認です) is the one.

457:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/12 00:43:47
>>456 I will take a look

458:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/12 00:48:34
>>457 It looks good. Translates well automatically. That means there
is a minimum of slang in the document. I don't have any problem with
this. Should I wait for an official translation?

08/01/12 14:34:38 ysOmud40
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460:ξ=∂ヮ∂=ξやまオニイサマ☆ ◆7KBbCCGQs.
08/01/12 22:21:02 XzUs6fA2
          .┃. Fuck oneself .┃
          .┃Respect yourself┃
        ....ξ ・~・ξ ┃
        /(   ) ̄

08/01/13 09:41:12 sIzkMU6L

462:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/13 10:03:39
>>461 がんばて

08/01/13 11:08:42 7KH6kh8w
がんばる  ← ふつう の にほんご

がんがる  ← 2ちゃんねる の にほんご w

464: ◆MUMUMUhnYI
08/01/14 02:10:31 E6YJW4gq

I explain about your concern (>>402) as below...

In 2ch manner, new server is given its own new name.
For example, when "etc6.2ch.net" server is replaced,
new server is given "etc7.2ch.net" as new server name.
(And old etc6.2ch.net will move to "kakolog" server later)

And some kinds of reason, e.g. server load issue,
some boards are moved between 2ch servers sometimes, e.g.
URLリンク(news24.2ch.net) to URLリンク(mamono.2ch.net)

Anyway, when the movings, each board URIs of in the server have been changed,
e.g. URLリンク(etc6.2ch.net) to URLリンク(etc7.2ch.net) .

I think you have two concerns,
1) When board URI is changed, do users stray from the board?
2) When server is changed, do users have to make the new threads?

But both are no problem.
I will explain the reason in my next res.

But, I have to take a bath now. Chotto mattete kudasai.

465: ◆MUMUMUhnYI
08/01/14 03:09:40 E6YJW4gq
I'm back. I will continue >>464 .

1) In 2ch manner, each boards are moved to the new URI, each the old URI have
"the moving mark" to the new URI, during the moving operations by Fox-san.

e.g. You can access "Feti" board in bbspink at old URI,
URLリンク(wow.bbspink.com) . It is automatically redirected to
URLリンク(pie.bbspink.com) . So, I believe that when boards in
pie, and sakura0[1-3] will be moved, users will redirect to new URI.
So, you don't have to worry about 1), I think.

2) In 2ch manner, each boards are moved to the new URI, all live threads are
copied into the new bbs, during the moving operation by Fox-san.
So, users can access all live thread in the new URI again, and
I think you don't have to worry about 2), too.

And many users refers "BBS menu in 2ch" to access each boards,
in URLリンク(menu.2ch.net) and URLリンク(menu.2ch.net) .
These bbsmenu and bbstable are updated frequently enough, by diligent
2ch volunteer Mahora-san. So, users don't lose their access way.

466: ◆MUMUMUhnYI
08/01/14 03:13:31 E6YJW4gq

I am not sure that my res'es help for solving your concerns.
But I hope that they relieve you.

And now it's 3 am in Japan and I will go to sleep.
Oyasumi-nasai, friend.

467:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/14 03:39:00
Dear Mumumu-san,

That does not address my concerns. I am sorry. I have to have it that
way. ほしです

Your friend,


08/01/14 03:41:05 qBR/luHg
How about sakura04,sakura05 ?
it is not good ...

lets ask people on BBSPINK.


んじゃ みんなに聞いてみよう。

469: ◆MUMUMUhnYI
08/01/14 03:45:51 E6YJW4gq BE:6567089-PLT(82009)

I believe that the two new BBS servers will be given new name.
So, it is not pie, sakura01, sakura02 and sakura03.

I think pie, sakura01, sakura02 and sakura03 will moved to
kakolog server (I heard it is now setup in progress, named banana3001) after
refreshing is complete.

470: ◆MUMUMUhnYI
08/01/14 03:48:10 E6YJW4gq BE:2463539-PLT(82009)
Now banana3168 is qiufen, it means 秋分 in Chinese.
So, I think the two new server would be another 24 solar terms...

471: ◆MUMUMUhnYI
08/01/14 03:52:23 E6YJW4gq BE:3831067-PLT(82009)
It is the list of solar terms in Wikipedia.

472: ◆MUMUMUhnYI
08/01/14 04:13:17 E6YJW4gq
Bifi-san now begins to call for names for the new two bbs servers in another thread.
I hope we find good names for them,

and I will go to sleep really... Zzzzz.

473:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/14 05:14:28
>>472 It has to be 4 names. おねがい します

474:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/14 07:38:59

08/01/14 09:38:56 tULr0o8l
What's wrong?

476: ◆MUMUMUhnYI
08/01/14 13:04:47 E6YJW4gq

I must tell "The life of virtual host name of 2ch" to you.
It is a little bit long, but it is very important.
Please read carefully and please understand well.

1) In the beginning

It is fresh virtual host, it is brand-new.

2) Growing up

Users make threads, write many reses, discuss and sometimes flames.
So, the bulletin boards prosper, and lands are made.

3) Refreshment operation

As the result, each virtual hosts have so many kakologs.
Then, the cost that each server uses to provide kakologs grows bigger
and bigger.


477: ◆MUMUMUhnYI
08/01/14 13:05:10 E6YJW4gq
(continue from >>476)

Then we carry out refreshment operation to divide it into another server.
The refreshment operation is as follows:

a) _add_ a different virtual host at the current server
 usually in 2ch, it is "the increasing name", e.g. for society5, 2ch will
 add society6 in the _same_ server hardware.

b) all of live threads are moved (called "Iten") to new virtual
 host, but all kakologs are NOT moved. they are left in old virtual host.

c) after that, we move old virtual host to kakolog server, it has very
 disk space. 2ch already has two kakolog servers, oyster902+Suma and
 banana3000. They are specially tuned for providing kakologs.

d) as a result, we can divide the kakolog load from live servers.

4) End of Life

Time goes by, and server greets its life. Any kind of high-performance
server must come to retire itself in several years, so, the progress of
the hardware is amazing.

It is time of this, we moved all of live thread to brand new servers.
And we move a dead body of virtual host into kakolog servers.

478: ◆MUMUMUhnYI
08/01/14 13:05:50 E6YJW4gq
(continue from >>477)

This is the cruel theory of 2ch. We have already have a dead body of
a lot of virtual hosts in oyster902 and banana3000.
The number of over 200, please see URLリンク(mumumu.mu)
at oyster902 section. 2ch gives the name for oyster902 and banana3000
to "memories.2ch.net" and "memories2.2ch.net", with affection for the past.

So, pie, sakura01, sakura02 and sakura03 are old.
I think we would operate 4) in the above.

479: ◆MUMUMUhnYI
08/01/14 13:07:41 E6YJW4gq

Mochiron, we can set two or more virtual hosts per server without
any additional IP address if it is technically needed, it is technically
very easy, only Apache's matter.

Really, in 2ch, we already set virtual hosts more than 2 to some servers.
e.g. banana3206 have three virtual hosts, academy6.2ch.net,
science6.2ch.net, and society6.2ch.net. These virtual hosts have
different board settings, for good BBS operations.

so, if we needed two or more virtual hosts per server technically
and operationally, we can _add_ more two virtual hosts _atode_.
As I wrote before, it is technically easy.

That's all.
I believe our tomorrow is better than today.
Let's play a game together.

-- Mumumu, your friend

480: ◆MUMUMUhnYI
08/01/14 13:31:12 E6YJW4gq
And Jim-san,

I don't know any not technical matters (financial, and so on) of bbspink.
If your request about four virtual host is derived from not technical reason,
it is completely my outside.

I only help you from a technical aspect of BBS operation,
because I am engineer.


481:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/14 14:14:04
>>476-480 Do you think I am so ignorant?

482:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/14 14:24:51
Yes this is exactly what we need. 2 virtual servers on each of the
new servers with separate IP.
Thank you for understanding

483: ◆MUMUMUhnYI
08/01/14 14:28:08 E6YJW4gq BE:1824454-PLT(82009)
Sorry for my wording is so poor.

Of course, if you need four or more virtual hosts, you can set them.

It is only I wanted to say is that two or four new names are not
pie, sakura01, sakura02 and sakura03.
They have different names, and I've relieved you understand it probably.

Again, of course, you can add virtual hosts as for your demand.
You are owner of bbspink.com. Please relax.
And I make only a technical matter the present topic...
I am only a technical helper.

484:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/14 14:30:48
>>483 Thank you for your help. I think sometimes that when we try
to think in two languages at the same time the words don't come out
right. ども ありがとう むむむーさん
I always am happy and appreciate your help.

485: ◆MUMUMUhnYI
08/01/14 14:31:25 E6YJW4gq BE:1459744-PLT(82009)

May I have a question?

Mochiron, you can have two or more IP address per server,
it is technically easy, you and I already know.

But, Apache can set two or more virtual hosts in the same IP address,
it saves IP address resources.

Do you have special reasons for separate IP address?

486:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/14 14:33:19
>>485 Yes I have special reasons for that, and the server is allocated
5 so it will not be wasting any resources.

487: ◆MUMUMUhnYI
08/01/14 14:39:57 E6YJW4gq BE:1094843-PLT(82009)
Ok, >>486

I collect the result of the discussion as follows:

1) I (= Jim-san) don't want to reduce the number of servers in the appearance.
2) So, I want to set four names and IP addresses totally.
3) I know their names are different from pie, sakura01, sakura02 and sakura03.

Are they correct?

488:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/14 14:42:14
>>487 はい そう です
あなた は かんぺき です

489: ◆MUMUMUhnYI
08/01/14 14:49:03 E6YJW4gq BE:4377986-PLT(82009)
Ok, thank you.

I believe all of them are technically easy.

But, I am not sure that whether it is operational or not.
I want to ask the opinion of Pirori-san and other guys.

490:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/14 14:55:48
>>489 It has to be that way, it is exactly the reason I got upset.
Now you have agreed, and are trying to change your mind again?

491:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/14 14:58:40
Who exactly decides what is operational? Do you have ulterior motives?

492: ◆MUMUMUhnYI
08/01/14 14:59:34 E6YJW4gq BE:5107687-PLT(82009)
>>487 抄訳

1) 私(Jim-san)は、見かけ上のサーバの数を減らしたくない。
2) ということで、私は4つの名前とIPアドレスをほしい。
3) それらが pie sakura01 sakura02 sakura03 ではない名前になることは承知している。

493: ◆MUMUMUhnYI
08/01/14 15:01:39 E6YJW4gq BE:4378368-PLT(82009)
Hmm, now I think we can set four names for two new servers.

> I want to ask the opinion of Pirori-san and other guys.

494:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/14 15:02:59
There is no but, I hope they agree, but even if they don't it has
to be exactly like >>487

495: ◆MUMUMUhnYI
08/01/14 15:03:25 E6YJW4gq BE:2188883-PLT(82009)
Mochiron, bbspink is your bbs.
You decide it in the last.
Only I help you.

496:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/14 15:04:50
>>495 Thank you for the help. I really do appreciate it and am happy
that you help so much. あなた は いい ひと です

497:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/14 15:21:46
わたし は ねむい です また あした

08/01/14 15:24:48 2rvYYlE2

499: ◆MUMUMUhnYI
08/01/14 15:27:13 E6YJW4gq
>>498 said, "Sleeper is loser."

It is the famous 2ch slung, "Netara Make-gumi."

500: ◆MUMUMUhnYI
08/01/14 15:28:37 E6YJW4gq
Oh, no. It should be "slang", not "slung"...

My English is still so poor.

501:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/14 15:30:31
>>498-500 You have slung some slang...;)
Ok I won't sleep, but I will drink actually I have already been drinking.
So that means I am drunk....;)

502:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/14 15:33:42
can you write these in hiragana then I can pronounce them and write
them in the future. 寝 負 組
I like this saying. We have a similar one. "There is time to sleep when you die."

08/01/14 15:41:42 tULr0o8l
ねたら まけぐみ

504:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/14 15:46:44
寝 たら 負け 組み

08/01/14 15:52:06 fxkdExwz
面白い 話 は 夜 ある
しかし 寝ない は とても 疲れる

ジムさん も 寝る と いいよ

506:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/14 16:00:37
I updated my diary with my new slang
>>505 ジム = 自夢 ジム = gym
自夢 is my name..:) I will stay awake longer.
Jim went to the gym today.

507:翔さん ◆KEEa96Ecz.
08/01/14 16:03:48 BTuR/TR2
I'm on your side. I'll follow on you to the end of the world.


08/01/14 16:05:01 BFa000E1
RGM-79 ジム

509:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/14 16:05:59
>>507 Thank you for the support. Lets do our best! ガンバル!

510:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/14 16:07:28
>>508 I need that! Excellent looking armor.

511:翔さん ◆KEEa96Ecz.
08/01/14 16:12:43 BTuR/TR2
Happy day Happy Night

Happy dream!!!

GOOD Night!!


512:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/14 16:15:28
>>511 "There are miles to go before I sleep."
Cherry2104 is still down. I am waiting on a status back from ちいーさん

513:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/14 16:16:46
>>508 It has a jet pack too!

514:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/14 16:25:10
>>512 Motherboard has failed on news.bbspink.com

515:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/14 16:41:31
>>514 It is さん ねん ちいーさん is trying to find a replacement still
but I am thinking it will have to wait until the factory opens on Monday.

516:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/14 16:42:43
Now I will sleep a while. I will bring this server to the factory
and get it fixed on Monday morning.

08/01/14 16:45:01 BFa000E1
おやすみ なさい
good night :-)

518:翔さん ◆KEEa96Ecz.
08/01/14 16:47:32 BTuR/TR2
GOOD Night U^ェ^U

519: ◆iPJonny/86
08/01/14 16:50:51 J4SfHN+J
good night jim-san

08/01/14 16:52:46 Znd2O8oK
金曜の夜 土曜の朝 土曜の夜  日曜の朝 日曜の昼 日曜の夕  月曜の朝
  ∧∧    ∧∧      ∧∧    ┃::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::  ∧||∧
 (・∀・)  ∩・∀・)   (・∀・)∩....┃::: ∧∧::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::(  ⌒ヽ
 / ⊃⊃ ヽ  ⊃ノ  /⊃  / ... ┃:::('д` )::::::::::::∧ ∧::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::∪  ノ
 (  (    ヽ  )つ~( ヽノ .....┃:::と  ヽ::::::::: ('д` )::::::(   )⌒ヽ;:::::::: ∪∪
  (/(/'    (/     し^ J  ...┃:::⊂,,_UO~:::(∩∩ ):::::|/.|/uと  )~:::::::::::::::
FRI night        SAT night       SUN daytime        MON morning
      SAT morning      SUN morning       SUN evening


521:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/15 00:50:32
えっと どこ まで いっあ っけ

08/01/15 00:57:48 TaGkHlAf
We are waiting kako-log server.

It is 1st step of server refresh.

523:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/15 01:02:15
はい わかた
I will go to polywell this morning and try to get news.bbspink.com fixed.

08/01/15 02:49:54 CXawwyY/
I do not understand a meaning of aphrodite by my machine translation.

08/01/15 02:53:02 CXawwyY/

08/01/15 02:56:00 lbDv7zud
アフロディーテ ギリシャ神話にでてくる神だったはず。

08/01/15 03:00:59 CXawwyY/
jimsan's suggestion are many goddesses.
Do you like goddesses?

528:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys
08/01/15 05:08:22 So5g8rnl
>>527 Yes I like goddess. That is why we have a megami board...;)

cherry2104 is being rebuilt now at polywell. It should be live again in a few hours.

529:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/15 07:55:57
Brian has gone to polywell to pick up cherr2104 it is working again.
It will go directly on the rack after Brian returns.

530:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/15 08:48:06
news.bbspink.com is going back online now. It is in the elevator heading for
the data center.

531:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/15 09:09:31
News server is backonline.

08/01/15 10:06:56 CXawwyY/
You are working just now?

533:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/15 13:39:57
>>532 Yes, I am working now.

534:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/15 13:48:25
here are four more nice names.

Does anyone know what they have in common?

08/01/15 13:54:12 NjxVOgAM
I know.
They are the names of spacecraft.

08/01/15 13:57:21 boINgLsI
Probably I think that this is a name related to space


537:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/15 13:59:14
Yes Apollo and Kaguya Moon missions
Messenger and Beicolumbo Mercury missions

538:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/15 14:00:01
>>537 Spelling error Bepicolumbo

08/01/15 14:07:11 boINgLsI
powered byYahoo! 翻訳
I intended to be the name of the man-made satellite,
but did not know 2 of the one of the Mercury.
I go for work, but Jim tries work hard from now on, too and! !


540:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/15 14:08:14
>>539 いって りしゃい

08/01/15 14:09:01 boINgLsI
A correction in>>539

I intended to be the name of the man-made satellite,
but did not know 2 of the one of the Mercury.
I go for work, but Jim tries work hard from now on, too and! !


08/01/15 14:10:18 NjxVOgAM
Jim, are you an astro geek?

08/01/15 14:12:41 NjxVOgAM
> >>539 いって りしゃい

Let me correct this... you should say いってらっしゃい

544:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/15 14:26:36
>>542 No, but I did have the Space shuttle operators manual when I was
in high school.
>>543 いってるっしゃい
っ = ltu
very difficult to remember.

545:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/15 14:27:49
Still error! I am so stupid sometimes.

08/01/15 14:30:14 TaGkHlAf

Do you have any idea for kakolog server name?
(it means subdomain.)

08/01/15 14:34:38 TaGkHlAf
btw, I saw this video.

your japanese is excellent :D

548:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/15 14:37:14
>>546 This is still the Year of the Pig. We need something to remember
that. My suggestion is
Set is the Ancient Egyptian pig god. Sometimes he was a crocodile though..;)

549:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/15 14:38:31
>>547 My Japanese is like an infants...:(

08/01/15 15:07:14 TaGkHlAf
that's cool :)

Do you like myths?
There are a lot of myths in Japan too.

It is said that God dwells in every thing in Japan.

八百万 の 神
やおよろず の かみ
(八百万, It is metaphor that means a great many numbers.)

551:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/15 16:20:04
>>550 I like myths. They are a lot of fun.
I read one from Japan, it was a long time ago and I don't remember the
story well, but it was about a raccoon. He was a naughty guy and slept
with a lot of girls.....;)
I need to sleep. Good night.

552: ◆Y6TSuDSPWc
08/01/15 16:49:21 sNlfc3IU
Hello Jim-san.
I have worked at the Transulation thread for these past 1 month and put a trip on myself today.
I am looking forward to working for you and BBSPINK in the upcoming year.

You don't have to worry about the language.
I really respect your diligence :D

By the way, please count on us, translators more until you get Japanese under your belt.
It looks like there are some comunication gaps becouse of machine translation's imperfection.
Yeah, I don't write English very well as you see, but there are a lot of volunteers.
We'll be able to write better English with our teamwork.


553: ◆Y6TSuDSPWc
08/01/15 16:53:07 sNlfc3IU
Good night Jim-san.

08/01/15 19:20:52 CXawwyY/
Do you dislike Sputnik?

08/01/15 19:52:39 TRYQmfld
Although your contribution would be appreciated, I don't favor your proposal.
I hope Jim enjoys talking with various guys as he likes, possibly for his Japanese lesson sometimes.
BBSPINK citizens also are allowed to talk with Jim here by themselves, even in poor English.
Anyhow, Jim can do it in his comfortable way. This is Jim's thread in Jim's board.

08/01/15 20:27:30 oyh9nElH
everyday when I watch this, Jim-san is sleeping.
さみしい です (・_・、)
i miss you.

557: ◆Y6TSuDSPWc
08/01/15 21:04:56 sNlfc3IU
I respect your opinion, but there appears to be a under misunderstanding.
I don't intend to(wouldn't like to neither) take away your voice.
just would like to be a superior translator than machines.
Don't forget comunication gaps caused previous crisis.
We should eliminate the threat posed by that as much as possible

558: ◆Y6TSuDSPWc
08/01/15 21:12:08 sNlfc3IU
×:a under misunderstanding
○:a misunderstanding

Ooops, mistake about misunderstanding?

08/01/15 21:21:00 1g+w1sIn

560:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/16 00:09:55
>>553 おはいお ございます

561:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/16 00:13:13
>>554 When I was a kid, in the summer we would get to sleep outside on
clear nights and you could see all the stars. High in the sky moving around
you could even see the man made satellites. Sputnik was cool sounding
to me then. My friends and I all imagined we were seeing sputnik. Maybe we were.

562:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/16 00:15:31
>>555 Does it say something different in Japanese?
I think he just wants to translate some things and paste it to
the translation thread. I don't mind that at all...:)

563:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/16 00:18:44
>>556 どーしてた? また あったーね

564:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/16 00:22:24
>>557 I hope the machines remember us fondly when they become superior.

08/01/16 01:25:48 Yuu1gt/0
テレビ見てました(mite mashita)
Discovery channelおもしろいです

08/01/16 01:48:39 uxu6XGHN
おはよう じむ

08/01/16 02:36:03 Yuu1gt/0
I tried cooking an apple pie the way that you showed the recipe to us in the other thread.
It's surface is crispy and taste good.
おしえてくれて ありがとう ございました
thank you for showing us how to cook it.
In japan, there is the apple for cooking named "Kougyoku". 紅玉(こうぎょく)
when it eat raw the apple is too sour and not crunchy (too soft).
But if it is cooked, it becomes just good sour.

568:北海道でっかいどう ◆Ishikaries
08/01/16 13:26:30 6HOU1wxe
A request was in Jim hello, the present days and came to this thread to do a reply.
In fact, do not understand that the request says whether it may be said that is a request, but is inspection in スレリンク(intro板) once; if is done, and give you a reply if is in convenient time, is honored

569:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/16 15:00:11
>>535 I like the discover channel too. What program do you watch?
>>566-567 I am glad you liked it. It is even fun to make. Mixing with your hands.

570:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/16 15:00:53
>>568 いま みます

571:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/16 15:06:11
>>568 I started reading this will take me a long time. So much slang.
I see my name. Just takes time.
すこし まって ください

572:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/16 15:22:04
>>568 I like Hokkaido. I think this thread is about Hokkaido.
Next month I will go to Hokkaido. Is this you?
Now I need to be offline until tomorrow. また あした

573:北海道でっかいどう ◆Ishikaries
08/01/16 15:37:52 6HOU1wxe
Jim it which complies is me

574:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/17 00:19:32
>>559 What does it mean?

かぐや kaguya かぐや
うらしま urashima うらしま
こうもん koumonn こうもん
ひみこ himiko ひみこ
てんのう tennou てんおう
つくよみ tsukuyame つくよに
くらま karama からま

575:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/17 00:20:40
はい そう です だいじょぶ

08/01/17 01:22:09 n7cDaQmU
>>569Jim-san こんばんは (I'm >>556,>>565,>>567 です。)
I was watching "MythBusters".
I like this program because there are destructions, explosions and Kariのおっぱい.
Kariのおっぱい最高(さいこうsai kou)です(*´Д`)ハァハァ
And I like "Forensic Factor", "Most Evil" and "Future Weapons " too.

I think American programs are different from Japanese those.
(Japanese Discovery ch has aired the old programs probably.)

08/01/17 01:40:01 acad35rp
koumonn is famous for Komon Mito.
However, you had better not use it because it is "Japanese koumonn = English ANAL".

08/01/17 01:40:26 n7cDaQmU
つくよみ is God of moon in Japanese myth.

こうもん koumonn 黄門
This is very famous vice-president's name aka Mito-mitsukuni.
水戸 光国 みと みつくに
His adventure's drama named "Mito-Koumon" has aired long time in Japan.
水戸 黄門(みと こうもん)

かぐや kaguya
うらしま urashima
These are characters of Japanese(Chinese?) old story "Urashima-tarou".
浦島 太郎 うらしま たろう

08/01/17 01:43:37 n7cDaQmU
まちがえました(;^ω^) i had mistake.
Kaguya is a character of "Kaguya-hime" aka "Take tori monogatari".

08/01/17 01:46:08 n7cDaQmU
「くらま」って何だろうw 山でいいのかな?

581:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/17 01:55:47
ども わざわざ すみーません

08/01/17 02:11:01 aFqWLK64

think that it is Mt. Kurama-yama.
Is it Kurama-dera Temple to hit on?

583:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/17 02:13:04
I thought it was a spelling error for カルーマ

08/01/17 02:14:09 Y3BtPweQ

08/01/17 02:46:44 aFqWLK64
It is a quotation from the dictionary.
Name of a place of Kyoto City Sakyo Ward. Temple town in Kurama-dera Temple.

08/01/17 02:57:56 aFqWLK64
Write Jim "くらま" by a Romaji; will untie it; become it

08/01/17 03:04:26 n7cDaQmU
Karuma(カルーマ) is Buddhism word, aren't you?
Mt.Kurama-yama(くらま山) is a place associated with Buddhism too.
I think it is interesting. :-)

It is so cold tonight. I've got to go to my ふとん。

588:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
08/01/17 04:13:14
>>587 futon? ふとん is this like a bed?

08/01/17 05:37:21 acad35rp
do you know TATAMI?

The Japanese puts futon on a tatami mat and sleeps.
Or we are sleeps in a bed.

08/01/17 05:43:46 B3srM44Z

mmm...Futon(布団:ふとん) means usually about a bed.
Futon can also distinguish between shiki-buton(敷き布団:しきぶとん) and kake-buton(掛け布団:かけぶとん).

Kake-buton means usually about a quilt or bed colothes, which put over someone.
Shiki-buton is a kind of mattress under the body.
In Japanese style of bed(such as URLリンク(ja.wikipedia.org)),
a shiki-buton is put on the tatami (or sometimes another mattress put between tatami and shiki-buton in order to make more comftable).
Japanese Onsen Ryokan (Japanese style of Hotel) uses such style.

Please refer to the wikipedia's website( URLリンク(en.wikipedia.org)) in detail.

Anyway...i think, >>587's meaning about Futon is a set of bed.

08/01/17 05:45:30 B3srM44Z

08/01/17 07:19:36 OgSMlrdI
The life which takes off shoes in a house is comfortable.

593:北海道でっかいどう ◆Ishikaries
08/01/17 07:53:43 pQCMJxcr
I think that I give the URL of the thread that I taught by 568 おはよう Jim yesterday a reply.
